Super Network Manager

Chapter 116 Are you crazy?

Not long after, several streets in front of the Dongcheng Public Security Bureau were empty.

It's not that Mr. Jin wants to clear the scene, but that people unconsciously hide far away when they see so many vicious gangsters. How dare they approach them? Therefore, in a moment, this place turned into a vacuum zone, and even the shops on the street closed the doors one after another. Of course, some people saw so many fierce guys, and many of them called the police, and the phone call directly to the Dongcheng Public Security Bureau.

Of course, when others were calling, Jin Ye and Lao He had quietly come here.

When he got out of the car and saw hundreds of people standing neatly in front of him, Master Jin nodded with satisfaction, and then asked Lao He to take out dozens of photos of Niu Ben to circulate them for a while. He pointed to the door of the Dongcheng Public Security Bureau and shouted, "Take the guys and listen to my orders and rush in to save them out!"

Although Master Jin's status is supreme in the world, when he said this, everyone was stunned collectively.

Rush to the guy and rush into the public security bureau?!

After many gangsters stayed, their faces immediately lost their faces: Boss, boss, we are gangsters. Since ancient times, we have only heard that the Public Security Bureau arrested gangsters, but they have never heard that there are gangsters who dare to struggle with people and attack the public security bureau... This is not a joke. Although the statement does not blame the public, our identity is different. If you can't get a crime of attacking state organs and arrest all of us, you will suffer.

Of course, there are also some hot-blooded guys who feel their blood boiling after staying: Niang Xipi, hit the public security bureau. Tut, this has never happened before, and there are bosses giving orders in front of him. If you do it, you will definitely do it. Even if you do this, if the boss is not promoted, you will definitely win a huge reputation on the road. That's what makes you famous in World War I!

Some people's bloodless eyes flashed, but some people's eyes are red, and even screaming that they are about to run away.

Lao He around Master Jin also frowned at this time. Although as early as when Master Jin ordered him to call, he knew that Master Jin was going to do great things. But I didn't expect that Master Jin was going to do such a shocking event. So he frowned and came to Master Jin worriedly and asked in a low voice, "Brother, is there any problem with such a blatant impact on government agencies?"

"If something goes wrong, I will be responsible for it!" Master Jin's answer is short and firm!

His voice was not only unadorned, but shouted out, so it also came into the ears of the hoodlums standing in front of him. With his promise, the timid man suddenly stood up straight, and the excited guy roared repeatedly and urged Master Jin to give orders. After all, it didn't take long to wait for such a thing, so Master Jin quickly shouted, "Everyone, rush in and find someone!"


At this order, everyone suddenly boiled together. They "swung" out the controlled weapons that had already been prepared. Under the command of Lao He, they began to rush to the Dongcheng Public Security Bureau with firm and powerful neat steps.


At this time, the person who received the call clearly saw that something was wrong.

A policeman named Xiao Xiao, who was responsible for duty, almost ran out of the duty room. Regardless of whether the door of the director's office was closed, he directly opened and rushed in and shouted, "Mr. No, no, we are surrounded!"

Ma Qingming was sitting in the office and was watching a movie on the computer. Suddenly, a man rushed in, and his face suddenly stepped down. However, when he heard Xiao's words, he immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "What the hell?! Are we surrounded?! Bastard, you think this is a war era and surrounded. We are law enforcement agencies here. Who dares to attack the public security bureau and want to rebel?!

Ma Qingming's first thought was whether this guy was magic or not, talking nonsense or something.

But soon, his idea was dispelled, because at this time, many police officers rushed into their offices and said it was amazing. We were surrounded by a group of hoodlums with big blades, and they had rushed into the police compound.

He can't believe what this person said. Naturally, he can't doubt that more than a dozen people are talking about the same thing. He stood up from the big office chair, shouted with great courage, and then said, "All of them are there. Gather them together for me. I'd like to see if these guys are tired of living. The public security bureau dares to break in. Believe it or not, I shot these grandchildren!"

After saying that, he shouted loudly for everyone to go out with him.

However, not everyone has the gun of the Public Security Bureau. If there is a big case, I will go to the police department to collect police supplies such as guns and bullets. Therefore, although he greeted him like this, he had never met anyone who dared to attack the public security organs with a big blade. Most people were all in a mess, but how could they form an effective team to stop those gangsters with weapons?

The police are also human beings. Although they usually look like five people and six righteous people, most of them are afraid of death when they really encounter this matter.

So, hundreds of people with Lao He rushed directly into the courtyard without any obstruction at all. When they were ready to find Niu Ben in several ways, Ma Qingming took people out of the building and shouted, "What are you going to do? Why don't you break up quickly? Illegal gathering, illegal possession of controlled weapons, believe it or not, I will arrest all of you and lock you up for a year and a half!"

When he spoke, he looked quite awe-inspiring, but in the face of hundreds of people, he seemed a little weak.

Especially there are only a dozen people behind him. Although he seems to be holding a gun, people like Lao He are not only not afraid. On the contrary, they just glanced at him coldly and pointed to more than a dozen people behind him and said, "You guys, search everywhere and be sure to find people!"

"Who dares?!" Ma Qingming shouted fiercely and went up with a gun: "Who dares to move? I will kill him!"

No way. After all, he has only recently taken the position of director. If these hoodlums really hit the public security organs and even set off his bureau, even if he cleans up the mess afterwards, I guess his position as director will be at the top. So at this time, he didn't have to go. After enjoying the taste of power, he asked him to take off his hat. Even if he died, he would not agree.

However, his shout looks a little fierce in Lao He's eyes. It's not just Lao He. When a big brother around him saw this situation, he suddenly jumped out of the crowd and jumped forward. The stick in his hand hit Ma Qingming's arm with the sound of wind. After Ma Qingming's gun fell to the ground, the eldest brother suddenly shouted, "Nang Xipi, I've been unhappy with you. You killed one. Show it to me!"

After saying that, the eldest brother stared at more than a dozen people behind Ma Qingming and roared, "Whoever of you dares to shoot, as long as one is killed, be careful of fire, electric shock and other things in your house at night!"

If this is such a blatant threat, the police would have greeted him long ago, but now, the dozen policemen have shrank one by one. Although their faces are twitching and look extremely angry, no one dares to risk the fire and electric shock at home. They really have to try. Anyway, everyone is human. Look at the appearance of these gangsters, and naturally they dare not really resist it.

After all, a group of policemen have been scolded by some gangsters to dare not move. It's really ridiculous enough to make many people laugh!