Super Network Manager

Chapter 86 Good performance Next

With such a thing, not only was the apricot-eyed beauty extremely appreciated at this time, but also the mother-in-law was deeply satisfied.

Look at the respect in the tone of the little girl, and look at the atmosphere when the calf signs. No wonder the family introduced more than a dozen partners to their daughter, and she refused all of them. However, it turned out that the daughter had extraordinary vision and chose such a promising young man as her boyfriend. Not bad, look at this young man's posture. I guess he will definitely develop in the future. My daughter is going to enjoy happiness!

After thinking about it, the smile on my mother-in-law's face suddenly became stronger and stronger.

Niu Ben is a real actor, but I don't think it's anything. After signing the document, he invited the parents of the apricot-eyed beauty to sit in his office and drink some Tieguanyin that Li Xiaoyan had come from his father a few days ago.

Niu Ben's president's office is quite magnificent. Whether it's a leather sofa or a solid wood desk and chair. When Li Xiaoyan bought it, none of them was less than 20,000 yuan, so after asking the parents of the apricot-eyed beauty to sit down, these two old people looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't pick out any dissatisfaction. Especially the father of the beautiful apricot-eyed beauty, he appreciated the decorations here.

After sitting for a while, Niu Ben made an excuse to go to the toilet. After going out, he called the Phoenix Hotel and booked a room for lunch.

Since the hospitality needs to be arranged well, anyway, for Niu Ben, these things are nothing now. He doesn't mind a boyfriend who pretends to be an apricot-eyed beauty and gives all the expenses of these two old people to Binhai!

After doing this, the cow released the water and made some hands outside the bathroom.

I just washed it, but found that the apricot-eyed beauty didn't know when she ran out. He gave him a thumbs up and said, "Good boy, I have you. The acting is so good that I have been worried about you for a long time.

"Cut!" Niu Ben curled his lips and said proudly, "You are worried about the ancients. It's completely unnecessary. Dude, I told you that your parents will be very satisfied with such an excellent and progressive young man, and they will recognize me as your son-in-law.

After a pause, he suddenly stepped down and said, "But buddy, you have completed your task and put yourself in!"

"You are so beautiful. I really want to be our son-in-law, unless what you played today becomes true." The apricot-eyed beauty pouted and then smiled like a flower and said, "If you act like this is completely real, then my sister can promise."

Niu Ben looked sideways and said, "Do you keep your word?"

"Sister, I always count what I say." The apricot-eyed beauty hummed, and then threw him a contemptuous look and said, "However, you really did a good job today. Sister, I'll reward you with a kiss now!"

Saying this, she took Niu Ben's arm and put her head over.

"Don't, don't mind!" As soon as Niu Ben saw this situation, he quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Don't talk about it, buddy, such an upright and coquettish year. How can you kiss a woman casually? That's so harmful to the image of a buddy!"

"Cut!" The apricot-eyed beauty hooked him and said, "Then whether you want a reward or not, forget it!"

"Why don't you want to!" Niu Ben suddenly shrank his head, then smiled and said, "However, I want a French wet kiss. It's completely boring like dragonfly water, and it's not worth your hard work for you.

The apricot-eyed beauty hesitated for a moment, and then gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, a wet kiss will be a wet kiss!"

Then, the girl printed her warm lips directly on the cow's mouth. And he didn't know that Tianhe stretched out his little fragrant tongue, pried open Niu Ben's mouth flexibly, and quickly leaned in.

Niu Ben's body stiffened, and then began to respond enthusiastically.


This situation lasted for about five minutes, and the two separated breathlessly. The apricot-eyed beauty saw that her clothes were messy from the mirror. She suddenly pounted and even shouted a few hooligans.

As for Niu Ben, he just stared at himself in the mirror. I thought that although my buddy took a lot of advantages, but there was such a situation, my buddy always had a miserable feeling of being pushed back in his heart!


Not long after, the two returned to Niu Ben's office together.

It was probably that the breath of the kiss had not completely dissipated. After the two went in, the parents of the apricot-eyed beauty looked at them up and down for a long time, and then looked at each other, showing a human-like smile.

Niu Ben and the apricot-eyed beauty obviously noticed something, so they didn't say anything later, which made the atmosphere a little dull.

For goodly, after sitting for a while, the phone of the apricot-eyed beauty suddenly rang.

The two elders glanced at her strangely and saw the apricot-eyed beauty sticking out her tongue and said, "It's my aunt. I told her yesterday that you would arrive this morning. She should have called to invite you to dinner!"

