Super Chivalrous Doctor

Chapter 112 Underground World

At the top of the south, Tang Zheng was bitten by Meng Xianer. Although his neck was a little painful, his relationship was also much closer.

"Tang Zheng, I didn't expect you to be so bad, a big bad guy." Meng Xianer looked at him. Although she said so, she felt that the person in front of her was different from the other boys he met. Although it was a little bad, it gave people a different feeling.

Tang Zheng smiled, and the snowflakes fell on his hair, face, body and hands. He looked at her and the fairy-like girl, and couldn't help thinking of Zhou Luoyu and Song Qinghan.

He thought of the people he met in his life, too many to remember, but after stepping into Jiangcheng, the figures were always imprinted in his memory.

In front of me, I met such a more beautiful girl.

Tang Zheng didn't speak any more and turned to look at the sky. Sometimes he was thinking that this life was really wonderful. His life was too extraordinary. If he was not an orphan, if he hadn't been passed down by medical skills, if he hadn't met Hong Qigong and others, he wouldn't have met these people.

He won't live so well.

Think about other people at his age, 2123 years old, who has just graduated from college. They are busy with work, busy with life, start a family and a career, and live an ordinary life. It may be very boring to repeat the day before.

Tang Zheng thought of his case. He is not trapped by money now, because in his hand, he has 30 million from the star immortals, which may be out of reach of many mortals, but it is too easy for people like Tang Zheng.

Some things are too difficult for ordinary people, but for them, it is as simple as drinking water. At this moment, he looks at Meng Xian'er in front of him and his fairy-like face. For many people, this is a goddess, which is out of reach, but Tang Zheng laughs with her.

Meng Xianer also looked at Tang Zheng. He looked at her and she looked at him.

"What are you looking at me for?" Seeing Tang Zheng staring at her all the time, Meng Xianer, as a girl, was still somewhat shy. If nothing had happened before, she would have been more or less unscrupulous in the face of Tang Zheng, but now, she doesn't know that she has some other ideas in her heart, and she can't explain these thoughts.

Tang Zheng said with a smile, "Of course I'm looking at the goddess."

"Goddess?" Meng Xianer was stunned, and then realized what he was talking about. She laughed, which was more brilliant than flowers. Tang Zheng was praising herself. Somehow, her heart was a little sweet.

Then she raised her eyebrows and said, "What about bullying me just now? Otherwise, would I really tell my master?"

Tang Zheng raised his hands and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"You know." Meng Xian'er blinked her eyes.

Tang Zheng didn't know what to say and said, "Do you really want to know?"

Meng Xianer nodded, and Tang Zheng sighed. The girl has been remembering this matter. If she doesn't say anything, I'm afraid she will always pester herself in the future.

Thinking of a series of things caused by this matter just now, Tang Zheng said, "Okay, I'll tell you."

"That's great!" Meng Xianer laughed and was very happy. Then she looked at Tang Zheng and wanted to know what he was going to say, what happened between him and the master.

Tang Zheng slowly said the matter.

So, Meng Xianer opened her mouth and opened her eyes wide. Tang Zheng wanted to cover her mouth with her hand, but after all, she thought that she was a girl. If she did that, it might cause the girl's dissatisfaction.

Then, Meng Xianer ran to the well and said, "Is there really... an ice coffin under here?"

Tang Zheng nodded.

This matter came from Hong Qigong. The other party must have gone down. In fact, Tang Zheng also wanted to go down and see what kind of world it was below. Meng Xianer was more anxious than him and said, "Tang Zheng, let's go down and have a look?"

Tang Zheng said, "How to go down?"

Meng Xianer said, "Of course, we are going to buy equipment, otherwise we will jump down!" When she said this, she stared at Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng also nodded.

The two came to the foot of the mountain and returned to the inn. Seeing them coming back, many people looked over, inhaling, thugging, and all kinds of voices, most of which concentrated their eyes on Meng Xianer. She was really beautiful.

A boy summoned up his courage and ran to Meng Xianer to take a picture with her. Meng Xianer shook her head with a smile and politely refused. Although the boy was disappointed, he had also decided to treat Meng Xianer as his goddess in the future.

Tang Zheng returned to his room and took a hot bath. Although what happened today was not much, he was still somewhat tired. At this moment, as soon as he lay in the bathtub and was soaked in warm hot water, his whole body became extremely comfortable.

After taking a shower, Tang Zheng put on his clothes and came out, but was shocked, because Meng Xianer was sitting on his **, looking at him with a smile and said with a smile, "You are like a girl. Why are you taking a shower? It's too clean."

"You didn't wash it?" Tang Zheng laughed.

Meng Xianer shook her head. She thought for a moment and ran back to her room. She didn't come back until two hours later. At this moment, Tang Zheng also prepared something, such as rope and so on.

Meng Xianer circled around him, nodded and said, "You are still more useful."

Tang Zheng no longer had the strength to talk about her. After preparing, the two came to the top of the mountain again, fixed the string, and then carried the backpack and slowly slid down. Of course, Tang Zheng was the first one.

