Super Network Manager

Chapter 63 Set sail Next

Director Niu, as his name is, a burly and majestic middle-aged man.

He seemed to be very talkative. When Ding Gu introduced Niu Ben to him and explained his intention, he immediately waved his hand and said, "As long as the municipal bureau does not intervene, there is absolutely no problem with me. There are not many people whose surname is Niu. If it's not good, we can still bring some relatives or something. There is no reason why I don't take care of my own people and make things cheaper for outsiders. Besides, there is Lao Ding's introduction, and there is no way to run away with this list!"

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Today is probably the day when Niu Ben said thank you the most, but he is not stingy with such an ordinary thank you. Even if he can receive a list by saying thank you, he is willing to say these two words thousands of times until his mouth is sore, his teeth are hoarse, his throat is hoarse, and he can't speak.

Of course, this situation is just a luxury. After Ding Gu introduced Director Niu, he stopped and did not introduce others.

Niu Ben had the intention to sit with the two in the afternoon, but when he saw that there were other people who were also looking for people everywhere to take over the network service support of some of the basic units below, he was immediately anxious to say goodbye to the two and wanted to reach more intentions on this matter. However, except for Ding Gu and other people, the heads of other departments are ignorant, and this trip is just a waste of effort.

It doesn't matter. There is no acquaintance introduction. Even if it is a small job, there is basically no one to you.

This is the current social situation, and Niu Ben knows it clearly, and he is not easy to be discouraged, so even if it is difficult, he still keeps bombing people like a guy who comes to find someone to buy insurance. Later, a man with eyes was really annoyed by his bombing and threw out a sentence: "My local office, if you want to do maintenance, come to me after inspection!"

"Local Records Office?!" Niu Ben blinked his eyes and wanted to ask where the unit was, but the man shook his sleeve and went elsewhere.

Turning his head and saw that it was already 5:30, Niu Ben had the intention to continue for a while, but suddenly he found that the people in the auditorium gradually calmed down. Looking around puzzledly, he finally found that Yuanyuan and Dou Jianguo were accompanying some people to sit on the rostrum. Before they sat down, the original three or two groups of people in the auditorium quickly separated and sat down one by one, like students going to class.

Niu Ben also found a seat in surprise, and then prepared to listen to what the people on the rostrum wanted to say.

This public official's meeting is obviously different from Niu Ben's Internet cafe. Because everything in the Internet cafe goes straight to the point, and there is no false trap. And the meeting here, in Niu Ben's view, is simply nonsense one after another. It took more than 20 minutes to even introduce a few members of the provincial party committee and provincial government group. Later, when Yuanyuan and Dou Jianguo emphasized the focus of the inspection, they were even more talkative and let Niu Run doze off.

Fortunately, about half an hour later, after the speeches of Mayor Shenma and other leaders, Qian Dongsheng, director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, came to the stage to talk about the content, which made Niu Ben wake up in an instant and became energetic.

Because the leader's words were not so perverse, he simply said three or five false words, "In order to cooperate with the smooth progress of the inspection work. After a meeting and discussion, the municipal party committee and the municipal government decided to terminate the five-year service contract signed with Jia Yu after studying the network failure that occurred in various organs some time ago. In addition, in order to ensure the normal operation of the work of various departments, after research and decision, we will re-sign the contract with Niu Ben and Mr. Niu!"

After a pause, he said, "Now, with warm applause, we have invited Mr. Niu to take the stage to sign a new contract with us!"

When everyone under him applauded desperately, Niu Ben was somewhat puzzled. It's such a big thing that you shouldn't send a responsible staff member to sign the contract with you in private. Why do you have to take it on such an occasion? Although I vaguely guessed that Hu Qianqiu was in the city, such a small thing made a fuss, which really made people feel a little speechless.

Of course, no matter how much he thought about it, Niu Ben stood up happily and walked to the rostrum.

After casually saying a few words, it was nothing more than to ensure good service support and not to make any mistakes or omissions, Niu Ben received a contract from Qian Dongsheng, the housekeeper of the municipal party committee. However, after reading the contract, Niu Ben was a little dumbfounded. He also asked to fill in the name of his company on this Nima's signature, which was too fucking. Dude's company hasn't even started a prototype yet.

Fortunately, Niu Ben knows how rare such an opportunity is. If you usually sign a contract, it won't take many times for you to come and me to negotiate before it will be finalized.