With that, the apricot-eyed beauty answered the phone.

When the apricot-eyed beauty made a phone call, her mother-in-law looked at her father-in-law and said, "Why don't we sit down for a while and go to Yunqiu's house. Mavericks, you will follow later. Mengmeng's sister-in-law is also on the coast, and you can take care of each other in the future.

The father-in-law was kind and nodded and said, "Yes, take good care of each other."

Niu Ben stood up quickly and said, "Auntie, look at you two, don't let your sister-in-law come and sit together. I have booked a hotel for you, and the lunch is almost ready now. The location is not far from my company.

As soon as the two elders heard this, they immediately looked at each other again, as if they were asking who should make up their decision this time.

However, before they opened their mouth, the apricot-eyed beauty who put down the phone heard Niu Ben's words and immediately screamed, "What, when did you book your room and lunch?"

Looking at her screaming, her mother-in-law suddenly became a little angry and said, "If you dare to come all the way to Binhai, you don't want to find a place for us to stay. I don't think you care about our old couple at all. It's really a waste of raising you to be so old... After a pause, she continued, "Fortunately, this child is sensible. Otherwise, I think my father and you will have to sleep on the street at night!"

"Where is it?" The apricot-eyed beauty shrank her head, then spit out her tongue playfully and said, "I just want to talk about it when I want to rest or eat!"

"Let's wait until we eat." My mother-in-law snorted and said, "Call your sister-in-law quickly. Just tell her that we won't go to her house for dinner. Let her take Feifei to dinner with her after work.

"I said that a long time ago!" The apricot-eyed beauty spit out her tongue again and said, "Look at your daughter's cleverness!"

My mother-in-law didn't expect that the apricot-eyed beauty had been prepared for a while. She couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, but only spat and said, "It seems that you are really raising your daughter for nothing. As the old saying goes, the female university is not the best!"

"What!" The apricot-eyed beauty snuggled up to her mother and said coquettishly, "My favorite is your mother, and I will never leave you."

"Mixt!" The father-in-law on one side immediately scolded angrily and said, "My daughter is someone else's family after she has a big one. If you really stay with your mother, don't say that your mother will be so angry that she will tie you back immediately, I can't let you go!"

The apricot-eyed beauty spit out her tongue and hummed, "You know, you just want to get me out of the house!"

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes. It seems that you have studied in this university in vain. I'm afraid you won't teach your husband and children in the future." The father-in-law was angry for a moment. If it hadn't been for Niu Ben's face, how could he scold the apricot-eyed beauty? When he said these words, the apricot-eyed beauty couldn't help rolling her eyes and thought that the play had come true. Her parents really recognized Niu Ben as her son-in-law.

For good, this is what the apricot-eyed beauty wants, so she smiled proudly in her heart and reminded Niu Ben: "That's right, my sister-in-law will come later. I told you before that my sister-in-law is the director of the government office and has a lot of rights. You have to fling with your sister-in-law when you have dinner later. In that case, she will do some work for you, and your company's designation can develop quickly.

Her words were the same as the two elders who let Niu Ben and Wu Yunqiu take care of each other. But in fact, between frowning and eyebrows, the message conveyed to Niu Ben is: you have to behave well when you meet my sister-in-law later, and you can't be careless at the last level.

Niu Ben obviously received this message, and then he just smiled and said, "I am appointed to be such a big official as my sister-in-law. In the future, when we get married and buy a house or something, we will still point out that my sister-in-law can give some projects!"

The apricot-eyed beauty said repeatedly, "That's, to be a good sister-in-law, we just have a lot of money!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" When my father-in-law heard what they said, he suddenly quit: "What does it mean to flatter your sister-in-law? That's called taking care of their own family, and that's all what they should do. As an elder, doesn't your sister know how to take care of you juniors? Think about it yourself, nothing has happened to our family over the years. There is no need to say hello at all. Your sister-in-law will take the initiative to help!"

My mother-in-law also echoed, "Dead girl, you really can't speak."

Niu Ben knew that it was natural for the two elders to say this. However, looking at the appearance that they must make a living under the beautiful sister-in-law, Niu Ben couldn't help grinning and was more or less speechless. Although according to ordinary logic, a small boss who has just started his own business will definitely nod and bow to a powerful official like the director of the government office and will put his posture very low...

However, buddy is really not that kind of little boss. Especially in the current situation, there is really no need for Niu Ben to be too much of a government director. Didn't you see that when your company opened, you and Dou Jianguo came together... It's them who still want to get on the line of Mo Xiangming through themselves!