Super College

Chapter 17 Destroy the body!

When Yi Xuanning used this move, he found that this move was not what he could use at all. It was very difficult to use the fourth move. If it hadn't been for his solid foundation, it would have been impossible for him to use the fourth move, and now he has forced you to use the fifth move to make his The body is under unprecedented pressure!

He only saw traces of blood spots on Yi Xuanning's clothes. Only he knew that it was blood from the rupture of part of the skin above his body! He could even feel that his internal organs were injured!

But the effect of this move is also very obvious. At this time, the range within ten meters in diameter where the three people are located is all surrounded by silver light, and the outside world can't see what's going on inside!

In the eyes of these two silver killers, the whole world seems to be surrounded by silver light. They feel as if they are in their mother's arms, which is very warm. They have never felt this feeling since they became killers! However, does Yi Xuanning's powerful move just make these two killers feel the warmth and feel his mother's embrace? The answer is no!

When the two lost their mind, the whole silver light wrapped space began to rotate, and the speed kept increasing. The silver light inside looked like stars in the sky, but the silver light here was more dazzling! As the space rotates, the silver light spots in the space also begin to rotate!

The nightmare of the two killers begins!

At this time, the two killers realized the horror of Yi Xuanning, because each silver light point turned to the two killers and would rush through the bodies of the two killers without hesitation!



The two killers kept roaring, and every inch of their bodies was stabbed by a needle-like feeling every moment, which made the two killers think of death in an instant! It's better to die than to suffer such pain!

However, such pain did not last long. In just a few seconds, the two killers disappeared into the world, leaving no complete bone corpse.

"vomit..." Yi Xuanning saw such a bloody thing for the first time. If he saw a corpse alone, maybe he could calm down, but now he saw a pile of broken meat without a complete bone. This visual impact made Yi Xuanning's stomach begin to roll violently. Soon, breakfast What he ate vomited, but it didn't seem to be enough. In the next dry vomiting, Yi Xuanning felt that he almost spit out all the gastric juice!

"Brother, you have done a good job. Since these people want to kill us, we don't need to show mercy, but such a scene is a little bloody!" When Yi Xuanfeng saw the end of the battle here, she came over. When she saw such a bloody scene, she was also a little uncomfortable!

"Sister, let's go quickly!" Yi Xuanning really wants to die now. Before using this trick, no one told himself that this trick was so violent and bloody. If he had known it, he would not have used it. Although it may be more difficult to kill the two acquired warriors without this trick, Yi Xuanning would rather work a little. I don't want to see this kind of uncomfortable picture!

"Well, you go ahead!" Yi Xuanfeng didn't say much, but made way for Yi Xuanning to walk in front of him. Yi Xuanning didn't ask much. He couldn't stand it anymore! He rushed out without saying a word.

After seeing her brother go far away, Yi Xuanfeng took out a jade bottle from her arms. There was no handwriting on the jade bottle. Then Yi Xuanfeng poured out four elixirs from it. Two of them were put into the mouths of the two killers who fell first, and the other two were thrown into the meat!

At this time, a magical scene happened. The corpses on the ground began to change, slowly becoming soft and transparent. After a few minutes, the bodies of the four people turned into transparent and colorless ** and slowly penetrated into the land!

Yi Xuanfeng collected several people's weapons and buried them under an inconspicuous tree in the roadside forest. After eliminating all the traces, Yi Xuanfeng chased them in the direction of her brother!

"Sister, why are you so slow?" Yi Xuanning kept walking forward. After walking for a long time, he found that his sister did not follow, so he sat on a stone by the roadside and waited. When Yi Xuanfeng caught up with him, he asked.

"Clean up the traces, okay, let's go quickly. It seems that we need to speed up and try to get to Dongfu City before tomorrow night. We won't rest tonight. We will hurry overnight, take shortcuts, avoid all the towns and villages, and go straight to Dongfu City!" After this incident, Yi Xuanfeng realized that if the killers did not succeed this time, there must be another time, so he must be careful. If he goes to the town for the night according to the original plan, he will definitely be in danger again! Only when she arrives in Dongfu City quickly can she be relieved!

"Clean up the traces..." Yi Xuanning repeated these four words in his heart and suddenly thought of Ren Ning a month ago. It was his sister who killed Ren Ning that day, and his sister dragged Ren Ning's body out of his room, thinking that she was going to destroy the body!

At this time, Yi Xuanning was more curious about what happened to her sister, and why can she be so calm about killing? Unfortunately, the original Yi Xuanning's diary did not write about her sister in this regard, so everything needs to be said by herself!

Yi Xuanning still agrees with what his sister said. He also thinks that if he still goes to the town in the plan to stay at this time, he will definitely encounter such a thing again, so it is safer to travel overnight. Although the enemy only sent four acquired masters (notes) this time, it is not possible to There will be more masters at once! So their two siblings must be cautious! For Yi Xuanning, it's nothing more than not being able to enter the super college for one night!

"Xiao Bai, Xiaobai!" Yi Xuanning called his little housekeeper and book boy twice in his heart. If you don't go without saying anything, Master may be worried, so he thought about it and asked Xiaobai to say hello to Master!

"What---?" At this time, Xiaobai's voice appeared in Yi Xuanning's mind, but Xiaobai deliberately lengthen the tune when he spoke!

"What attitude are you NND!" After hearing this, Yi Xuanning couldn't help but want to tease Xiaobai. Basically, he would quarrel with Xiaobai at intervals, which was also an entertainment project in boring practice!

"Okay! Dear young master, what service do you need? Suddenly, Xiaobai changed his combat strategy and said some motherly words in an extremely magnetic voice, and the tone of this sentence made Yi Xuanning even more unbearable, and his goose bumps rose! The body also shivered instinctively!

"Get out! Xiaobai, I really didn't see it. Why are you so perverted? All right, I won't talk nonsense with you. You can tell the master later that something happened here and someone chased me, so I can't go tonight. Please forgive him!" Yi Xuanning didn't dare to quarrel with Xiaobai. He was afraid that Xiaobai would do something more unbearable next time!

"Okay, okay! I will convey it! What happened? Isn't there any danger?" Hearing what Yi Xuanning said, Xiaobai was really worried about Yi Xuanning.

"Well, it's okay. I'll go to college again tomorrow night. Okay, I won't talk to you!" Yi Xuanning didn't explain anything to Xiaobai and accelerated his pace to follow his sister!

Note: Yi Xuanning did not know the existence of that innate master!


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