Super Network Manager

Chapter 61 Second Entry into the Palace

Niu Ben's premonition did not immediately become a reality.

Because the group brawl of hundreds of people will not happen, and 20,000zhong does not seem to use the overall strength to attack the other party. On the contrary, after the other party recommended a temporary negotiator, Wan Zhong actually agreed to a proposal that was completely "two" in the eyes of the three people: the two sides sent five people each to determine the winner by winning two games and deciding who would be under the jurisdiction of the university city.

"I don't need a good advantage, but I agree to this proposal. Is he out of his mind?"

Niu Ben sighed helplessly, Hu Yueying immediately scolded angrily, looking quite angry and indisputable. After a while, Hu Yueying immediately dragged Niu Ben and Li Xiaoan and said, "Let's go and have a closer look. If Wan Zhong wins, but if he loses, I won't scold him!"

Niu Ben frowned a few times and said, "It's unnecessary. How can it be other people's business? It doesn't matter to you!"

"What does it mean that it doesn't bother me?" Hu Yueying paused and retorted, "If they were killed elsewhere, I wouldn't take care of it. But under the eyes of this girl, it doesn't make me feel good, so it won't work!"

"Uh!" Niu Ben was stunned and could only shrug his shoulders helplessly.

Niu Ben has learned something about this girl's unruly, and knows that she also has enough strength to support this high-profile and publicity. Niu Ben no longer has the idea of worrying about this rich red third generation. Anyway, she can toss around as much as she likes. At least in this part of Binhai, Niu Ben can be very sure. With the guarantee, there should be no one in this city who can make her suffer.

The three slowly came to Wanzhong, and the first battle had begun.

Most of them want to get off to a good start, so the first person sent to them is very tough, and it seems that they should have time.

Look at their moves, you and I are very happy to fight with each other, and they are also very different from the street gangsters. Of course, insideers watch the door, and laymen like Niu Ben can only watch the fun silently. Fortunately, the man sent by Wan Zhong did not disappoint. After five minutes of fighting, he threw a horizontal hook directly on the other party's head and knocked the other party unconscious on the spot, thus successfully winning the first game.

In an in an eyes, Wanzhong's side was full of joy, and the opposite side was slightly depressed.

After his voice was a little lower, Wan Zhong immediately smiled and said to the man opposite, "Well, isn't the red stick under Master Jin blowing? Just those tall players among you who are short, don't come up and make a fool of yourself!"

"Whung or not, I won't know until the end of the comparison!" The man opposite shouted an anguly and was ready to greet people to continue the competition.

When Wan Zhong saw that the other party was choosing a powerful player, he immediately shrugged his shoulders easily and circled his fingers around the person behind him. Then he chose a thin rib man and said, "Ali, you will meet him when you go up!"

The man named Ali nodded, then jumped up and made a very contemptuous finger motion, signaling his opponent to come over.

The man opposite shouted and wanted to attack first. However, before the two really came into contact, the scene that had calmed down because the battle was about to begin suddenly sounded a crisp gunfire. Then, a majestic voice with a loudspeaker came from outside the wall: "Listen, you have been surrounded. Put down your weapons quickly and put down your weapons!"

As the sound landed, a pair of armed policemen with neat steps broke in from the gate and raised their guns at the bustling crowd.

The so-called kung fu is that no matter how high it is, you are afraid of kitchen knives. No matter how good you are, you will be shot down. What's more, the armed police are all semi-automatic rifles, so even if there are no less than 800 people in this game, and they also carry deadly control weapons, compared with the semi-automatic rifles of the armed police, it has completely become a thing like a fire stick. Therefore, I don't know who took the lead. Many people immediately threw their weapons aside and squatted down with their heads in their hands.

Niu Ben originally wanted to squat down with everyone, but when he was pulled by Hu Yueying, he and Li Xiaoan stood straight on the spot with the former.

At this time, several incandescent lights suddenly rose outside the wall, shining the whole site into the day. Seeing that Niu Ben and the three were still standing still, someone outside immediately shouted at them, "What's wrong with those three people? If you don't squat down quickly, slowly walk to the gate and accept the inspection of our armed police soldiers. I repeat, if you don't follow orders, don't blame us for being rude!"

Repeating these words twice, Niu Ben seemed to be stupid when he saw Hu Yueying's neck. He immediately patted him and said, "You are really sick. They have put guns on your head. If you dare to show your prestige, believe it or not, they will shoot you directly. Even if you have a great identity, * is extremely powerful. If you are killed in the process of resisting the arrest of the people's police, your death will be in vain!"

After saying that, seeing that the girl was still neck, he quickly raised his hand and shouted, "We are under the inspection of the people's police!"

After shouting, he pulled Li Xiaoan and Hu Yueying, and the three of them slowly walked out to the gate together. After a while, several people's policemen came forward in front of the gate and directly handcuffed the three people separately without asking Niu Ben what they said. Then after the leader ordered to take them away, someone else escorted them into the police car and severely warned them not to move!

In this case, Niu Ben naturally pressed Hu Yueying and did not lose his temper.

Anyway, this is an illegal assembly. If it is more serious, it can label you as a gang of black forces. In such a situation where there are too many people, Niu Ben does not want to cause unnecessary blows and troubles because of Hu Yueying's reckless behavior.

The three sat in the police car and saw countless policemen rushing in and out, and caught some of the people inside in batches. Only after the police car was stuffed up. The first batch of people were escorted to the police station in the harsh roar of the police car. However, it is obvious that because there are too many people, the police still need to deal with the people behind. Therefore, based on the factors of close consideration, Niu Ben and others were sent to the Dongcheng Public Security Bureau.

The three were locked in the same interrogation room. After the police who escorted them left, Niu Ben looked at the two women with a sullen face and immediately smiled and said, "Don't look sad. Anyway, we are also the second old man who entered the palace. Your heart The state can't be relaxed. Anyway, they won't lock us up all the time, as for such a depressed look!"

"Who is depressed!" Hu Yueying stared at Niu Ben and said antony, "I didn't see you in the cuffs. We were all twisted to the back and were held back. What a bad luck. This handcuffs kills me!"

After Hu Yueying's reminder, Niu Ben blinked and looked at the two women, and immediately opened his mouth and said, "Feels, the people's police here still discriminate against women!"