Super Network Manager

Chapter 55 Emergency Deployment

The expanded meeting of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government was officially held in the auditorium at 1:15.

Municipal Party Secretary Yuan and Mayor Dou Jianguo sat in the chairman's position and looked at each other. Under the humility of the other party, the former held the main microphone and said in a low voice, "Everyone be quiet. Now it's up to pass on the instructions of the superiors."

After a pause and waited until everyone calmed down and focused their attention on themselves, they continued to say slowly, "Comrades, first of all, I want to tell you a good news. That is, the leader of the Central Joint Inspection Team, Minister Hu Qianqiu, who has arrived in Binhai City before noon today. Together with Minister Hu, as well as his father, Mr. Hu, I believe that everyone here should know what it means for Mr. Hu to come to our city!"

"Hu Lao?!" The people below were stunned at first, and then there was a sound of surprise and thunderous applause. The distant sentence excited everyone. Hu Lao, this is the founding father who really came from that era. Usually, it is said that there is a place like Binhai. Even if they enter the capital and want to visit, most of them have not been seen.

Now, this far-reaching figure has come to Binhai, which immediately refreshes cadres at all levels and shines their eyes.

If anyone has the opportunity to talk to Mr. Hu and even look at him differently, what a help he should be in his official career. So the deputy department can fantasize about the department level, and the department level wants to go further. Anyway, there is no one who is present who does not feel excited. Some people even stood up directly and vowed that my bureau and my unit would do their best to do a good job in reception.

However, after saying these words, Yuanyuan and Dou Jianguo not only nodded happily as usual, but also had a solemn face.

In consternation, Mayor Dou Jianguo picked up the microphone in front of the stage and said in a very solemn tone, "However, Mr. Hu did not inform our municipal party committee for reception. He just came to Binhai City lightly accompanied by Minister Hu. We don't know where the old man is now!"

"What?!" In the crowd below, an uproar burst into surprise. It is so important that people came to Binhai without informing the municipal party committee and the municipal government. How ridiculous and serious it is. A little common sense, oh no, everyone shivered after this, and the same idea appeared in their hearts: be sure to find Mr. Hu as soon as possible, otherwise...

No one has thought about the latter possibility, and no one dares to think about it!

Everyone turned their eyes to the rostrum to see how the two leaders of the municipal party committee and municipal government should make arrangements now. At this moment, some were slightly dissatisfied with the fact that they had to come to the meeting on the weekend, and even some old-qualified ideas of slipping away after the meeting disappeared in an instant. On the contrary, they all had a fighting spirit and waited for the leader to speak from the rostrum, and then rushed to the front line with full power.

The meeting was very short and hasty. Even before the two leaders had time to ask the secretary to write their speeches, they each took a draft emergency task deployment and made work arrangements for the cadres attending the meeting.

The first item is naturally the top priority to find Mr. Hu in the shortest time. Moreover, after consultation between the party and government, the time was set before 5 p.m. And when this task was handed over to the joint team of several police departments of the Public Security Bureau and the traffic police force, Mayor Dou Jianguo, who usually seemed to have a soft style, slapped the table heavily and said to the group leader, "If you can't finish the task, I will lay off all of you!"

This statement was not opposed by the standing committee as usual, but all the leaders unanimously agreed to change it.

Then there is the second arrangement, that is, after finding Mr. Hu, the government and the municipal party committee will be directly responsible for the street. As for the specific details, it naturally fell on the two housekeepers of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. And the members of the Standing Committee have repeatedly stressed that Qian Dongsheng, director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, and Tian Liguo, director of the government office, must be perfect and absolutely do not allow any mistakes.

The third item is security work. After listening to the police chief Meng Chong's story and feeling the lack of police force, the standing committee decided to ask the garrison troops and the armed police to send elite soldiers and strong generals to assist in the security work. After communication, the task fell on the head of the police chief Meng Chong. In the end, the members of the Standing Committee also set up an assistance coordination group.

This group is directly led by Yuanyuan, and the members of the group are directly members of the major standing committees of the Municipal Party Committee.

