Super Network Manager

Chapter 65 Go Home

Niu Ben's hometown lives in Fenghuang City, Xihe Town, near Shantun.

Now that the traffic is developed, you can get off the highway to Xihe Town. If it was four or five years ago, I would have to get off the bus from the city, and then spend eight yuan to take a car to the town, and then take three rounds, cross more than ten kilometers of dirt roads between the mountains, and return to the entrance of Shantun Village. Of course, that was said four or five years ago. As for now, because of the village access project, more than ten kilometers have been shortened to eight kilometers, and the middle is full of cement roads, which is much more convenient.

When Niu Ben came back for the Spring Festival last year, the cement road had been repaired, and he also sat on many tricycles in the town. This time, he was going to find a taxi to take back, but when he saw these peasants with bronze skin, he felt a sense of intimacy. So after turning around, he walked to the nearest tricycle and said, "Just this one. How much is it to go to Shantun?"

"Twenty..." The owner is a rural man who is only a few meters. He wears a pair of liberation shoes and rolls up his trousers. It's exactly the same as ordinary rural men. Most of the time, when he saw Niu Ben's bright clothes, he seemed to want to say twenty-five, but the old man Niu next to him stared and immediately changed his words and said, "Twenty, this is the price. You can't bargain with me, otherwise I won't have enough money."

"Let's go!" Niu Ben nodded and helped his old man get into the car. Then he drilled up with his waist.

In fact, although people said that the price was 20, Niu Ben gave 18 yuan when he sat for the Spring Festival last year, but others didn't say anything. He even knew that it was not surprising that the villagers sometimes spent a lot of time talking and finally cut them to 15. However, Niu Ben did not do this. On the one, it is not easy for people to run business in their spare time. On the other, Nima's gasoline has risen again and again, and there is no tremor in the process of rising!

The backing village where cattle live, the soybean oil they now polished and sold is only 5 yuan and 5 catties. If this Nima gasoline jumps up a few more, it will be more expensive than the edible oil you eat! Although it is easy to walk to Shantun, it is not easy to get rid of the oil money without ten yuan, so Niu Ben feels that he is now rich. If he bargains again, he will be a little embarrassed.

The price was agreed to go on the road. Twenty minutes later, the village was close at hand.

It was probably the sound of the three-wheeled paralyzed car that shocked the villagers. Niu Ben noticed that several eldest daughters-in-law and sister-in-law were constantly looking at the entrance of the village. Seeing Niu Ben help the old man out of the car, the group of eldest daughter-in-law and sister-in-law surrounded him with a smile. The first sister-in-law in a pink dress was the first to say hello, "Oh, isn't this a run? Why did you come back at this time? It's really rare!"

Niu Ben knew each other. This was Wang Haiyan, who had been married in the village for less than two years. When she got married and made trouble in the bridal chamber, Niu Ben rushed into the new house with a group of half of children and made trouble for a long time, and he even took out two handfuls from his sister-in-law. I guess this little sister-in-law has always remembered this, so in the past, when she saw Niu Ben, she made all kinds of teasing. Every time, Niu Ben's face was hot and she couldn't help running away.

Last year, the little sister-in-law also took revenge. In the name of searching for snacks, he took out several handfuls from Niu Ben before it was finished.

However, in Niu Ben's view, it was all a young and frivolous thing, and he didn't take it to heart. So when he saw this little sister-in-law this time, Niu Ben shouted politely, "Sister-in-law Yan, I haven't seen you for a while. How's everything at home!"

With that, he took out some snacks and candy from his bag and said to the surrounding women, "It's a little, sisters-in-law, aunts and aunts will taste some."

In fact, Niu Ben said that this group of eldest daughters-in-law and sisters-in-law had already bombarded him and took his whole bag. Then you started to divide me little by little. Except for one person who ran to thank the cow, the others just left him aside. Seeing this, Niu Ben couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, and then walked home with the old man with more than a dozen bags.

Niu Ben's home is four bungalows. According to the old man and his family, this is a house built in 1987 and belongs to a bungalow in the village.

In Niu Ben's memory, since he had these four rooms, there have always been many people around him in his childhood. Especially for guys about the same size as him, they will give him some delicious food. At that time, what the children in the village wanted was just to be able to carry the quilt to his bungalow at night and occupy a position near the center when it was hot in summer.

However, with the changes of time and the changes of reform and opening up, people with money in the village have built two-story buildings one after another, so this time has decreased year by year, and by the time the cow was six or seven years old, it has become a complete memory. Moreover, after years of erosion longer than Niu Ben's age, these four bungalows have been scattered and look old, not to mention that they will drip and drip every rainy season.

Niu Run's first idea before leaving the village was to push the house and build a building when he had money.

Now that he has money, his wish has become stronger and stronger. Especially when he got home and met his parents, he saw that the two old man's temples had been stained with white frost. His heart twitched fiercely a few times, so that he couldn't shed tears on the spot.

There is a saying that his parents are here and they don't travel far. Niu Ben accepts the old man's teaching. In fact, his thoughts are still traditional. In this situation, he becomes more and more uncomfortable.

Of course, my parents were overjoyed to see Niu Ben. Under his mother's nagging, my father also rode his permanent bicycle, which has been used for many years and can now be called an antique, and went to the reservoir a few miles away from the village to buy some live fish. In this case, Niu Ben knew that it was useless to stop it, so he let it go. Then he helped the old man into his room and followed his habit of taking a nap before dinner.

When the old man rested, Niu Ben turned back to the main room, but saw the eldest daughter-in-law and sister-in-law in the village, as well as many aunt-level figures, talking to his mother.

When he saw Niu Ben appear, someone immediately greeted him: "Xiao Ben, come here and tell you something."

As soon as Niu Ben saw the plump little sister-in-law Wang Haiyan, he immediately smiled and said, "Sister-in-law Yan, what's the matter?"

"It's like this." Wang Haiyan pondered for a moment, as if she had organized the language, and then said, "I heard from my aunt that you are in Binhai, and it's only 800 yuan a month. Sister-in-law, I thought that since you are back, I won't go out. If you have so little money and suffer from other places, it's better to work next to home. Your fourth brother can do a good job of about 1,500 yuan a month, or even 2,000 yuan. Let me help you talk about working with your fourth brother!"

Wang Haiyan's words immediately attracted the echo of a room. Niu Ben listened carefully for a while before he realized that he had opened a car modification factory in the town. The scale was quite large, and the salary was also very pleasant for rural people. Therefore, all the men over 16 years old and under 50 in the village basically went to work in the factory there, and only came back twice a month on the second day of salary and when the factory changed shifts.

No wonder, from the entrance of the village to the home, Niu Ben didn't see an adult man for half a year on the way, but it turned out that they all went to the factory to work!

It's just that the salary of 1,500 to 2,000... If it were before, Niu Ben would run away without saying a word. But now... Niu Ben thought about it and could only smile regretfully at these kind-hearted sisters-in-laws, aunts or aunts.