super modification

Chapter 61 Everything is ready ★^_^★

This wall has the highest metallicity, so it is so strong. At this time, Bu Jinglei is already familiar with modifying the 'five-eline diagram', which attracts 100 spiritual points and reduces the metallic mental value to '1'.

I tried the surface of the wall and felt a little soft. Bu Jinglei drew a smile on the corners of his mouth and knew that it had been modified successfully. Then he secretly worked hard with a sharp knife. With just a gentle stroke, he cut a fine seam, secretly pushed the wall away.

Because the wall has become soft, after entering, the wall has returned to its original position. If the people outside don't look closely, they can't find that anyone has entered this place.

It was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. Fortunately, Bu Jinglei's eyesight was amazing. I could see the surrounding objects clearly. I saw that this was a room with a pile of debris, emitting an unpleasant smell. I carefully bypassed the debris and opened the door.

There were several beds outside, simple ** sleeping people. After a careful look, it turned out that this was a subordinate room. These servants who had been busy all day slept to death, snoring loudly, and walked by safely and opened another door.

There was a long walkway outside. Bu Jinglei came to a courtyard and saw three or four of the seven or eight internal bodyguards yawning. Bu Jinglei was about to leave. Unexpectedly--

I bumped into a small tree, brought out a cling sound, and I couldn't help hiding under the grass.

What's the sound? Go and have a look." The guards reacted keenly and immediately came on guard.

These guards took out their swords, cut them randomly in the grass, chopped a few swords on the tree, and left without finding anything unusual.

Gritting his teeth, Jinglei shouted unlucky in his heart. His back was scratched. Although there was no blood, there was a little pain. His clothes were cut by the sword of the bodyguard. Seeing that the sky was darker, he could not miss the opportunity again. Bu Jinglei carefully walked through the grass and came to the most elegant room, thinking that this should be step by step by step. The house.

The door could not be pushed open at all, and the sharp knife could not be reached out, so he came to a window, gently pushed it open, and then turned over and jumped in. There was a weapon room inside, with many swords and swords.

"Ker said that the dark room was in the place where Bu Tianli practiced." Bu Jinglei muttered in his heart, looking for Bu Tianli's practice room.

The people in the Bu family have their own practice rooms. Thinking that there was also a dark room in his room, Bu Jinglei paid special attention to whether there were organs on the wall. After touching the wall for a long time, he finally touched a different place and pushed it secretly.

Suddenly, the whole wall sank in.

The dark room has been found.

The moment I entered, I suddenly found a trace of light in the darkness in the distance. I couldn't help but be shocked to see that it was a practice room, and the light was blocked by the wall and could still be seen.

After a false alarm, Bu Jinglei wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and began to move in the dark room. This room is full of all kinds of books, but it is also full of dust, emitting a faint musty smell.

I looked for it all, but I didn't see any black box. Bu Jinglei stood calmly, carefully scanning everywhere and thinking.

Suddenly, I felt that there was something wrong with a painting on the wall, and I didn't know what was wrong. Bu Jinglei just felt that there was a problem by intuition. He reached out and touched it secretly and worked hard, and it was indeed abnormal.

The wall behind the painting slowly sank in.

This is a small grid dark room.

There is a black box inside.

"Haha, that's great, I found it." Bu Jinglei's heart blossomed happily. When he opened the box, his eyes couldn't help but light up. He saw five pills lying quietly in it, which was the nourishing elixir.

Take Dan, put the box back in place, close the dark grid, and hang the painting.

I ate two pills first, and then put the other three pills into the space ring. Bu Jinglei quickly came out and closed the dark room to go out.

At this time, I suddenly heard a low voice, but I couldn't hear it clearly. Bu Jinglei heard the sound from Bu Tianli's practice room, "Isn't there a master teaching this guy's unique skills?" Curious, he approached and finally heard it clearly.

"Master, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to improve my skills quickly if I continue to practice like this. Where did you say yesterday to auction the magic elixir today?"

"Tianli, don't be too impatient. Although the god-gathering elixir is 20 or 30 times better than the nourishing elixir, it can't be refined at all with your current power, and it's useless to buy it."

"Well, I won't buy it."

After listening to these words, the following words were some words of encouragement from the master to Bu Tianli, and Bu Tianli's discouraged words. Bu Jinglei stopped listening, and then carefully followed the original way to exit.

