Super Network Manager

Chapter 167 Just play

Guns and roses, doomsday disaster...

When Niu Ben saw this post, he was directly stunned and felt somewhat helpless. By the way, after the gun and rose organization were driven away by themselves last time, it didn't seem to have the intention of resting for a while. When they changed hands, they made a virus in Europe, and it also spread to China. None of these guys stopped. What on earth are they going to do? Do they think that their development is very strong and try to dominate in the Internet world?!

Go ahead. Although there are many of these guys, they don't seem to have many powerful masters. At best, they are similar to Diyao's team. It's still possible to gallop across a country, but looking at the world, I'm afraid it's far away!

smiled, and Niu Ben didn't care too much about this matter. Because of the emergence of a new virus, it can often be majestic for a while, but it will not take long for someone to develop tools and kills to deal with it. This situation can be seen from countless practical examples, such as the popular Trojan horse, the panda burning incense and other wooden horses that have caused a significant impact. The virus also lost its prestige for a while, but eventually became idle.

Unless anyone can create a virus that is far ahead of today's computer level, it may still be difficult for many people. For example, Niu Ben started to kill and mutilate the virus from the virtual system.

However, ordinary people can't study this kind of thing. Niu Ben believes that the gun and rose organization should also be within this limit.

Continue to wander around the forum, Niu Ben soon lost his wandering mind. After closing the web page and feeling that there was nothing to do, he was bored and opened the game platform of the Three Kingdoms that he downloaded a few days ago.

He hasn't played this game for a while, but this game is still quite good for time. Because it usually takes more than half an hour or even an hour to play a game, and two or three games in one afternoon or one night, basically all the time to kill is spent. In this way, it will not be as addictive as online games, nor will it be boring to play like mini-games.

Niu Ben landed on the game platform with a casual mind, and he was not ready to play the Three Kingdoms hegemony that requires excellent skills, but to play the double money and the treasure chest can be turned around.

When playing with heroes, many people say that they want to talk about character.

Especially when transferring the treasure chest, it is the most direct performance of a person's luck and character. This is like a roulette lottery that occasionally appears in the vertical Chinese website. Some people can easily win the grand prize, or draw a member, and then get thousands of points or recommendation tickets from the main station. But some people always have a poor character. Log in every day and draw repeatedly for a reminder: Congratulations on getting three advertising tickets!

In this kind of situation, there is a high probability of Sanguang, but in the competition, everyone has a chance to get good things.

Basically, after one game, most people will occasionally get a better prop.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, in the first game when Niu Ben landed, he may have limited character or is relatively unlucky. When the first treasure chest appeared, he turned a small amulet, and the second treasure chest... is still a small amulet!

What's more aggrieved is that in the whole game, he only saw one more beautiful woman in the other party's camp, and one more good things such as Meng Dequan, but his highest one only got a green bag, worth 500 game coins. If this green bag is not too bad, you can add more than 200 blood, but the person he chose is Zhou Cang, a blood cow. More than 200 blood is basically a cup of water.

So in one game, the number of bulls killed the enemy was five, and the number of deaths was as high as 12!

Such a record can naturally be imagined in the finale. Even at the end, the other party was still guarding the gate of the main city on their side to besiege and kill. Xu Huang's flying D, Guo Jia's big ice, Sima's meteorite fall... All the heroes are all you singing and I are on the stage, and each big move is you up and me, beating the main city people of Shu's horse up and being abused in a mourning field. I can't resist.

In the end, he was pushed down by the main business. Niu Ben was somewhat aggrieved. According to his playing, he was not bad, and the bloody cow Zhoucang rushed to the front at the beginning and was quite happy. But in the end, his obsceneness could not withstand the other party's full of artifact equipment. He was beaten like cutting melons and vegetables, which was really quite unbearable. After the fight, some people who were abused left directly, but there were still a few unconvinced guys left in the room.

Of course, this includes Niu Ben, because he is not willing to be abused, so he always wants to find the scene.

I guess someone's psychology is similar to his. I only saw a guy with an ID named Feng Luo, counting the other party in the room: "I wipe, a group of RMB players, if we have the ability, let's compete again according to our skills!"

The other party immediately replied: "Stupid. Forced, I play with RMB, which is to abuse people!"

Fengluo sprayed again, "Abusing you and paralyze, dog Ri, it costs 40 to 50 yuan a game. You guys are all dedicated to Qifan!"

"I like it. I want you to take care of it. If you have the ability, you can also do RMB!" The other party obviously disdained his crows. Not only a few people scolded Feng Luo one after another, but also some people added a word at the end: poor comparison!

In this way, he was attacked by a group, and there was also a disappointing guy on the side of Shu. He said to the people over there on the public screen that the boss opened a position for me to come down, which made Fengluo a little speechless. However, in Niu Ben's eyes, it made him quite unhappy. He didn't rely on technology to play games, but on RMB. There were many arrogant people like this, but it was the first time that he was present.

Therefore, when the two sides scolded each other, Niu Ben specially went to the official website for a while and found that it was as cheap as 5 o'clock, 10 o'clock and 20 o'clock when turning a treasure chest. He couldn't help it. He directly transferred 2,000 yuan to his game account with Alipay and exchanged all of them for game coupons. Paralysis, isn't it just RMB? It's not that you don't have it, who is afraid of anyone!