Super Network Manager

Chapter 143 It's all a misunderstanding

"Let's continue the routine practice in the afternoon!"

Out of the room to meet Mo Xiangsi, the latter began to make arrangements for Niu Ben's next training: "From now on, in addition to the ten-kilometer weight-bearing training that must be carried out every day, as well as a thousand frog jumps and push-ups, we will spend all our best to study Xingyi boxing and fighting skills. Strive to reach the level where you can deal with two ordinary people alone within two months!"

"All right!" Niu Ben nodded and didn't say much.

However, when Master Jin saw that the sun was shining, he couldn't bear to say to Mo Xiangsi, "Miss, it's noon, and I'm afraid the outdoor temperature is more than 40 degrees. Mr. Niu still has to practice routines against such a big sun. It's too hot, in case of heatstroke..."

"Let's just pay attention to it all the time." Mo Xiangsi shook his head and said, "His foundation is too poor, and his qualifications are too poor. If you don't practice more, I'm afraid you won't be able to achieve the set goal within two months. In the novel, Guo Jing, a hero of a generation, will be diligent and will eventually stand in the forest of peerless masters. I don't ask for much. I just hope that he can be slightly stronger than ordinary people, and it will be enough to protect himself in the future!"

"Actually, I want to say that according to his foundation, practicing is equivalent to practicing for nothing!" Master Jin lowered his head and said, "Miss, do you remember how long it will take for the disciples in the family to be proficient in routines and reach the level of their will?"

"Those with high understanding can hear it three times. The second fist was practiced ten times, and the momentum appeared. Again, dozens and hundreds, which is not surprising. I'm afraid it will take a few days to practice some posture!" Mo Xiangsi shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Niu Ben's qualifications also belong to the next list, but a few days of hard work are too long. I'm afraid he can't wait, so he has to practice more to make him achieve something!"

"If it takes a few days to practice the routine to feel something, even..." Master Jin shook his head and just sighed, but didn't go on.

But at this time, Mo Xiangsi suddenly said "huh" and said happily, "Uncle Jin, look at his fist..." Master Jin quickly turned his head and ran to look at the cow. At this, he was suddenly stunned. After a long time, hesitantly said, "Miss, I'm not wrong. However, he just had a meal at noon, and he was about to set up the shelf in this way?!"

Mo Acacia also stared with beautiful eyes and said in shock, "It's incredible. It's completely different from the morning!"

"Isn't Mr. Niu's qualification actually not that bad?" Master Jin took a look at Mo Xiangsi and saw the latter with the same surprised expression. He hurriedly said, "Miss, are we two wrong!"

"It should be impossible!" Mo Xiangsi shook his head and said, "His root qualification is definitely not a good material for practicing martial arts."

Master Jin was stunned and said, "How should I explain this kind of thing?"

"I don't know. Go and ask him." After Mo Xiangsi left a sentence, she hurried to Niu Ben and asked Niu Ben to stop. Then she asked urgently, "Niu Er, what's going on? Why have you made so much progress in the time of having a meal at noon?" Obviously, your qualifications are not good. According to this routine, it will take at least a few days to fully set up the shelf, but now you..."

"What's the matter?" Niu Ben wiped his sweat and said, "Is it wrong for me to practice like this?"

"It's not wrong, it's too right!" Master Jin also came over at this time and said, "It's just that you and the morning seem to have completely changed. This almost reborn feeling is very surprising!"

"You said this!" Niu Ben smiled. Of course, he would not say anything about the virtual system space, so he turned around and casually made up a reason: "At noon break, I thought about the morning's fist path, and then found out my shortcomings and corrected them, so it didn't look different. In fact, to put it bluntly, practicing martial arts is the same as playing with a computer. We find a system error. As long as we enter gpedit.msc in the beginning of the operation and correct it with some functions of the computer strategy, we can restore the computer system to its intact state.

When Niu Ben said this, Mo Xiangsi and Master Jin suddenly looked at each other.

Although neither of them knew much about computer technology, they understood Niu Ben's metaphor, so the two people stared for a while and suddenly said in unison, "It seems that this is the so-called excellent understanding!"

In fact, there is indeed such a group of people in the martial arts world, just like Guo Jingwu's extremely poor nature but strange roots and bones. No matter who looks at them, they are definitely not materials for martial arts practice, but their understanding is not comparable to ordinary people. Sometimes they can even draw inferences from certain moods that others don't know, and they may only come into contact with them once or twice, and they will quickly understand.

Once such a person has passed the most difficult state in the early stage, his future development is also immeasurable.

At this moment, it is obvious that Mo Xiangsi and Master Jin regarded Niu Ben as such people. Otherwise, they could not find any understanding to explain why Niu Ben was still not suitable for practicing martial arts at all in the morning, but in the afternoon, he suddenly turned around and directly took this set. The boxing road is similar. Except for the excellent understanding, there may not be such a situation.

So, the two were immediately shocked!

Even after Mo Xiangsi slowed down a little, he said firmly, "Niu Er, I have decided to extend your retreat at Jinghai Villa from three months to one year. I will spend the remaining 11 months to make you a real beginner Xingyi boxing disciple!"

"Yes, Miss is right. If you don't practice martial arts, you will really waste this talent!" Master Jin also hurriedly echoed, and then gave an example and said, "There are many people with good roots and bones since ancient times, but people with excellent understanding are the potential stocks that are really promising to step into the ranks of masters. In the past, Shanxi had a tangible meaning of Li Da. Teacher, the roots and bones are not outstanding, but its final achievement has reached the point that many Xingyi boxers need to look up to!"

Mo Xiangsi nodded again, patted Niu Ben's shoulder and said, "It's good, it's easy to be strong, and it's rare to have a good understanding, Niu Er, I'm optimistic about you!"

The two sing together like this, and it seems to work very well together. However, when they spoke, they let a cow run aside, leaving only a blink of his eyes: Shit, this misunderstanding is really a little big!


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