Super Network Manager

Chapter 89 Luohan Stacking Circles

This time, several people came at a time.

The person knocking on the door is still Minister Luo, followed by a middle-aged man, who must be the so-called deputy mayor Song in charge of publicity and education. The two departments of publicity and education are relatively important matters, so the deputy mayor of Song is relatively high. However, although he holds real power, the deputy mayor's posture is not good. After the door of the private room was opened, he said with a spring breeze on his face, "Director Wu, I'm here to toast you!"

With that, he strode in with a cup. Of course, there is no doubt that the deputy department-level cadre only used a small cup of seven yuan.

When the deputy mayor with real power came in and let go out of the door, everyone found the faces of several other people behind him. What surprised Niu Ben was that the third person was Qian Dongsheng, the director of the Municipal Party Committee Office. Niu Ben has contacted Qian Dongsheng and knows that this master belongs to someone behind him, and generally only secretaries and others will do things such as high-level deputy department, but he has got a municipal party committee member and deputy department-level cadre.

So Qian Dongsheng's position is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Director of the Office of the Municipal Party Committee, bracket: deputy department level!

Seeing such a person appear, Niu Ben, who was sitting firmly in the chair, suddenly felt a little unrestrained. Luo, the deputy minister of the propaganda department, obviously, was not pocked, but a cheat. This guy only said one deputy mayor of Song, but did not say that there was another member of the municipal party committee member Qian Dongsheng over there, but he himself was uncomfortable looking for it over and over again. It was obvious that he was digging a hole in the dark man and wanted to finally give face for Wu Yunqiu!

He changed his mind, and Niu Ben immediately winks at Wu Yunqiu.

Wu Yunqiu was able to sit in the position of director of the government office. Naturally, she was also a person with a clear mind. She stood up directly without even looking back, and then slowly turned around. Although she was obviously stunned after seeing Qian Dongsheng, then she still said calmly, "Ah, I'm really sorry to bother several leaders to come to my side. Just now, I said that I would go to your place to toast, but I went out for a circle to remember that Minister Luo didn't tell me, guilt, guilt!"

She is extremely beautiful, her posture is low, and she also tells objective reasons. Others are too difficult for her.

What's more, Deputy Mayor Song didn't seem to be here to make trouble. After hearing this, he just glanced at Vice Minister Luo, and then said very enthusiastically, "Look at what Director Wu said. I was going to come here early to toast, but because I had to accompany Director Qian, it has been delayed until now.

"Director Qian is also here. This is really rude!" Wu Yunqiu greeted Qian Dongsheng with a smile. Then he said, "I'm really sorry, everyone. This time I'm going to have dinner with my brother, sister-in-law and niece, as well as my little niece's boyfriend, which is a family banquet. So please forgive me for my rudeness. I won't say anything else. I'll punish myself three cups first!"

With that, she was going to get a bottle to pour the wine.

After saying that, Vice Mayor Song and others' eyes have been focused on her, and with such a move, everyone had no time to look around the people in the private room. After such a period of look, Vice Mayor Song and Qian Dongsheng immediately "cumbled" in their hearts and secretly wondered about this. I'm afraid he came to the wrong place. Why did this character sit in the same place to eat with Wu Yunqiu?

As members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the two naturally know what happened in Binhai a while ago. Therefore, we also know who received the computer service support project of the municipal party committee and municipal government, and what kind of it is*.

In that incident, Executive Vice Mayor Sun Dongliang and Police Chief Meng Chong both lost their black gauze hats, which made them not remember vividly. At present, the position of executive vice mayor of Binhai City is still pending, and it is time for all forces to use their means to compete. Qian Dongsheng was still working hard for it, hoping to help him land at the front desk with the help of various forces, but he didn't expect to meet such a person today.

Especially now, Qian Dongsheng and Song Siming are still coming together, in a posture of questioning crimes...

Thinking of this, the two deputy-level cadres, whose hands were holding the wine glass firmly, suddenly trembled slightly, and the wine in the glass spilled to the ground. At this time, they understood why Wu Yunqiu, as the director of the government office, was able to sit firmly in the private room and resist the two major members of the Standing Committee. With such a person, it is reasonable for them to come to toast first!

They looked at each other, and the two immediately glanced at Minister Luo's angrily and asked if it hadn't been for you, would we have done such a thing? Niang Xipi, this is very lively!

