Super Network Manager

Chapter 186 Phantom 2 Next

For Fatty Zhang, if several people's penguins have problems here, it is not too serious. But the problem is that he stood up and walked around on the first floor of the Internet City. He actually found that all the computers that logged in to the penguin account actually showed the same prompt, and the owner of the penguin account entered the password and logged in back and showed a password error... This problem suddenly made Zhang Fatty completely wax!

Especially for a moment, all the guests in the Internet cafe suddenly began to rush to the front desk...

"Damn, what's the matter? All our penguin numbers have been stolen. Is there anyone special stallion in your Internet cafe?"

"I have used the account for six years, and it has been almost three suns. It was stolen at once. You must give an explanation about this matter, otherwise I will not finish with you."

"Mang Xipi, I was chatting with a beautiful woman about where to go at night. Before I made an appointment, my account was suddenly stolen. What the hell, can you open this Internet cafe? Unexpectedly, everyone's account has been stolen!"

"What a broken Internet cafe, I won't come to play anymore!"


For a while, it was a group of excitement. During the noise, Fatty Zhang felt extremely big. As an Internet cafe supervisor for many years, although he has encountered a lot of things, he has never encountered such a situation, so in the shouts around him, he was stunned for a long time before he comforting everyone: "Don't quarrel, don't quarrel. I'll take a look at the specific situation first and write to you later.

After saying that, he quickly pulled a small network manager to replace him, and then he hurried to the computer room.

To talk about Zhang Pangzi's technology, it is more than enough to be an Internet cafe supervisor, and he has been immersed in the Internet cafe industry for so many years, and he is also very good at security and maintenance. But today's situation is completely beyond his expectation.

When he came to the computer room, he opened the server and wanted to scan it with anti-virus software. What is not very helpless is that he opened the server and clearly saw the icon of Ruixing, but when he double-clicked the icon, he found that the Ruixing flashed and disappeared directly. He even turned his head to the hard disk and wanted to find the software from Rising's root directory to restart, but he sadly found that Rising's directory was actually blank!

"Damn it, Ruixing was killed!" After a daze, Zhang Fatty immediately reacted and said, "Fly, this must have been poisoned!"

According to years of experience, he can easily make a correct judgment. Because there are indeed many viruses, the first thing to kill once it breaks out is the anti-virus software in the computer. However, according to Zhang Pangzi's understanding, these viruses are generally killed by the original anti-virus software in the computer, and then continue to destroy the computer system. But it may not be useful for the newly installed antivirus software later.

With the mentality of trying, Fatty Zhang began to work on other anti-virus software, but...

Kaba, be killed!

Norton is still killed!


Zhang Pangzi used all the installation files he often used and backed up in his computer, but none of them could have a little effect. And more importantly, other programs such as Word and video players, after a period of time, are either garbled or cannot be used normally at all. The most outrageous is the website. No matter how you open it, it is a blank page, as if the Internet has been cut off!

Think about the hundreds of people waiting outside, but there is nothing I can do. Fatty Zhang can almost predict that if this matter is really unmanageable, he will never please the director of a small Internet cafe, even this whole Internet cafe.

In this situation, Fatty Zhang suddenly sat on the wax and was at a loss.


It's not just Fatty Zhang. At this moment, there are many managers of Internet cafes, and now they have almost scratched their heads.

Because when Fatty Zhang was infected, hundreds of his people landed on the Penguin and were chatting with people elsewhere. Just sending a message, the virus has quietly invaded the other party. And the other party is contacting other places, so it takes a long time to infect a certain number of computers like other viruses. In just a moment, hundreds of thousands of computers in China have been recruited, and the number is still growing geometrically.

So half an hour, the virus has attracted the attention of many people, and many places have held emergency meetings for this purpose.

