Super Network Manager

Chapter 96 Entangled Things

When I woke up the next day, Niu Ben's spirit... Er, it was extremely depressed!

Although young men exercise at night, generally speaking, they will be energetic the next day. But if you exercise too much, in a hooligan sentence in Niu Ben's hometown, even if he is a good man, he will inevitably be a little weak after all.

Use network language to describe his situation, that is, to be king at night and walk on the wall in the morning!

In fact, that's true. When the cow ran down from ** in a tally way as before, he suddenly felt that his calves were soft and he couldn't help staggering forward two small steps. It can be seen that young people don't know how to be temperd, which is a terrible thing. Especially after he got up and woke up Beauty Lin, the girl opened her hazy sleepy eyes and said, "Why did you get up so early? Why don't we do it again?"

This sentence made Niu Ben's face twitch several times, and finally he couldn't help taking a slightly floating step, and the cow fled with his face...

It turns out that this young man did not win an overwhelming victory last night... Look at the appearance of the beautiful Lin just now. That one is radiant and energetic. My buddy really can't but doubt whether this girl has practiced the legendary Jade Girl Heart Sutra!

At this moment, Niu Ben suddenly understood the meaning of a widely circulated sentence in the village: No matter how big the stone is, it can't kill crabs.

It was very sad to get out of the computer room. Niu Ben went around in the Internet cafe. Only then did he recall that he had been so busy these days that there was still a lack of a famous network manager on the second floor of cleaning in the Internet cafe, and even two network managements were missing at night. Realizing his mistake, he hurriedly greeted the cashier and remembered to print a few recruitment notices, and then posted them on the displayed position to fill the vacancy as much as possible.

As for those who have less work, he also decided to take out a few vacant salaries to subsidize employees.

After doing this, Niu Ben remembered to find some benefits for the network management. Last time I found Jia Yu, although he signed the contract, he was finally squeezed out of his position, so the matter was ruined. Now I have started my own company and take out some scattered small jobs, such as doing network cables, or asking the small network management in the rest to help me run maintenance, which seems very simple.

Therefore, Niu Ben temporarily convened several network managements for a meeting and announced this part-time money-making thing.

In this way, it naturally won the loud praise and cheers from the network management.

From the bottom of my heart, Niu Ben is not a black-hearted boss. If possible, while making money by himself, he will also let his subordinates make a little money by the way. Of course, this kind of thing can't be too much. Sometimes it is necessary to master the degree of Sheng Mien's hatred. And this time, it was announced that each person can get about 500 yuan a month. Niu Ben's job is undoubtedly very beautiful. Several network managements are determined. Brother Niu, you let us go to the mountain and the sea of fire is absolutely unambiguous.

smiled, and Niu Ben was in a good mood and simply asked everyone to eat beef noodles together, so the admiration and cheers suddenly became stronger and stronger.

However, what is more helpless is that when everyone returns to the Internet cafe after eating, what happened below made Niu Ben feel a little unhappy. Because Zhao Tuozi's parents found the Internet cafe and asked Zhao Tuozi to pack up their things and go back to their hometown with them.

Zhao Tuozi's parents are probably only in their 40s, and they are undoubtedly farmers. Long-term work in the fields makes them look older than people in their fifties in the city. In addition, these two are also a little hunchbacked, so the image looks worse.

When Niu Ben saw these two old people, he felt a sense of intimacy. He shook hands with Zhao's father eagerly, and he said, "Uncle Zhao, Xiao Zhao has done a good job here. Why did you ask him to go back? Now that his salary has risen to 1,000, he will continue to raise his salary next. If he does well, it is very likely to be a supervisor tomorrow. He is only 22 years old. It is time to go back and give up accumulation. Don't you think it's a pity!"

Zhao Tuozi introduced to his father, "Dad, Mom, this is Mr. Niu, our boss!"

"How's Boss Niu, Boss Niu!" Although Zhao's father felt a little confused about Niu Ben's young boss, he still took Niu Ben's hand and said hello repeatedly. Although they live in the countryside, the degree of information development still lets them know that there is a so-called second generation of officials and a rich second generation, and those who are born with good food and clothing. So at this moment, he only regarded Niu Ben as a guy who bears the remnants of his father's generation.

"Boss Niu, it's not that we don't let the child continue to do it with you. My family is getting busier and busier now.

The two greeted each other, and Zhao's father talked about the reason why Zhao Tuozi went home: "Our family now grows mushrooms with bags. It's just that their family is made by three or four, and each family can grow 4,000 bags every year. Our family used to have Wushuang's sister's help, but we can barely grow 4,000 bags. But now that his sister is going to get married, our family only has me and Wushuang's mother left. It's really too busy!"

Zhao Tuozi's real name is Zhao Wushuang, which sounds quite an excellent name at first glance.

Niu Ben hasn't called Zhao Tuozi's name for a long time, and he has almost forgotten it for many years. Now when he heard his father talk about it suddenly, he suddenly felt a little confused: the two main network managers in his Internet cafe are really interesting. One is called Wang Shuai and the other is called Zhao Wushuang. Both names sound quite loud, but the former is skinny and short, and the latter is hunched...

This pair of people is somewhat speechless.

Of course, it's not the time for Niu Ben to think about this. He just changed his mind a little. He came to his senses and said, "Uncle Zhao, I understand what you said. My family is also from the countryside. Although it is hard to grow shiitake mushrooms, the profit is not bad. A bag of materials can guarantee a net profit of at least 10 yuan, and it is not surprising to get 14 or 15 yuan. You get 4,000 or 5,000 bags a year, which is really good, but our Internet cafe is really inseparable from Xiao Zhao!"

To be honest, there is a shortage of people in the Internet cafe. Zhao Tuozi, who can almost be said to be a backbone, left, and he really had a headache.

But even if the small network manager in the Internet cafe has raised his salary now, it is only 1,000 yuan a month, 12 months a year, but it is only more than 10,000 yuan. In addition, it costs a lot of things to be in a foreign country, and it is not much in his pocket at all. According to the maximum number of 1,500 bags of mushrooms grown in rural areas, the two are indeed not as good as operating at home.

Niu Ben doesn't want to hinder people's wealth, but he doesn't want Zhao Tuozi to leave like this.

So in this case, he felt what he had encountered recently again, and did not make him feel extremely entangled at first sight. And he really doesn't know how to decide about Zhao Tuozi's matter.