Super Network Manager

Chapter 168 Zero Counterattack

This kind of entanglement naturally makes Niu Ben very unhappy.

He even felt a sense that the virtual system was originally just an auxiliary thing, but now it seems to have become an obstacle to restrict himself. He should be the master giving him orders, but why is the current situation that he is restraining himself with rules?

Nang Xipi, who is the boss?!

With an an agrily mutter, Niu Ben turned his head and asked Beauty Lin what to do in this situation.

"Wait!" Beauty Lin smiled and said, "The top hackers in China are not only shooting at me. Since Zero played the role of Terminator in this incident, he will definitely appear at some time. In addition, Ling is also a Chinese. Don't you have the heart to watch domestic netizens suffer losses and not allow them to carry forward their style and make due contributions to the nation and country?!

"Uh!" Niu Ben was stunned and said, "Isn't this too negative?"

"What do you mean by being negative? You have to do what you can. Are you going to accept the erasure of the system and give your little life to help others? That's a little great." Beauty Lin obviously disdains his statement, and also makes a metaphor: "For example, when playing * games, you don't have to kill the landlord alone in every game. If you catch a bad card, you don't have the ability."

Niu Ben touched his nose and said, "Well, I'm in a hurry."

The same is true. If you want to help others, you have to have the ability. For example, your body is so weak that you can't stand still, and you have to help a tall and burly man of more than 200 catties. Even if you are afraid of it, you are powerless. All the entanglement of Niu Benzhi is because he really regards himself as a central figure, as if the earth can't turn without him, or the mission of maintaining the earth's peace is on him. Because he takes the initiative to undertake it, he has a tricky feeling.

Now as soon as the beautiful woman Lin said, he suddenly turned around. After putting down the phone, he was even in the mood to return to the virtual system and let the pig killer ** get himself a cup of tea from the best red robe and slowly taste it.

Of course, the things in the virtual space are not real tea, but they can bring people a very real taste and texture, as if they really have to drink these things again. This situation is an accidental opportunity. What Niu Ben enjoyed when Beauty Lin was still in the system, not only all kinds of best tea in China, but also royal salutes, the most expensive Rafi, and the top food in the world can be enjoyed through the virtual system.

This situation is basically the same as those described in the game novels in online novels, which makes people feel real.

Wait, game novels?!

Niu Ben suddenly blinked his eyes and was shocked: Shit, since it can be done in the virtual system as written in the virtual online game novel, like entering the game with a game helmet and game warehouse, does it mean that this situation can become a reality?!

It was just a moment, and Niu Ben immediately became excited. If this can be done, wouldn't that buddy be able to unify the game market and create a world-class large-scale game with the participation of all people... I'll go. In this case, Shenma* and other things are not good at all. This sense of achievement and honor alone is completely yearning for!

Thinking of this, Niu Ben immediately asked the pig killer **, and the answer he got also made him extremely happy.

Although it is difficult to kill pigs, if beautiful forest is involved, this possibility should be realized!

Hearing this, Niu Ben immediately waved excitedly. At this moment, he even killed the poison in a hundred seconds, the doomsday disaster, and the zero that made him worry about. All of them were directly thrown behind his head and hurried out of the virtual system. Then he took out the phone to call Beauty Lin and said, "Now put down what you have at hand. The love is all handed over to Sister Xiaoan and the apricot-eyed beauty. You can come back from Haijiao City as soon as possible!"

"The fastest?!" Beauty Lin blinked her eyes and said, "What's the matter?"

"I'm not in the mood to explain to you now. Anyway, you can come back as soon as possible. I'll wait for you in the company!" Niu Ben didn't have much at all. After roaring and saying this sentence, he immediately hung up the phone.

He is very excited to find this situation now. In fact, he is also a game enthusiast, but because of his high vision, he did not play any online games. However, if there is a game that is more popular, more online and more fair than that year's Legend, not only does he mind participating in it, but I believe many people are also willing to go in and have a try!

And those professional players are swarming.

