Super Network Manager

Chapter 129 Red Guest Home

"Indeed, everyone in this organization is blackmailed. Isn't there a lot of blackmailed officials across the country? My dear, this red house extorts a lot of money every year. After brewing, Niu Ben said more or less in disbelief, "No, aren't you from the Network Security Supervision Department? What do you eat? How can you allow such an organization to exist?"

"You don't need to know about this." Mo Xiangxue straightened her face and said, "All you need to know is that this organization does exist, and in this incident, what they did has caused a very bad impact, so they must be eradicated!"

"If you want to eradicate it, then eradicate it. With the intervention of the security department, there should be no one who can escape." Niu Ben curled his lips and still crossed his legs and said, "Since everyone in your security department has been dispatched, it should not be difficult to solve the matter. Why are you shooting at me? He is just a hacker. The security department should be full of talents and should not lack the technology and ability in this field!"

"It turns out that we really need his help now." Mo Xiangxue said for a moment and said, "Our original cutting-edge technical talents are now responsible for other more important tasks, so we can't draw people out for the time being. According to my own technology, although I can compete with most people in the Red Guest House, I can't control the ravages of their leaders on the Internet, so we need famous masters.

Niu Ben finally heard that Mo Xiangxue must have received a dead order to deal with the Red Guest House. So at this moment, he couldn't help asking curiously, "What did the people of the Red Guest House do?"

"Heaven's anger and resentment, hum!" Mo Xiangxue snorted heavily and said, "They control the network system of the whole Binhai City. And threatened that Mei Yuejun must be released immediately, otherwise, it will cause an immeasurable blow and damage to the coast. All the key departments and units related to the network in Binhai City, once they are all paralyzed... No, we will never allow this kind of thing to happen!"

He clenched his fist and punched him on the desk, and Mo Xiangxue's face was extremely serious.

It's Niu Ben. At this time, his eyes kept blinking, and his mind turned quickly: What's going on? Use the Internet to control the key departments and units of the whole Binhai... Nonssense. Isn't this the function of the software that Beauty Lin made for herself earlier? Now Why did the people of Hongke Home use the same means... Is it the software stolen, or is it another problem?!

In an instant, Niu Ben was the paste of his head, and he couldn't see the fog in this matter at all.

Looking at this Niu Ben, he seemed to be confused at once. Mo Xiangxue's face was even more serious and said, "The people of Hongke Home are controlling the network of Binhai City in batches, and they have also set up 18 levels under their control, following the example of the assessment members of the world's most famous hacker organization. According to my technology, there is nothing they can do. Because I tried twice in a row, but I could only break through to the eleven levels and couldn't continue.

"What do 18 levels mean?" Niu Ben asked puzzledly.

Mo Xiangxue sighed defeated and said, "It's equivalent to the firewall they set up by themselves. Only by disintegrating all these 18 firewalls can we really contact and fight with them."

"I'll do it, it's so troublesome!" Niu Ben muttered, and there was a general score in his heart. He continued to chat with Mo Xiangxue casually. After he should help me shoot me to try, he got up and prepared to return to the company. There was no obstacle for Niu Ben's departure from Mo Xiangxue. As for whether she had sent someone to follow her secretly and closely monitor her, Niu Ben naturally could not detect any trace.

They are security professionals. If even an ordinary person can detect their existence, that's bullshit!

Niu Ben returned to the company without any obstruction and entered his office. He did not care whether there was any monitoring, so he went straight to the enterprise server in the lounge and pulled a high backrest chair to sleep.

Of course, this is only a superficial phenomenon. In fact, after closing his eyes, he connected the virtual space and his consciousness entered it all.

The pig-killing ** did not criticize Niu Ben for not coming to the virtual space for many days. After hearing that Niu Ben wanted him to help synchronize the real network, he quickly got a computer and motioned Niu Ben to use it casually. Niu Ben naturally sat up rudely, and then used his little technology to check the servers all over Binhai one by one to see how the people in the Red Guest House controlled the whole Binhai.

However, what made Niu Ben a little frustrated was that he used his own technology to plow the servers all over the coast, but only found that the servers everywhere were no different from usual, but there was no hacker control. I guess it may be that my skills are not good, and Niu Ben is not serious about this matter. Soon he turned his head and brought up the software written by Beauty Lin and looked at it carefully.