From the beginning of the meeting to the completion of the whole work arrangement, the whole process only took 20 minutes. This kind of efficiency makes it difficult for cadres who have always sought stability and quality to adapt. Fortunately, everyone knew that this incident was different from ordinary things, so in a distant order, the cadres of all sizes in Binhai did not rush to return to the office and began to gather their subordinates

At about 2:30, countless personnel came to the office building of the municipal party committee and the municipal government to gather, and then under the order of their respective leaders, whether you are the section chief or the female aunt, they hurriedly searched the streets one by one.


In the Public Security Bureau.

When the two interrogated policemen were scared to pee, the other two policemen interrogating others were so frightened that their legs trembled and they could not move at all.

The two policemen first interrogated Mr. Hu's two bodyguards, not to mention their names and places, but when asked about work and units, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu answered the bodyguard, work address, Zhongnanhai.

At this time, the two policemen felt something wrong after looking at each other. So in order to confirm their thoughts, they then interrogated Hu Qianqiu. Of course, there is no need to say his name and place of origin, and when asked about his work unit and nature, Hu Qianqiu smiled and said that when he was currently working as Vice Minister of Huaxia*, the two policemen suddenly fell to the ground.

Nima, you don't want anyone to live like this!

First, he caught the legendary Zhongnanhai bodyguard, and then caught his top boss. Isn't this the same as the government service in the county and arresting the secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Justice into the class room?

This, this, put it on the head of Nima ten times in the past, no one will sigh!

Turning the idea sadly, the two policemen felt that their legs were a little weak, and it seemed that even the strength to get up had been far away from their bodies.

Fortunately, the other two criminal police officers can finally step away and run towards Ye Manjiang's office. At this time, the two criminal police officers couldn't take care of Ye Manjiang and still locked up the offices. They both hit them directly. Under Ye Man's very unhappy face, they stammered, "Head, this time we, we have kicked the iron plate. A little girl said that her father is the vice minister!"

"Shrimp?!" Ye Manjiang was still fantasizing that after he got on Tian Liguo's line, he got help and waited for the glorious scene of the deputy director's throne, but when he heard the reports of these two confidants, he was suddenly full of excitement and immediately condensed directly to the freezing point.

After a long time, he shook his head and said to the two confidants, "You, say it again?!"

The two confidants had to say again: "There is a girl, the girl who said she had a lawyer's license. She said that her father was * Vice Minister Hu Qianqiu. Head, what do you think we should do now?!"


Ye Manjiang slapped her desk heavily and said, "She said that her father is * Vice Minister. I said that my old man is still one of the members of the Standing Committee of the political situation. Will you also believe it?"

"This..." The two criminal policemen looked at each other and couldn't say a word.

"Isn't Xiao Wu and Xiaolin interrogating the other two people? Let's go and see where these people who hinder police law enforcement come from!"

Ye Manjiang shouted heavily, and then ignored the two dazed confidants, so he fell straight away and hurried to another interrogation room. When he saw that the other two confidants were sitting in a chair, their legs kept swinging, and his teeth kept bumping up and down, he immediately said angrily, "Xiao Wu Xiaolin, what are you two doing? Do you still have any awareness as national public officials!"

The two criminal policemen looked back at Ye Manjiang, and then stammered, "Head, let's catch someone who is * Vice Minister!"

"Nani?!" One person said that Ye Manjiang only felt that he had heard it wrong, but the two people said that he had to seriously consider it. So he turned his head and wanted to retrial Hu Qianqiu. However, when the two men brought Hu Qianqiu over, Ye Manjiang suddenly felt a "buzz" in his head, and there was only one thought in his heart: Isn't this Nima's deputy minister? Our internal information has his photo!

After a slight recovery, Ye Manjiang immediately took a cold breath. At this time, he already remembered why he felt that Hu Qianqiu was a little familiar when he walked out of the Phoenix Hotel. Because he has viewed many photos of his bosses on his internal information. Isn't Hu Qianqiu the top leader who took over the position of vice minister Xiang Ming two years ago and ascended to the post of vice-ministerial at the age of 48?

Recalling this incident, Ye Manjiang suddenly collapsed to his seat and couldn't wait to strangle Jia Yu directly to death.

I was influenced by you and locked my boss in the bureau. This is completely cheating!