Super Network Manager

Chapter 118 In a Harmonious Society

All of a sudden, Ma Qingming felt that he had the hope of turning over.

Next door, Malle asked you bastards to be arrogant and hit our branch with control weapons. You also hit me in public. Niang Xipi, you think this was in ancient times. Farmers can do it as soon as they say they do. Now that the brothers of the municipal bureau have come, I don't think you gangsters can make any waves. Who will beat me later? Let's see if I don't slap your face with peach blossoms!

When his mind changed his mind like this, Ma Qingming suddenly felt that his face did not hurt, and his heart was not aggrieved. The so-called 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, now it's time for someone to collect interest! Thinking of the scene of those fierce gangsters trembling at their feet and shouting for mercy for a while, Ma Qingming felt that his body was not in vain, and it could really work at the critical moment.

Just when Ma Qingming fantasized about his great power in his head, Lao He and those big brothers suddenly changed their faces slightly. Although they were Taoist people and proud of why they had seen big scenes, the scene of being surrounded by the police still made them instinctively uneasy. Some people even asked Master Jin trembling, "Master Jin, what should I do now? A lot of people have come to those *!"

There are indeed many people. Not to mention more than a dozen government-licensed cars, there are seven or eight police cars alone, and there are absolutely no shortage of people in them.

Although they have been majestic just now, these hoodlums also know what they have done and know that the nature of this kind of thing is very bad. Maybe after being arrested, he will really be sentenced to at least ten or eight years as the older police said. In that case, he will fall into it in his life. Attacking the national law enforcement organs is serious, which is equivalent to rebellion!

After the blood boils, these hoodlums inevitably feel a little scared.

Including Lao He's face was also grim at this time, looking at the restlessness of the gangsters around him. He also asked Master Jin in a low voice, "Brother, are we waiting for those people to come over, or directly order everyone to rush out?"

"Don't rush. Look at the car in front of you. The mayor and the secretary of the municipal party committee are here. Even if you rush over now, you will never run away." Master Jin rarely explained to Lao He, and then said indifferently, "I will come to talk to those officials today and ask why there is such a situation of wronged good people under their governance. This is not for us to give an explanation, but for them to give Mr. Niu an explanation!"

After saying this, he asked Lao He to scold everyone to calm down, and then calmly waited for the vehicles to approach.

In a moment, the nearly 20 convoy quickly stopped in front of the Dongcheng Branch and looked quite imposing. In particular, those who got out of the police car, at the invitation of the police chief, pulled out their guns and hid behind the open door very quickly, as if there was a major case, which looked exactly the expression of the bandits at the confrontation.

At this time, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Dou Jianguo also came down from the car. They obviously saw the leader Jin Ye and many gangsters, so the two bosses frowned and looked quite serious. Such a thing happened in the jurisdiction. One thing that can't handle well is that affects the political future, especially the person concerned is still Niu Ben, which makes the two eager to directly choke Ma Qingming's neck and ask: You are paralyzed or at least also a director of the branch bureau. Don't you know that blocking people's political future is equivalent to plotting money and killing? You have made this Do you want to kill the two of us?

Of course, in this case, they will not say it in front of people, so after getting out of the car, the distant secretary first waved his hand and asked Xiang Meng to put away the gun, and then shouted to Master Jin, "Jin Datong, what are you doing with so many people, ah~!"

As a leader, there are so many people at the scene that he naturally can't be close to the gangsters. Even at this time, he must take a gesture and talk to these gangsters as an official. At least you are also a director-level cadre. No matter what happens, you should always pay attention to your image. So at this time, he not only pretended to know nothing about what was going on, but also had to show his attitude and draw a clear line with the gangsters.

Master Jin is also an old man, and he knows how to deal with this scene. He also waved his hand, and after he asked all the gangsters behind him to sit down on the spot, he slowly said, "Secretary Yuan, Mayor Dou, I think I have to report something to you two. Well, I didn't gather so many people illegally, but because something happened that made us feel very angry. We are all here to ask for the people!"

Some gangsters said that they beg for the people... People in the system who knew the identity of Master Jin couldn't help laughing.

It's just that ordinary people can't intervene in this scene. Therefore, although everyone laughed secretly, they still put on a posture like facing a big enemy, and stared at the distant secretary one by one to continue to talk to the people opposite: "Please for the people... Oh, is there a wrong case?! Then I'd like to listen to what happened. I can't say that we will work on the spot today and give everyone a bright future!"

What far away said is undoubtedly high-sounding. If it is placed in ancient times, it is completely a standard posture of a blue sky master.

And under what he said, under the confrontation between the two sides, there was already some atmosphere of crossbow tension, which suddenly eased greatly. However, people who know things know that there is a show in it, but people who don't know things still wonder what happened, so as soon as the two sides contact, everyone quickly looks at the problem from their own perspective. Therefore, the gangster was worried that the police would shoot, and the police were afraid that the gangsters would really get restless.

That atmosphere looks extremely tense. But now, since the leaders of both sides want to discuss together, it obviously shows that things have not reached the worst, so everyone on both sides has relaxed slightly. The hoodlums are thinking that the so-called law does not blame the public. At this time, as long as there are bigwigs to fight, we are just people who follow orders, and there should not be any big trouble!

As for those policemen, they have been worried that as long as these gangsters are not restless, anyway, as long as they are dispersed, Ren Yuan and Renbian will not be rubbed by them at that time. The so-called official-oriented ideology undoubtedly shows that people in these systems have a sense of superiority. And not only them, but also Ma Qingming, who was also held hostage, was also secretly worried about the matter!

Looking at the back of Master Jin walking towards the distant secretary and Mayor Dou Jianguo, this guy whose face has swollen like a pig's head can't help but mutter in his heart: How can the Monkey King jump out of the palm of the Buddha's hand? As long as you don't rebel, whether the bandits are bandits or soldiers, I can finally wash away today's shame and let you know. Tao, some people are absolutely impossible for you to provoke, and you must not offend!


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