Some of their scalps were numb and changed their minds. When these two saw Wu Yunqiu pouring two large glasses of wine and drinking them up, Qian Dongsheng raised his arm first to stop them and said, "Director Wu, it's just a joke. Don't take it seriously. Three cups of self-penalty is definitely required, but since you are a woman, I suggest that it is better to change liquor to freshly squeezed juice. Mayor Song, what do you think?!"

He looked sideways at Vice Mayor Song, only to see that the latter also nodded and agreed.

"No, since it's self-punishment, you must use liquor to be sincere." Deputy Minister Luo didn't know Niu Ben, so he didn't see the depth of it. Seeing that the two deputy department-level cadres said so, he thought that it was just the two leaders to show his generousness. There has been such a thing in the system for a long time. In the face of enemies, the winner will always be pretentious and superficially let them go, but in essence, they may want them to die miserably!

So at this moment, he stood up to stop him, and poured two other glasses of wine and said, "Director Wu, you have to follow the rules!"

What he said, the hearts of Qian Dongsheng and Vice Mayor Song immediately sank: paralyzed you and said you can die. At this time, you are still interrupting. Do you want to kill the two of us? Niang Xipi, no wonder your father retired from the deputy provincial level. You are still a deputy minister at the bottom of the Propaganda Department. In my opinion, the level of this deputy department-level cadre is a high-level for you now.

I also want to be the executive vice minister of the publicity department. Do you have some eyesight?

The two deputy department-level cadres turned their minds with gloomy thoughts, and then glanced at Niu Ben again. Seeing that the latter just sat there with a smile, but when there was a layer of haze in their eyes, the two immediately strangled Vice Minister Luo.

Each of them did not hide their own concealment and stared at Vice Minister Luo fiercely. It was still Qian Dongsheng who took the lead and said, "Minister Luo, Director Wu, this is a family banquet, not a social gathering. Naturally, you have to follow the rules of the family banquet. What's the rule of the family banquet? Mayor Song, please tell me.

"Of course, men drink and women drink." Mayor Song answered as a matter of course, and then said, "Director Wu, since Minister Luo said to follow the rules, let's follow the rules of the family banquet. You have to pay a few drinks to Xiao Luo!"

"Okay!" Wu Yunqiu's mind was clear-clear. How could he not know that this was the two people who wanted to beat Vice Minister Luo. So she smiled and put down the glass. He turned around and brought up the juice again, blinked his eyes and said to Vice Minister Luo, "Minister Luo, since Mayor Song has explained that he should follow the rules. Then let's follow the customs of my hometown. Let's make an 18 arhats circle. I'll do it first!"

"Eighteen arhats stacked circles... hiss!"

Whether it was Vice Mayor Song or Qian Dongsheng, and even Niu Ben, when they heard Wu Yunqiu's words, they immediately took a cold breath.

Wu Yunqiu, a mature woman, seems to be as mature as a peach, and she must be much sweet when picked. Juice. Any normal man will probably have a little fantasy about it. But when they heard him say this with a smile, Niu Ben and several people suddenly sighed secretly and all of them all think that they had not offended the sweet and familiar woman, otherwise they would die quite tragically.

18 arhats in circles... Although no one has never heard of this noun, according to the numbers brought by this word, everyone has almost already had a cognition.

Yes, Wu Yunqiu means 18 cups!

Two taels of cups, 18 cups, even if they are just juice, are enough to weigh three or four catties. Although the juice is indeed easy to eat and tastes good, if it is poured into the stomach like this, I'm afraid anyone will have to drink it. It is estimated that they can only drink the toilet to keep an intimate distance in the afternoon. And if you change this amount to liquor, not to mention the revolutionary cadre of the alcohol test, it is the legendary bartender...

I'm afraid you have to lie down directly and call the emergency department of the hospital to dilute the alcohol in your body!

Although Wu Yunqiu only has such a crooked mouth, the meaning she expressed is enough to make anyone present who can understand her feel tongue-tied, open their mouths wide, and don't know how to take her words.

Of course, Niu Ben and Qian Dongsheng, deputy mayor of Song, are fine, but Vice Minister Luo...

This guy was dull for a moment, and then the whole love turned completely green. After a long time, this guy thought he looked at Vice Mayor Song and Qian Dongsheng with pitiful and pleading eyes, but saw one of the last two raised his head and looked at the ceiling, and the other only looked down at his toes. The deputy cadre, who is in a high position in the eyes of ordinary people, just kept squirming, but he couldn't spit out a word for a long time!