If such a game really appears, the current games will basically become scum. Or in fact, many games have been unable to restore the scenery of the past after the legend. After all, it's just a legend. At the beginning, building some small accounts only dig and do nothing, and the game coins earned can be exchanged for a lot of money, and even maintain a person's daily expenses. Which game can do this much now?!

Thinking about that grand event, Niu Ben can't tolerate other things in his heart. He just hopes that Beauty Lin will come back quickly and start the project immediately.

However, it's a pity that when his expectations were getting stronger and stronger, Beauty Lin suddenly called and said, "No, I can't come back for the time being. Don't do anything else. Go online quickly. Zero has appeared in the rookie paradise forum!"

"What are you doing with zero... Er, you said zero appeared!" Niu Ben was a little careless before and was ready to reject Lin's proposal not to come back for the time being. However, after he tasted the meaning of Beauty Lin's words, he suddenly jumped three feet high, roared and threw away the previous things aside, and said repeatedly, "Don't leave the computer and closely monitor everything about Zero. I'll go to the rookie Paradise immediately!"

After saying that, Niu Ben hung up the phone and went straight to the computer and hurriedly logged in to the rookie paradise forum.

At this time, the rookie park is already very lively. Although it is only in the morning, many people who play the Internet are still sleeping at this time, but the number of online people on the rookie Paradise Forum has exceeded 400.

There is no doubt that the zero, which has always been seen, is much greater than the sensation caused by firing at me.

Niu Ben was surprised when he saw this number of online, and then began to browse the posts in the forum. It can be seen that whether it is a water area or a technical section, the posts are all full of water and water, and all the posts are unanimously greeting Zero. It's just that Zero is hanging high there. I don't know whether he is communicating with people in private or doesn't care about these guys in the rookie Paradise Forum at all.

Niu Ben originally landed with the vest that fired at me, so he sent a private message directly to Mi Tang: Is he really zero?!

"It should* be inseparable!" Although the tone of rice soup is not completely certain, it also sounds very sure. By the way, he also explained his sentence: "He completed our registration test in only one minute. It is estimated that it was to block others to inquire about his specific location, so it took him another minute after registration and directly took away the highest authority of the forum.

"So awesome?!" Niu Ben touched his chin and said, "How long has he been here?"

"So far, it's only been five minutes." Mi Tang quickly replied and said by the way, "Aunt, it's not that I don't want to check him, but his skills are so smart that I can't even touch him at all."

"It's okay." Niu Ben waved his hand and said, "You didn't ask, what on earth did he do when he came to the forum?"

"Where can I ask!" Mi Tang looked bitter and muttered, "As soon as he came in, he directly took the highest authority of the forum and directly took all my administrators. After he was the only one who could manage the whole forum, he directly closed his mailbox and couldn't send private messages at all. Most importantly, this aunt stood there. I just called Boss Di Yao, and he didn't allow me to take back the authority. It's really nerve-wracking.

"Damn it, this guy's deterrent is quite strong!" When Niu Ben heard this, he immediately muttered. At this time, Beauty Lin is not here. Of course, he dares not check the IP address of the other party at will. Otherwise, in case of annoy the other party, they will come directly to the door. Although the virtual system has always been very strong in defense, he did not figure out whether the CD of the virtual system was deliberately made by the other party for himself. Niu Ben is not at all. Dare to act rashly.

The reason for tracking for the first time was that Niu Ben was too excited at the beginning. Now think about it, that kind of behavior is quite reckless.

After all, if this virtual system is really made from zero, then you can imagine how high this person's technology has reached. The first time people may not care about the previous feelings, but if they do it again, Niu Ben doesn't know if he will be angry and deprives him of the right to use the virtual system. If that's the case, there is really no place to cry!

Therefore, although Niu Ben hung a vest that fired at me, he is now, like a member of an ordinary rookie park, he honestly stays in the forum and does not move, just waiting to see zero, a secret figure who has always been seen and never seen the end of the dragon, suddenly openly counterattacked the rookie park forum and directly seized the highest authority. Not to mention, let many people gather here, what on earth do you want to do!