super modification

Chapter 35 Fist does not have long eyes

Bu Jinglei's heart was angry, and he turned over and jumped up. His left fist hit the chin of the cross-fat man from the top.

"Young master can't get up, do you still need to scream?"

The bald man stepped back four steps with a punch, waved his fist, and looked at the other party angrily.

The big man suddenly became angry and fucked a bench like a hungry tiger.

At this time, the thunder could not retreat, and there was a wall behind it. Suddenly, it was horizontally, punched and hit the flying stool directly. With a 'bang', the stool was broken.

"What are you doing? Teach me a lesson from this boy."

The bald man was furious and greeted the other three prisoners, and the last four each pulled a bench and besieged them at the same time.

Bu Jinglei had nowhere to vent his anger, so he tried his best to fight back against the four prisoners. After a few punches, he finally broke the bench in their hands. At this time, a sharp knife appeared in the hand of the horizontal bald man and stabbed obliquely from the left.

Bu Jinglei's heart tightened and jumped three or four meters forward. Then he saw the bald man chase and cut him. In a moment of urgency, Bu Jinglei's fists suddenly closed together. His body was from the top to the top. Taking the fist as the first, his whole body was like a tiger coming out of a hole, attacking the bald man's chest, and his closed fists were aimed at his neck.

Before the sharp knife of the bald man was cut down, Bu Jinglei's fists had drilled up like a whirlwind and took the fat neck.


Two fists accurately hit the big man's neck, directly repelled the big man, fell heavily on the wall, rolled his eyes, collapsed at the heel of the wall, and did not move for a long time.

Bu Jinglei closed his fists and felt relieved, and couldn't help but feel a little proud. However, the big man didn't move for a long time, but it was a little bad.

The other three prisoners carefully approached the bald man, "Big thunder head, big thunder head, what's wrong with you?"

Push the head of the big thunder head, suddenly moved, put it down and hung in front of the chest, and a pool of blood had oozed from the neck, flowing a large piece in the chest.

"The thunder head is dead, the people are dead, the people are dead..." The three prisoners were shocked and shouted loudly regardless of everything.

Only the scar prisoner panicked for a while and did not make a sound. He turned to the corner of the bed but trembled all over, and his eyes looked at the thunder with fear.

"What are you worried about? I killed this man. Naturally, I am responsible for it alone."

Bu Jinglei said more lazily, and his heart was out of his mind. On second thought, it should not be a big deal to kill a prisoner, but he didn't know how the warden would attack.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I'm the new young master of the Bu family, and I was wronged. Bu Jinglei glanced at the scar prisoner.

"Is this... wronged? I thought you were a new villain. The scar man relaxed.

At that moment, he greeted the scar prisoner to lift the big thunder head out together. At this time, three or four hundred prisoners outside were gathering, and they were immediately attracted to their eyes and looked side by one after another.

"What's going on? What's wrong with the big thunder head? First came not the one-eyed warden, but the bodyguard captain Lu Hu, who shouted in surprise.

Bu Jinglei didn't say much, "I killed him."

As soon as Lu Hu heard this, the boss immediately stared at him. After a moment of stunned, he raised his hand and beat Bu Jinglei, and then greeted the two bodyguards to punch and kick Bu Jinglei.

At this time, there were many people, and Bu Jinglei did not intend to resist. He only hugged his head and gritted his teeth to withstand the kicking of the two bodyguards.

At this time, Chen Tianya, the one-eyed prison director, came in from the outside and saw someone beating here from afar. He immediately shouted, " Stop it, what's going on?"

The Luhu motioned the two bodyguards to stop and took the thunder to the one-eyed prison director, "This boy killed the big thunder head."

"What? Don't you want to live?" The one-eyed warden raised his hand to slap Bu Jinglei, but he couldn't do it, and then said, "The young master has assigned a task to catch fire-winged birds. This matter will not be investigated for the time being. Bury the big thunder head."

Lu Hu was waiting for the one-eyed prison director to beat the young master of the Bu family, but he didn't expect that he would not pursue it for the time being. He couldn't help but be a little surprised, but it was inconvenient to say more. He quickly greeted the two bodyguards and took the thunderhead bodies out.

"Step Thunder, take this elixir."

Suddenly, the one-eyed prison chief had an extra black elixir in his hand.

"What is it?" Bu Jinglei said suspiciously.

"There is so much nonsense. You have to eat it if you don't eat it. Eat!"

The one-eyed man opened his eyes angrily.

"I don't eat anything mysterious." Bu Jinglei became more suspicious and said bravely.

"Look for a fight!"

Suddenly, the one-eyed prison stepped in, and the other two bodyguards pressed Bu Jinglei, and then the one-eyed man opened Bu Jinglei's mouth and stuffed the black elixir into it. Bu Jinglei scolded the eighteen generations of ancestors of the one-eyed man, but he couldn't figure out what it was to eat.

"Step by step and thunder!"

Hearing this fierce shout, Bu Lei cautiously stood in the prisoner's team and secretly observed his face. Seeing that the one-eyed prison director's anger had not yet disappeared, and even with a sense of anger, he concluded that Chen Tianya would not give up on the matter of killing him. He had to find a way, but he could not think of it for a while.