I don't know this without software. After scanning it with the software, Niu Ben suddenly screamed repeatedly: "Oh, my God, oh!"

The results after scanning show that all servers that can reach the key departments show traces of external intrusion on the software, and there are latent red dots representing the attacker. In particular, units such as the municipal party committee and municipal government, public security, traffic police, taxation and finance, there are two red dots lurking in each server. Although there is no movement of these red dots, if they explode, it is obvious that they will cause great damage to the networks in these places.

Niu Ben even took the time to scan telecommunications, China Mobile and Unicom, which do not involve the company's business, but also belong to key units, and also found that there were more or less obvious red dots quietly in the server.

My good boy, they really control the whole Binhai!

What kind of people are there in the organization of this Red Guest House? They can control such a large area without saying a sound, and their energy is really not to be underestimated. However, it is also because of this that it has brought them great trouble. Being targeted by the security department also shows that it has attracted the attention of the high-level of the country. It is not only troublesome, but also absolutely possible to cause a disaster.

You just did it directly, uh... you are awesome!

He secretly turned his mind, but Niu Ben had no special idea for the time being. After all, what they said was to find an aunt who shot at me. They hadn't contacted me to shoot at me under their eyes. How could they cancel the control of those people in the Red Guest House first? Just like *, it's not easy for a buddy to have a bomb. It's always appropriate to use it when it can show its own value at critical times.

Shenma, are you afraid that Hongke Home will paralyze the traffic, communication and other things in Binhai first?!

Bullshit. As soon as this software came out, there was a command called Assist in Defense. When necessary, you can connect it to the virtual system and borrow the earthly technologies and means such as the virtual system to maintain the stability of Binhai. How can you be afraid that the people of the Red Guest House can reverse the sky!

On this point, Niu Ben has already given full consideration when chatting with Mo Xiangxue. He even planned to let Mo Xiangxue's people see that he had contacted me and promised to help me, so he began to ask Lin Beauty to break through the 18 defenses set up by the Red Guest's Home little by little. Then, in the end, justice defeated evil, and Binhai City still maintained a stable, harmonious and prosperous scene.

Well, Niu Ben's idea is very vulgar, and the plot is also very old-fashioned, and it doesn't seem to be outstanding.

It's just that you can't do without your buddy, right?!

Quietly moved his mind, and Niu Ben turned his head and withdrew from the servers of those critical departments. Relying on the huge advantages of the software, although Niu Ben's technology is not outstanding, he also quickly found the defense set by Hongke Home on the whole coastal chess game. What made Niu Ben feel more interesting was that through the observation of the software, he soon found that these defense settings were still relying on the server of Binhai Telecom.

In other words, the people of Hongke Home secretly rented the servers in Binhai Telecom and built their 18 defense levels on these servers. However, Mo Xiangxue and others did not find these situations at all, and they were trying to find ways to break through these 18 defenses one by one.

This is really giving up the end!

If she knows that the defense system of Hongke Home is composed of this, according to Mo Xiangxue's identity and casually invite anyone to block the server rented by Hongke Home, the defense of the so-called 18 levels is basically not much better than a soap bubble, and it will be directly destroyed by random poking.

Of course, Mo Xiangxue can't have the kind of anti-sky software used by Niu Ben now, and naturally he can't have a clear view of the whole situation like Niu Ben. Shrugged his shoulders, Niu Ben suddenly smiled and muttered softly, "The most dangerous place is the safest place. These people in the Red Guest House have really played the essence of this sentence to the extreme!"

Isn't it...

Since we know that Hongke Home controls the whole coast, the servers in several places such as communication and transportation are obviously the focus of Mo Xiangxue's people. But Mo Xiangxue doesn't know at all that the stronger they defend these key local areas, the more difficult it is for them to break through the defense system of the Red Guest House. In this way, the people in the Red Guest House are obviously resourceful and skilled.

However, the so-called mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch.

Most people in the Red Guest House did not expect that some people could easily enter the server they controlled by ignoring the defense they set. Even like Niu Ben, it's like going in and out of the field they control as if it were their own back garden. Well, buddy is really prespered, which made Lin write such a software earlier.

Otherwise, how can you taste the taste of the universe now?