As it got deeper and deeper, it was already a little dark. Tang Zheng turned on the light and found that the layers of ice crystals on the surrounding rock wall were very slippery. Tang Zheng took a deep breath and continued to go down, but soon reached the end of the rope.

This rope is ten meters long. When he arrived here, Tang Zheng continued to continue. Fortunately, he is a practicer. If he is an ordinary person, he dares not come down at all and may fall down.

Finally, he began to take the rope.

After another ten meters, Tang Zheng finally reached the bottom.

This is a very vast world.

"Hey..." Meng Xianer's voice came from above and echoed layer by layer. Tang Zheng also shouted. Finally, Meng Xianer also slid down the rope.

The two came to the world under the well.

This is an ice sculpture world.

All kinds of ice sculptures, most of which are human figures, wear armor, and are very powerful. Tang Zheng did not expect that there would be such a world under the well, which is very huge and magnificent.

"What the hell is this?"

Meng Xian'er opened her eyes wide. Some of these ice sculptures have two arms, some have three heads and six arms, and some wear masks.

Tang Zheng couldn't say it. He went forward to touch it. It was very cold. This kind of coldness can be said to be in human bones. If ordinary people touch it, I'm afraid they will freeze to death.

This is a real cold.

Meng Xianer was about to reach out, and Tang Zheng stopped her. What he practiced was the magic power of King Kong. His true spirit was as strong as Yang. He had some resistance to this coldness, but Meng Xian'er was not necessarily here.

"Alas, such a world."

Meng Xian'er sighed and didn't know what she was sighing about. The two turned around part of the area and saw an ice stone steps in front of them, stretching far and unable to see the edge.

"Can this ice step lead us to the ice coffin?" Meng Xianer exclaimed, and Tang Zheng's heart also moved. The two took a look at each other, stepped on the ice step and walked over together.

The icestone steps are down. The further down the two go, the colder they feel. Finally, Meng Xianer can't stand it and has to lean against Tang Zheng, because Tang Zheng at this moment is like a sun for her.

"We can't go any further!"

Tang Zheng shook his head. If it goes down again, Meng Xianer may freeze into a big ice cube. Meng Xianer is close to Tang Zheng and said, "It's a pity. Can you still hold on?"

Tang Zheng nodded.

"Then go down and see what's down there?" Meng Xianer urged Tang Zheng, and Tang Zheng said, "Can you do it?"

What he said means that after he goes down, Meng Xianer stays here alone. Can he insist?

Meng Xianer smiled and said, "I'm not a fool. I won't walk back yet."

Tang Zheng was right and let Meng Xianer stay here. He walked down the stone steps alone. As he walked down, suddenly, the wind blew up. Immediately, Tang Zheng's body was covered with a thick layer of ice dregs, and he breathed cold air.

"Is this really weird?" Tang Zheng felt a little hairy, and he had a very bad feeling in his heart. Finally, he was suddenly stunned, because he saw the shape of a spire in the void, and there seemed to be a huge tower in front of him.

Tang Zheng took a few more steps and found that the cold wind was getting stronger and blowing on his body. There were more and more ice dregs. Tang Zheng couldn't hold on, so he slowly walked back. After walking out of the last stone step, he saw Meng Xianer walking around an ice sculpture, as if he were studying something.

"Tang Zheng, you're back. How's it going? What's next?" Meng Xianer suddenly ran over, and her face was full of expectation.

Tang Zheng smiled bitterly and did not answer his words. He sat down directly cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to practice. In this way, it took him half an hour before he slowly opened his eyes.

But at this moment, his heart was a little shocked.

Because of his cultivation, he has improved a little.

It seems that the chill below is very useful for his cultivation. Tang Zheng was happy and moved his mind. If he practices here in the future, he may soon be able to pass the early stage of the third layer and reach the middle stage.

"Tang Zheng, you finally woke up. I'm so anxious."

Meng Xianer was relieved to see that Tang Zheng finally opened her eyes. Just now, she really thought what had happened to Tang Zheng. She didn't know, but she was very worried. She also realized that something seemed to be wrong, that is, she was too worried about Tang Zheng.

She has never experienced this feeling.

Therefore, I feel a little confused.

At this moment, Tang Zheng woke up, and she also ran over with a worried look.

"Are you all right?"

Tang Zheng shook his head and said, "I met the cold air below, practiced for a while, and finally refined the cold air."

"Really? That's great." Meng Xian'er's face showed joy.

Tang Zheng looked at her and didn't know why she was so happy. Maybe it was because he finally woke up and could tell her the following things.

"Tep me quickly." Meng Xian'er said.

Tang Zheng nodded and said the following things.

"Tower?" Meng Xianer's eyes widened, and she also guessed at this moment that the tower might be the burial place of the ice coffin. She was very excited and wanted to go down, but according to her strength, there was obviously no hope for this matter.