"Today's task is to kill 20 fire-winged birds per person! Did you hear it clearly? Twenty! If you don't complete the task, you will be punished for not eating for three days. Chen Tianya shouted harshly to the prisoners.

The prisoners bit their heads and whispered in a low voice and were very dissatisfied. "It's been two or three months to catch fire-winged birds. It's difficult to catch ten every day. It's too difficult to catch 20 birds today."

When Chen Tianya heard these comments, he pulled out the black sword in his hand with a "bang" and roared, "Who dares not accept it? Come out!"

As if he wanted to eat people, the criminals did not dare to offend him. They closed their mouths and stopped saying anything.

The thunderstorm in the crowd thought, what kind of firewing bird to catch? What does the Long family want so many firewinged birds to do...

Following the criminals out of the cell, they were escorted by a team of bodyguards, went straight out of Longjiazhuang, turned around a nearby hill, and entered a deep forest. This deep forest is connected with the virgin forest.

"This is not a primitive forest. How can there be so many fire-winged birds?" After walking for a while, he didn't see a monster, and he muttered in a low voice.

The scar man smiled bitterly, "You don't know, they dare not take us to the virgin forest, where there are many fire-winged birds, but they are afraid that we will escape, meet those werewolves, and even more afraid of meeting the giants inside. So I only look for fire-winged birds in this deep forest.

"But there is no monster here." Bu Jinglei looked speechless. Now he is also a prisoner. If he doesn't complete the task, won't he be hungry for three days? I'm a little anxious when I think of not eating for three days.

"Yes, there will be monsters in it."

Scar man's way.

Bu Jinglei nodded and believed that the scar man would have a way to catch fire-winged birds. He secretly decided to ask him for help at that time. After talking and understanding, he learned that the scar man's name was 'Xue Wuhai'. His eyes were not good and he was a little short-sighted, but his ears were amazing, and he used a good hidden weapon. Although his skills were low, the prisoners were all I won't bully him. Many people have a good relationship with him, because Xue Wuhai is righteous enough to catch more firewinged birds to help others.

Soon, in the depths of the forest, some monsters will come out from time to time. At this time, the guards will no longer follow, allowing the prisoners to go in to work, only guarding the exit to prevent the escape of the prisoners.

"Damn one-eyed wolf, double the task all of a sudden, it's disgusting!"

"Yes, I can't wait to blind his other eye!"

Without the guards following him, the criminals let go and scolded the one-eyed prison chief one by one, venting their dissatisfaction.

"It turns out that these prisoners have certain skills, but why don't they dare to kill those guards and escape?" Bu Jinglei muttered secretly that after they fled last time, they were easily captured back, and they didn't hear anyone resisting to attack the disciples of the Long family.

At this time, some prisoners found several fire-winged birds and put down steel wire mesh to round up the fiery red birds.

The fire-winged bird does not fly fast, but it will spit out flames. The flame is still poisonous, so everyone has some scruples and dares not kill the fire-winged bird at close range.

But with a certain experience and a large number of people, everyone was busy and cooperated with each other, and finally caught more than 30 fire-winged birds.

When he looked carefully at the fire-winged bird, his eyes lit up and felt that the flame of the fire-winged bird was related to his practiced fire fist martial arts. It turned out that this firepower was the same.

Immediately asked for a fire-winged bird and wanted to study it. Unexpectedly, the prisoners still refused, but after snow-free negotiations, Bu Jinglei still got a fire-winged bird.

Cut open the belly of the fire-winged bird with a sharp knife and find a fire-winged bird's internal elixir in its stomach. It turns out that these fire-winged birds are unusual, but a kind of low-level spirit beasts. The fire-winged birds that criminals have seen are generally only one to three levels.

For the inner elixir of spirit beasts, everyone who has practiced knows that it can be used to refine, which is conducive to improving their cultivation. However, none of these prisoners did this, which is another concede.

There are two cases of refining internal elixir: in vitro refining and in vivo refining.

Without the alchemy furnace, Bu Jinglei had to choose to refine in his body, and no matter why others did not do so, he swallowed the inner elixir of the fire-winged bird.

Transporting Neidan to Dantian, and then began to operate spiritual alchemy.


As soon as the spiritual power was lifted, it quickly dispersed to the pores in all directions.

"What's going on? Why did the spiritual power dissipate automatically? Bu Jinglei was very surprised. Now he tried several times, and the result became more serious. Gradually, he was unable to operate the spiritual power, which was more serious than the automatic dissipation just now. I was shocked and sweated coldly all over my body.

"Please note that there is a strong life fluctuation on the body.

Automatically start the picture of Life No. 1 and Life No. 2..."

When you are in a hurry, you can see that the virtual space automatically appears, and the two life maps of the thunder body automatically jump out.

I saw a light spot flashing rapidly on both life maps.

There are two luminous points on the Life 1 map, one of which is flashing, numerical value: (19;-5)

There were originally three luminous points on the map of Life 2, which were on the 'right hand', 'Dantian' and 'eye'. At this time, the light spots on the 'Dantian' classification flashed sharply, and the value: (19;-3)

Seeing these two negative luminous points, Bu Jinglei was shocked. I went there. Why is something wrong with my cultivation? My Dantian is bad. What's going on?