Super Network Manager

Chapter 157 Extreme Tracking

This question came up, and Niu Ben immediately moved again!

Well, in fact, he had already moved once when he met the owner of the zero bib, but obviously, although the same chicken movement, the last chicken movement was far less violent than this time.

Because it flashed in his head that it was likely that the other party reacted, Niu Ben suddenly had a feeling: Maybe this zero is really the person he has been looking for. Although this feeling is very abrupt, after calming down, Niu Ben can provide some arguments for his feeling. Yes, under the operation of the software of Lin Meimei, a technical expert, only those who are really powerful enough can react!

"The more you hide from others, the more your buddy will dig you out!" After gritting his teeth, Niu Ben muttered in his heart. In order to verify his thoughts, he immediately launched this analysis software again.

At the same time, he entered the virtual space to find the pig killer**: "Let me ask you something!"

"You said!" The pig-killing ** is still so short and neat.

"There is a problem with backlink analysis, and I want you to ask for advice." Niu Ben just opened his mouth like a hard-working student and said, "I encountered a problem in a reverse analysis, that is, I can't analyze any data of the other party by using analysis software. Does this mean that the other party used any means to get the wrong direction, so I got nothing in the end. "

"This is normal!" The pig-killing ** said indifferently, "For example, where our system is. If anyone wants to analyze it, even if we take him to the ravine or the military command center of the United States, we can do it. In the face of powerful technology, analysis software and backlink tools are all like wooden piles and have no effect at all.

"That's it!" Niu Ben squeaked and said, "Is there any other possibility that people can't analyze the other party's data?"

"Of course, there are other possibilities." The pig-killing ** responded very formulaically: "For example, the IP of the other party is suddenly erased from the network by supreme means. For example, the network provider database is completely paralyzed. Otherwise, as long as something has appeared on the network, even if it is just a post, as long as the opponent is not strong, it is basically okay. Analyze the address where he sent things through the traces left by him.

"Both situations may also happen." Niu Ben touched his chin and said, "However, the latter two must require higher skills!"

"Of course, it is impossible to do such a thing without extremely high technology." The pig killer nodded and said, "So, instead of considering the last two, it's better to see what means the other party is using to guide the software."

"What means..." Niu Ben smiled bitterly and said, "If I can know, I won't ask!"

After a pause, he looked directly at the pig killer** and said, "Why don't you help me do this analysis. Don't worry, I'm definitely not going to do anything bad. I just need to know where the other party made this comment.

"Okay, I'll try." The pig-killing ** nodded, and then quickly appeared a virtual computer and called up the comment that Niu Ben was analyzing with software. However, he obviously did not mean to be in a hurry to do it immediately, but carefully observed the operation of the software and the process before the previous software prompted the loss of the target, and then he began to tap quickly in front of the computer.

The pig-killing ** is also a provincial and district-level master. If this kind of computer talent is put outside, he should be competent to be a technical director of Internet enterprises. There is basically no second possibility for a master at this level, so Niu Ben has considerable expectations for the result of his action. At least he believes that a conscious computer master should be better than a software that can only run according to the program.

The same is true. When the pig-killing ** began to reverse analyze, the process was much smoother. Even about half an hour later, he stopped, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The data has been collected enough, and we can finally start to measure the IP address."

When Niu Ben heard what he said, he immediately came forward and said, "Is it done?"

"It's almost." The pig killer nodded and said, "As long as these data are combined and analyzed twice, you should be able to get the IP segment where the other party posted. If you analyze it in detail, it should not be too difficult to find out the location of the other party.

Niu Ben quickly said, "What are you waiting for? Analyze it quickly!"

The pig-killing ** nodded, and then began to organize and analyze the data. However, with the passage of time, the more analyzed it, the expression on the slightly relaxed face of ** of the pig killing became more and more serious. Even in the back, he not only closed his lips and his face, but even his eyes became bigger and bigger, followed by slight shaking and twitching, and amplitude. It's getting bigger and bigger...