Tang Zheng also sighed. If he couldn't get down, he couldn't help it. In fact, he also wanted to see what the female corpse in the tower looked like. Even Hong Qigong couldn't guess her origin.

In the end, the two did not go down, but walked around the huge ice sculpture area.

"This seems to be... ferocious, isn't it?"

Suddenly, Meng Xian'er exclaimed that in front of her, a huge ice sculpture lay there, which was no different from the mythical legend. When Tang Zheng looked at the huge eyes, he felt that the whole world was about to collapse, and it took him to recover for a long time.

"This is..."

He took a breath of cold air, which was amazing. In this underground world, there were fairy tales and legendary things. So whether these things were deliberately engraved by someone in later generations, or... This is a microcosm of the mythical world.

Tang Zheng's mood is a little complicated.

This degree of complexity seems to have thunder roaring through his mind and rumbling.

"Tang Zheng, what's wrong with you?" Meng Xianer asked, worried.

Tang Zheng said, "I don't have anything, just a little tired."

"Then let's go up!" Meng Xianer also felt that she was in front of the fierce beast, as if she was out of breath. In the deep area away from the fierce beast, it seemed that other ancient wild beasts were still there.

Tang Zheng took a deep breath, suppressed his palpitations, and nodded.

Finally, the two climbed out of the well along the string, and Tang Zheng sat down.

"Are you all right?" Meng Xianer looked pale and was very worried.

Tang Zheng waved his hand and said, "I'm fine. Let's go down the mountain!"

Back to the foot of the mountain, Tang Zheng returned to his room, threw himself to ** and fell asleep in an instant.

This time, he had a dream.

This dream is very long. It is a vast and boundless world, endless killing and expedition. He even saw a fierce man, roaring up to the sky and shaking the world.

At seven o'clock in the evening, he suddenly woke up.

** has been soaked in sweat.

"Why are you here?" Tang Zheng turned over and was suddenly stunned. He saw Meng Xianer sitting next to him and looking at him.

Meng Xianer said, "What's wrong with you? Why are you sweating so much that you won't get sick?"

"I'm fine." Tang Zheng shook his head.

He knows best whether he is well or not.

He knew that his mind was shocked by the suan yin in the world of ice sculpture. As long as he rested for a period of time, he would be fine.

"Don't you need to call a doctor?" Meng Xian'er asked.

Tang Zheng shook his head and smiled, "I'm a doctor myself. What's the name of a doctor?"

Hearing what he said, Meng Xianer was stunned, and she couldn't help laughing. Indeed, Tang Zheng is a doctor. Meng Xianer has heard his medical skills many times from Hong Qigong. Hong Qigong praised Tang Zheng so much that there was nothing on the earth.

"Go back and rest. I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Tang Zheng laughed.

Meng Xian'er stared at him and said, "I'm not worried about you. I just can't see it."

Tang Zheng smiled and said nothing more.

The room was quiet for a moment.

Tang Zheng came down from ** and looked at her and said with a smile, "Now I'm going to change my clothes. You don't want to peek, do you?"

"Bah, the ghost is peeking!" Meng Xianer sped and ran out.

So Tang Zheng came to the bathroom, took off his clothes, and began to put hot water. Soon, he lay down and sank his whole body.

It took him a long time to emerge.

"What the hell is that?"

I don't know why he had a very bad feeling about the world under the well. This premonition seemed to come from that long dream, until he thought he had come to this world from that world.

Finally, he sighed.

This matter was decided by Hong Qigong. He also knows that Hong Qigong and others have reached the peak of practice and want a higher level. This realm is not only a desire for strength, but also a desire for life.

Because every improvement of the realm is a slow increase in life expectancy for these practitioners.

Tang Zheng sank himself again.

So, half an hour later, he came up again.

At this moment, he has almost recovered, because the trauma caused by the head has recovered 70% or 80%.

At this moment, the water has also become cold.

Tang Zheng came out of the bathtub, got dressed, walked out of his room, called the waiter, ordered a large table of delicious food, and even ordered two jars of knife wine.

The wine is very strong.

He looked up and drank a jar in one gulp. His whole body seemed to be surrounded by fire, and the sound of clapping came from other places, which was very loud.

People are convinced by Tang Zheng's wildness.

This is not the group of people last night, but another new group. They are also tourists and don't know what happened last night.

Tang Zheng drinks wine, eats food, and feels the beauty of life.

No matter what the underground world is, Tang Zheng just needs to live a good life.

"Brother is really good at drinking."

At this moment, a very loud voice sounded, very bold and domineering. A very rough man came, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, almost in his thirties.

He came over with a wine jar in his hand.

That's also knife wine.

Tang Zheng looked over.

The two's eyes collided in the air. I don't know why, just a glance, as if they had been old friends for many years.

"Brother, how about we drink together?" The man came with a bold smile.

Tang Zheng nodded.

This is a practitioner.

The strength should be in the early stage of the Xuan level.

Tang Zheng is also very happy. This man, with a bright voice, looks like a luxury guest, and his heart is full of expectations.