Super Network Manager

Chapter 66 Outside the Home

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

After a long time, my father and mother came to their senses at the same time and asked the old man in an extremely shocked manner. Of course, in addition to the shock, Niu Ben also saw an incredible expression from the two old faces.

It's just that Mr. Niu didn't care at all. He didn't even repeat his previous words. After taking a sip of wine, he paused and continued to say slowly, "Why, old man, don't you believe what I said? If you don't believe it, look at what your son is wearing now and the gifts brought back to you. Those things can't be beaten without tens of thousands of yuan!"

"Really, really?!" The father asked about the food, and then said to his mother, "Mother, go and bring the things brought back by the child."

The mother answered quickly and went to take a look at the things brought back by Niu Ben. However, they didn't know any foreign brand patterns and English letters. They only bought a set of men's clothing for their father, which was finally recognized by their father: "This is Jinba men's clothing. I see that CCTV often advertises. There seems to be one in the town, but many of them seem to cost two or three hundred yuan each.

"Two or three hundred, oh, that's it!" Mr. Niu took over again and replied for Niu Ben, "But when you bought this dress, it was 98."

"What, 98?!"

The father's hand suddenly trembled, and his hand, which had been rubbing his clothes, suddenly shrank back like an electric shock, as if he was afraid of getting the clothes ready. When Niu Ben saw him like this, he immediately shook his head helplessly and said, "Dad, it's just a dress for you. What's the matter? As long as you are happy, I will buy you a few more sets tomorrow. It's okay if you want to wear these clothes in the field.

When my father heard this, he immediately stared at Niu Ben fiercely and said, "You are a loser. You wear nearly a thousand pieces of clothes when you go to the ground. You don't feel sorry, but I can't bear it. Niang Xipi, I have been half buried in the earth, and I have never worn such expensive clothes. No, I have to ask your mother to put away this dress and wear it when something big happens.

With that, he quickly asked his mother to put away his clothes and told them to put them away so as not to let mice or insects bite.

Seeing that his mother was also holding clothes carefully, Niu Ben immediately shook his head and sighed in his heart. It seemed that it was better not to tell them the price of the rest of the things, otherwise they would not wear it in the cabinet after buying it. According to Niu Ben's understanding of his parents, they will definitely do so without hesitation.

This is usually the case for farmers' parents.

Knowing that his parents were like this, Niu Ben didn't say anything more. He went down to work in the field wearing nearly a thousand pieces of clothes. Not to mention his parents, he couldn't do it himself. So he is not too entangled in this matter. So for the next dinner, Niu Ben accompanied the old man and father to eat and drink, and occasionally insert a few words to amuse. The family was also harmonious, warm and happy.

Get up the next morning, Niu Ben greeted his parents and went to town with his father.

The family is poor. Although Niu Ben has a lot of money now, he also finds that there are a lot of things to buy. First of all, let's talk about this transportation. My father is older than a year. Although cycling is a way of exercise for many people, it has become very tiring here. So he decided to buy a motorcycle in town for his father to walk on weekdays. In addition, I have to buy a washing machine for my mother and a refrigerator at home to add a hint of coolness in the hot summer.

These household appliances are indispensable in the city, but they are rarely seen in the countryside. Wang Haiyan's newly married family for two years has a refrigerator. But Niu Ben knew that her refrigerator was basically full, but most of the things in it did not belong to her own. They are all neighbors who have a little meat, or something good to eat for a while. Generally, they will trouble her to get a seat.

Rural people are simple, and most of them will not refuse such things, but it is not a matter to bother others all the time, and they have to owe others.

In fact, Niu Ben has had this consideration since he returned home, but he has never spoken to his parents. Because once he said it, most of his parents would not agree, or let him have money to save his daughter-in-law, even if he had a million.

Poor the hearts of parents all over the world, working hard all their lives, and still like this when they get old, Niu Ben is not bearable. So he silently bought motorcycles, refrigerators and washing machines in the town, and then followed the delivery car all the way back. Originally, he wanted to buy an air conditioner, but most of his parents wouldn't use it. Moreover, at night in the mountains, even on a hot summer day, he had to cover the quilt so that he wouldn't catch a cold, so he put this piece aside.

It was almost noon when I returned to the village. At this time, the women were living and cooking, so they did not attract the attention of others.

It's just that his parents moved home when they saw Niu Ben suddenly. Although they were happy, they couldn't help blaming Niu Ben for spending money indiscriminately. Of course, I knew that Niu Ben had money last night, so the blame was attributed, and the two elders readily accepted it.

What made Niu Ben feel scratching his head was that his father could not ride a motorcycle, so after lunch, he said he had to teach his father for a while.

When he came to the wide threshing field in front of the village in a car, he was inevitably noticed by others. It is said that there is no young generation in the motorcycle village, and now it is almost popular, but it is all for the elderly to raise money to buy for their children and buy cars for me. It is really a big girl to get on the sedan chair. So under the publicity of someone, a few hours, many women gathered around the threshing field and said words such as filial piety and the father of the cow was blessed.

Of course, this is the mainstream voice, and there are also a few long-tongued women who see such a long tongue, but can't help but say, "The salary is 800 yuan a month, and you save money to buy a motorcycle for me. This Niu boy is really swollen and fat, and he comes to show off."

This voice was obviously supported by several people, so Aunt Li, the most famous long-tongued woman, took her head forward and shouted at Niu Ben, "Little Ben, this motorcycle will be 5,000 or 6,000 yuan. You are really good at it. After working in the city for more than a year, I got 800 yuan a month and saved 5,000 to 6,000 yuan. This is really a great thing. Don't you eat or drink or go out to play girls?!"

Niu Ben saw this skillful figure and immediately smiled, but he didn't want to pay attention to her.

For the villagers, he doesn't seem to deal with Zhang Pangzi. He gives people a needle to Mai Mang. He is so refreshing, but he really tramples on people. This villagers must not look good-looking.

From the bone, Niu Ben is still a person who is not willing to argue with others. Especially for the villagers, he finally wants to solve the problem with a tolerant attitude. But obviously, in this case, he just smiled and did not argue, but was regarded as weak and unprepared, so not only Aunt Li, who was the leader, but also several other women behind her also opened their mouths and mocked him.