Super College

Chapter 4 Hall 369, Wudao Street

"The next step is very simple, which is to choose the system! As I said before, every student who comes in can choose two main systems. If there is no living environment, there is nothing we can do! Let me give you a suggestion. Now the main choice is refining medicine, and the auxiliary is the martial arts system!" Xiaobai repeated the matter of choosing the system in order to attract the attention of Yi Xuanning. This kind of thing should not be careless!

"Xiaobai, I know that internal power is on our planet, but isn't the refining system related to refining any elixir or something?" Yi Xuanning said what he saw from the novel when he was on the earth.

"Who told you this? In fact, the martial arts system also needs to be assisted by elixir! On the planet you are now, there are both martial arts and cultivation. Although the number of practitioners is too small, Sheng Qixing is still inextricably linked to the cultivation world. Therefore, I suggest that you learn the martial arts system first, and learn the refining system. When the martial arts system reaches a certain level, it is also the beginning of cultivation!"

"Damn, the novel really kills people!" After listening to Xiaobai's words, Yi Xuanning couldn't help scolding a novel he had read before. In that novel, it only said that martial arts practitioners would only take some natural resources and treasures directly, thus increasing internal strength, but he said that refining medicine is a means that practitioners have!

"Okay, then I will choose the martial arts system and the refining system!" Yi Xuanning doesn't know much about this. Now there is this expert to explain to himself, and there is no problem at all!

[Apprentice Yi Xuanning, the main system selected is the refining system, the auxiliary system, and the martial arts system! Please report to Hall 369 Wudao Street as soon as possible!]

"Who is this?" At this time, a cold voice sounded in Yi Xuanning's mind. He could hear this voice, not Xiao Bai's voice, and when he just entered the super college, it seemed that this voice also reminded himself to give himself something.

"That's the sound of the system. Don't worry about it. Now put on the apprentice suit and put on the scoreboard. These things are necessary for learning!" Xiaobai's slightly impatient voice sounded again in Yi Xuanning.

"Oh." Yi Xuanning has no time to quarrel with Xiaobai. Now he just wants to see what this super college is for and whether it is useful for him. In fact, in contrast, he prefers to go back to the real world first. He doesn't know much about his family and doesn't know enough about the world, which makes him feel very much. Confused.

Out of the dormitory door, Xiaobai began to wander on the street with Yi Xuanning. On the empty street, the sparse pedestrians did not smile, as if the air was not flowing.

"Xiao Bai, the atmosphere seems to be a little wrong!" Yi Xuanning came to Xiaobai's ear and asked softly. The depressed atmosphere here made Yi Xuanning a little unhappy!

"What's wrong? There has always been such an atmosphere in the super college. Didn't I tell you that you need to use points for everything in the college, and how do points come from? There are three ways. The first is to complete the tasks assigned by the college. Usually, these tasks will be relatively simple and are carried out on your planet, such as finding things, killing people, and so on! The second way is to sell things! In the super college, there is a special consignment system. If all your things can be used by the college, such as elixirs, the system will allow you to sell like all members. Of course, if it is the kind of elixir that can only be used by practitioners, it can only be sold to practitioners, and there is another kind of , that's PK! In the super college, PK is divided into two types, one is free PK, and the other is organizational PK.

"The so-called free PK means that someone challenges you, or you challenge others. This is a system without practice. As long as a person is willing to fight, he will be allowed by the system. The bet value of each PK cannot be less than 100, and organizing PK refers to learning. There will be activities organized by the hospital, or from the outer court, and every time you hit an opponent, you will get corresponding points.

"It is also for this reason that the atmosphere in the college becomes like this. I remind you not to use points indiscriminately. In the super college, points have benefits that you can't imagine. As long as you have points, you can get resources that the outside world don't have to practice!"

"Okay, we're here!" The ardent Xiaobai suddenly stopped talking, which made Yi Xuanning not come to his senses for a moment. He was completely attracted by these contents of the super college!

"Hey, we're here!" Xiaobai found that Yi Xuanning was still immersed in what he said, and could only roar loudly at Yi Xuanning's ear.

"Ah•••Are you fucking crazy?" Yi Xuanning was shocked and came back to his senses. Being so scared by Xiaobai, Yi Xuanning almost came out of his sheath!

What are you thinking about? That's it!" Xiaobai looked at Yi Xuanning with some resentment. His eyes were still blinking at Yi Xuanning. Yi Xuanning's stomach rolled, and with the slightly perverted voice, Yi Xuanning really felt that Xiaobai was a back mountain at all!

"You... Stay away from me and I'll go in by myself!" Yi Xuanning took two steps back. He really couldn't stand the virtue of the men around him. After shaking his hand, he walked into Hall 369 Wudao Street alone.

Leave Xiaobai alone to laugh outside, looking like he has been successful.

After opening the door, Yi Xuanning walked into the house and opened a curtain in front of him. Everything inside appeared under Yi Xuanning's eyes.

So many people?

The moment Yi Xuanning lifted the curtain, hundreds of people in the whole hall focused their eyes on him. Obviously, Yi Xuanning didn't expect that the house looked only a few dozen square meters outside. After entering, there was such a large space. More than 100 people sat on the ground in groups, talking and laughing.

"What can I do for you?" Just as Yi Xuanning looked around the whole museum, a fat figure appeared in front of him and blocked his sight.

"I'm new here. I chose the martial arts system. Someone asked me to come here." Yi Xuanning's face instantly smiled, and politeness can leave a good impression on people!

"It turned out to be a freshman! OK, welcome to join 369 Martial Arts College. I am Li Yang, the person in charge here. The first thing you need to do now is to choose a teacher. More than 100 people sitting there are all teachers. Each teacher has a different price. The most expensive is 1,000 points per academic year, and the cheapest is 1 point per academic year. And the specific price of your teacher needs to be chosen by yourself. There is only one chance. After you choose it, he will teach you this academic year, and you can't change teachers halfway. If you choose a relatively cheap one, you have to waste a school year. Li Yang pointed to more than 100 people in the field and explained it to Yi Xuanning in detail.

"Nima, this is not a trap! If I recite it and choose one that only uses one point, this school year will be really abandoned! This college is still fucking insidious. Let me take a good look. If you want to choose one, choose one. It's the same as buying things. If it's expensive, it will be expensive. Yi Xuanning muttered a few words in his heart and looked at these people again.

When the masters present heard Yi Xuanning say that he was a freshman, they all stood up, looked at him, and kept signaling him to choose himself as the master!

You know, these masters must sit here without apprentices. Some of these people have not received apprentices for hundreds of years. You know, there are a total of 500 martial arts colleges in the Super College, and each freshman comes in the next round. After so many years, they 36 9 Wu College has only been rotated eleven times, and Yi Xuanning is the twelfth time!

But every distant master speaks upwards. As the saying goes, there are many masters and few apprentices, so these people are all suffocated!