When I passed through the weapon room, I suddenly remembered that I didn't have a good weapon, so I glanced at some swords and saw one of the long knives with a faint blue light in the dark. I don't know what weapon it was. It was almost dawn and I was eager to leave, so I took the knife.

He quickly withdrew and came outside. He saw that the northern sky had turned white and the dawn was approaching. He couldn't help running out in a hurry.

"Who is it? Stop!"

Suddenly, there was a messy sound of footsteps behind.

"No, those damn guards found me." Bu Lei was shocked and ran faster.

At this time, suddenly there was a darkness in front of my eyes, and Bu was stunned. A strange thing happened before we met, and a giant with a height of five meters appeared out of thin air!

Pang* emitted a strong and violent atmosphere, and the violent look made people extremely frightening. The knife-like claws flashed cold in the night, and the eagle's eyes shot out two sharp blue rays, which were murderous. The black wings on both sides suddenly fluttered like a huge shield, bringing a powerful storm. The huge strength hit more than a dozen warriors who caught up with him.

"I went, I was lucky, where did the black eagle actually help me solve the crisis? Great, thank you very much." With that, Bu Jinglei ran away. Once it was almost dawn, it would be troublesome to be found. Second, he was also a little afraid of the giant eagle and did not dare to stay for a moment.

Just after turning around and running a few steps, the giant eagle suddenly faded and turned into a dim light, and an arrow entered the thunderous body.

Bu Jinglei was unaware of this and had no abnormal feeling, but he felt that there was no scary breath behind him. Looking back, he couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the giant eagle.

It's almost dawn, and if you stay any longer, your identity will be exposed. Bu Jinglei dares not stay for a second and quickly runs out of this fierce range.

When I returned to my room, I found that I had been in a cold sweat. I pushed down the door, but the door opened first. Inside, Ke'er and Nanshan rushed out. It turned out that the two had not slept all night and had been waiting for Master Bu to come back.

"Young master, you are finally back. Is everything all right?" Ke'er's caring way.

"It's okay. I succeeded. I got five nourishing pills, which is enough to resurrect my father." Bu Jinglei calmed down and smiled.

"Great, the master is going to be resurrected! Haha." Ke'er jumped up excitedly, rushed up, and gave Master Bu a heavy hug.

Smelling Ke'er's wonderful body fragrance, Bu Jinglei was really intoxicated. After hugging for half a minute, all the shock just now was thrown out of the sky.

I slept all morning.

After waking up, I found that the two nourishing pills I ate had been refined and my mental strength had increased a lot. I checked the nebula in the virtual space, and the spiritual point had reached 2000.

"Young master, let's resurrect the master. Do you want to inform others?" Ke'er is full of interest.

I was extremely excited to think that Bu Zhantian, who had died for two or three months, could be resurrected, including Bu Jinglei, but she had great expectations; Nanshan was more surprised and admired, and admired the five bodies of Master Bu.

Bu Jinglei had already thought about it and said, "As long as you inform the second uncle, the third uncle, the second young master Feng, and a few elders, others don't have to inform."

"Are you going now?" However, he was shocked and his heart beat faster, which means that the young master is about to take action and do this big thing. Not only can he resurrect the master, but more importantly, after the young master completes this big event, his reputation in the Bu family will rise sharply, and no one will look down on the young master again.

Think about it and know how powerful a person can resurrect the dead! Legend has it that only gods can do this kind of thing, and everyone will definitely worship the young master as a god. Ke'er thought about it and was so excited that she wanted to cry.

Bu Jinglei nodded, "It's only two days. You can inform them now and ask them to send someone to bring the master back, but it can't be resurrected today. I have one more thing to do. I'll take Nanshan now. Don't worry about us."

"What is the young master going to do?"

"I'm going to the auction house near here. You can inform me. I also want to resurrect my father one day earlier.

Ke'er nodded vigorously and went away excitedly.

Bu Jinglei called Nanshan: "Let's go to the housekeeper."

After a moment, he came to the office of the housekeeper Wu Dong, "Prepare 100,000 gold coins for me."

Wu Donglai was shocked: "What? Why do you want so many gold coins?

Nanshan raised two * bags and stared at the housekeeper. "Don't talk nonsense. The young master told you to get ready."