Rising antivirus software, a director is gathering technicians and said seriously: "This virus incident must attract the attention of all of us. According to the data transmitted by the monitoring center, the computer with our anti-virus software is currently installed. As long as it is infected, the anti-virus software will be 100% killed. This is likely to be a sabotage carried out against us, and we must solve this problem as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" There was a sound of promise below.

Jiangmin's anti-virus software, the people in the conference room are also full at this moment. The director in charge of technology also had a serious expression, but he didn't say much. The boss just glanced at everyone here and then slowly said, "I believe many people have seen that we have encountered an unprecedented crisis. If one can't handle it well, all of us may be laid off!"

His deputy added at the right time, "Now it seems that this is a virus that is more destructive than killing and maimed. From now on, everyone will cancel all vacations and be on duty 24 hours a day!"

After saying this, there was also a sparse sound of harmony below.

Norton, Kingsoft, Yanhuang Security... Almost all the companies engaged in security software or network security held emergency meetings this evening. And all the issues are similar: that is, strictly guard against it and resolutely do not let this virus ravage the Internet!

But it is obvious that with slogans and determination alone, it is not possible to really solve things.

Because not only those security companies, at this moment, even Mo Xiangxue has held an emergency meeting, and even several people who have been hiding behind the scenes and represent the backbone of domestic Internet security have been summoned by her. At this time, Mo Xiangxue's expression was extremely serious, because this time the virus paralyzed countless computers in a short time, far more aggressive than ever before.

After a period of silence, Mo Xiangxue asked in a condensed voice, "Is there a complete solution to this virus?"

"Now, there is nothing we can do." A man with eyes, about 30 years old, sighed helplessly and said, "This virus has quite strong intelligence. Not only is it a very powerful virus, but also its devouring ability makes all antivirus software on the market unable to compete with it. And its transmission speed is very strange, and we can't understand what the nature of this software is now.

"Tut!" Mo Xiangxue frowned and said, "So you mean it can't be solved in the short term?"

"It can be said." The man nodded solemnly, and his face was equally solemn. In fact, not only did he and his subordinates not fully understand the virus, but even if they sought foreign aid and found those internationally renowned virus experts to study it, they failed to find a reason. However, he did not mention this at the meeting, because it was helpless that the virus samples were collected and passed on, and the other party was also tricked because he didn't pay attention.

In other words, not only the domestic network has a big problem, but also the foreign network is also facing great pressure.

It is a soft company, which is also brightly lit at this moment. Although it gathers the world's top software masters and security experts, it is obvious that they have no way to deal with this virus. The only difference is that when one of them was doing network tracking, he accidentally found the source of the virus and learned that the virus came from the gun and rose tissue, but the place where it first broke out was in China.

It is precisely because the hardest hit area of this virus is Huaxia, and the soft high-level officials are worried about their heads at this time.

Because Phantom 2 not only destroys the system, but also the most serious office software. However, the biggest source of income for soft companies is these two pieces. If the system and office software are paralyzed, the losses caused are incalculable.

So, even Bill was shocked at this time and asked the technical side to do everything possible to solve the problem before dawn.

But obviously, this injustice seems to be impossible to achieve.

And when the soft side is also worried, Gun and Rose are also holding an emergency network meeting. At this time, he asked strangely, "What's going on? According to the agreement, we will let the virus break out in all parts of the world in a week. Why did the situation occur first in China today? Who can tell me the reason!"

No. 2 hesitated for a moment and then responded, "I just contacted you on the 99th, and he said he didn't do anything!"

No. 99 is the man who specially invited Gun and Rose to make the Phantom II virus. Although this man is only 19 years old and is still studying, his skills are not amazing. Even the top people in the list of guns and roses can only sigh. In addition to making viruses, the virus maker did not participate in the specific things of guns and roses, so he should not do anything.

However, he didn't make any action, so why did the virus break out?!

With full of doubts, No. 1 immediately issued an order after a pause: immediately find out what's going on with this. Our own virus is actually out of our control. Let's make an international joke!