This time, he found a bargain.

Especially looking at the total annual maintenance cost of the bundled organs, it is as high as two million yuan, and Niu Ben is even more happy. I secretly think that as long as there is no mistake, the income of this company alone is enough to get my brother out of poverty and go to a well-off life!

As for not having a company name, it's simple. Dude just thought about it and got married.

He muttered so much, so Niu Ben was in the column of the contract company and took Pentium Network Co., Ltd., and the person in charge, Long Feifengwu signed his name. Then he exchanged with Qian Dongsheng and signed it again, and the matter was completely finalized.

After finalizing this matter, Niu Ben was in a state of excitement. During dinner, even if Li Xiaoan was beside him to dissuade him, he swallowed seven or eight taels of white wine. When Li XiaoRAN took him to the Phoenix Hotel, the man sang all the way, although the lyrics were just a few words: the camels should be the Red Army, the Red Army should not be camels...


The next day, when it was just dawn, the cow jumped down from ** without any residual hangover.

He put on his clothes in a hurry. He hurriedly washed his face and knocked on Li Xiaoan's door. When Li Xiaolan opened the door, he still maintained the excitement of last night and said eagerly, "Change your clothes quickly. Our contract has been finalized, and we must start the company in the shortest time. Tut-tut, the huge maintenance cost of two million a year, which can't be sloppy at all, and it must be taken steadily!"

Li Xiaoan pouted and rubbed his eyes and said to him speechlessly, "Xiao Ben, are you too excited? It's only six o'clock in the morning, and the government department can't go to work until * o'clock. Go and wait!"

"Well, it's only six o'clock!" Niu Ben took out the copycat mobile phone that was charged last night and looked at it. He touched his head and said, "Yes. It's really a little early. It doesn't take much time to have breakfast. Why don't you sleep a little longer?!"

"What else did I sleep? I was woken up by you!" Li Xiaolan gave him a white look, said, "Wait", and then closed the door again.

and other people's time is always the most difficult, especially in this state. Sitting on the sofa in the living room for half an hour, he felt like a century later before Li Xiaoan slowly opened the door and came out.

At this time, the two old men and Hu Yueying also got up and came out. Seeing that Niu Ben seemed to be going out, Hu Yueying immediately asked in surprise, "Why are you two going? The two old men know how to drink tea and play chess all day long, either eating and drinking, or recalling their past. I'm so bored. If you want to go out for business, take me with you!"

"We are going to apply for things related to the company's business license." Niu Ben paused and said, "It's very troublesome. Don't follow me!"

"Open a company?!" Hu Yueying smiled and immediately said, "That's just right. By the way, I still want to open a lawyer's office, but I have never applied for a certificate. It happens that I will learn from you today, and I will be much more familiar with it myself in the future.

"Bullshit!" Niu Ben glanced at her and knew what the red third generation like you had to do and how to run by yourself. I'm afraid that if you only need a greeting, people will scramble to run errands for you, and even if you pay for it yourself, you will never wink your eyebrows. He also went out to familiarize himself with the process and wanted to say it directly without the two old men. For this reason, it's really lame and speechless.

Of course, Hu Yueying wanted to follow, and Niu Ben had no reason to stop him. He even turned his mind. He suddenly grinned and said, "That's exactly what I don't want to deal with those officials. If you feel very idle, how about I play with the two old men everywhere?!"

"You..." Hu Yueying was angry for a moment. But in a flash, she raised her smile again and said, "Ok, then I and Xiaoyan will do it."

"Go ahead. The two old men have been in Binhai for a few days, and I haven't been with them well. This time, it gives me a chance to fulfill my filial piety." Niu Ben waved his hand with a smile, indicating that when the two left, his heart was already happy. Someone is willing to take over such a troublesome thing, and there is no charge for a penny, which is simply more beautiful than a cake falling from the sky.

Well, it really suits me very much!

Turning his head, when the two women left and took the two to eat beef noodles, Niu Ben looked at the towering buildings on the left and right, thinking that he was holding a contract with a profit of two million yuan a year. He was full of pride in his heart, so when he had breakfast, he ordered a few cold dishes very generously, and also brought his court clothes. The waiter said, "Give me four servings of beef noodles. Dude, let go of your stomach today and have a good breakfast!"