When Niu Ben saw this, he suddenly felt a little bad and hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

"I miscalculated!" The pig-killer** looked extremely ugly and said, "This IP address is still wrong, and it doesn't even exist in the world. In other words, I was fooled by this person just like you!"

"No, no!" Niu Ben opened his mouth and said, "You have also been taken to a dead end!"

When he said this, Niu Ben came forward to take a look and found that the pig-killing ** had just calculated the data and came up with an IP address that made Niu Ben feel very painful at a glance: 8888.88888.8888.888.

Obviously, this IP address cannot belong anywhere.

His face darkened, and Niu Ben knew that this was also the result of being quietly fooled by the pig-killing **. He sighed helplessly, and then his eyes became firm again: since people at the provincial and district levels can't handle it, he will find a higher-level helper. I don't believe that this zero can be more powerful than the characters created in the system. Dude immediately went to find Beauty Lin to dig three feet of the ground, and I will dig you out!

After making up his mind, Niu Ben quickly went out of the virtual space and looked at the software running on the computer. Unexpectedly, after a pop-up window prompted him to lose his goal, he did not hesitate to drive directly across his laptop and went straight to the company.

After a while, he rushed to the company and entered Lin's office. Niu Ben directly explained his intention.

Beauty Lin obviously knows what happened in the system. After seeing Niu Run, she first shook her head with a smile, and then said helplessly, "I already know this, and after testing and analysis, I can't get the real information and address of the other party."

"No, you can't handle it?" Niu Ben was completely stunned: Niang Xipi can't even handle the beauty Lin, which is too outrageous. Is the other party really the legendary zero, the world's first master who can't see the end, the Zero that belongs to the legend of the hacker world... Damn, this is impossible. Do you really have to bump into this super master if you meet someone casually?!

But... it's not right. Even if Zero is a awesome figure, but Lin beauty is a world-class existence!

Is this Zero still a supreme existence at the control level?!

"Damn it, this situation is incredible." He secretly smacked his tongue, and Niu Ben was a little unbelieving. He confirmed to the beauty Lin again, "Is there really nothing you can do? Can't get the address of the other party at all?"

"There's really nothing we can do." Beauty Lin shrugged her shoulders and said, "Why don't I try again?"

"Forget it, since you have tried it, I guess it will be the same result again." Niu Ben sighed and said, "Well, this seems to be really troublesome. Even a master like you can't find the other party's position. It seems that no matter how hard you try, you can only end up with regret! Tut, I haven't been able to find any news about him for half a year. It's hard to see it this time. If I miss it again, I don't know when I will meet him!"

Beauty Lin pondered for a moment, and then tilted her head and asked him, "Are you sure that he is the person you are looking for?"

"I'm not completely sure." Niu Ben shook his head and said, "However, I have a strong feeling that this zero is the zero I'm looking for. Although there is nothing to prove, I believe in this feeling.

"I feel that sometimes it's not accurate!" Beauty Lin curled her lips and said, "In case you get the wrong person, isn't it embarrassing?"

"Is it the wrong person? You have to find the real address of the other party." Niu Ben kept squeaking his lips and said, "Well, the key problem now is that even you can't deal with the other party. I don't know what to do next."

Beauty Lin sighed helplessly and said, "It really doesn't work. Let's pay attention to his scarf for a while. Maybe we can find some useful information later."

"What's the use of just paying attention? If you can't find the address of the other party, it's still useless." Niu Ben wiped his face, looked at Beauty Lin with some doubts, and said, "I said, beauty, we have to think of a more positive way. What's the use of always taking some detours, and not getting to the goal... Well, I'm entangled. You are all world-class masters, and there is no way to deal with each other. What other means should I use to find the exact address of zero!"

Just a few words, Niu Ben's eyebrows have been wrinkled together and his head has turned quickly.