Super College

Chapter 25 Snake Hidden in Grass

Soon, Wei'an left Weiyang.

"Kneel down!" Looking at the sheep standing in front of him, Wei Fan was still angry!

At this time, Wei Yang was standing there with his head down, but Wei Fan knew that what he knelt down for others must be true! Because once Weiyang shows that expression, it can already explain the problem!


Weiyang did not ask why and did not resist. One was because he knew that he had lost his family, and the other was that he had never seen his father so angry!

"Do you know how much trouble you have caused to your family? Do you know how much you have humiliated your family? Weifan pointed to Weiyang and spoke, just by looking at the degree of his hand shaking, you can know that he was very angry!

"Father, the child knows it's wrong!" Wei Yang no longer has the arrogance of the past. Compared with when he knelt down for Yi Xuanning, he is more decadent at this time!

At that time, he didn't think so much. He only knew that if his internal skills disappeared, he would never have a place to turn over, but now it seems that the glory of the family is much greater than his internal skills!

"Typ "How did you become an entry-level warrior?" After a fire, Weifan gradually regained his composure. Just now, as soon as the sheep came in, he found that he had changed from a pseudo-congenital warrior to an entry-level warrior! This is definitely the first time I have seen such a strange situation in my life!

Yes! The man who fought with the child was Ren Ning, who was just a warrior in the late days after tomorrow. At that time, the child did not pay attention to him, but after a few rounds, a blue light suddenly scattered from his body. When the blue light touched the child, the child found that his internal force began to disappear and mobilized the speed of internal force. The degree is also starting to slow down! Then... the child can only beg him to forgive the child!" Weiyang told his father the general story, but he didn't say why the two fought. He knew that if he said it himself, he would really die later! So he decided before he came, and his father would never say anything if he didn't ask!

Blue light? Just a blue light?" Weifan didn't believe it. When he looked at his confidant, he found that he was also shaking his head constantly. Obviously, he didn't believe in such a strange thing!

"Yes, the child originally thought how powerful the blue light would be, but when the blue light touched the child, the child found that the blue light seemed to be the same as the child's body, and he could not drive it away!" Weiyang saw that his father didn't believe it, and he also understood that if someone had told him such a strange thing before, he would definitely not believe it! Maybe I will beat that person up!

"I'll see it in person!" In order to confirm this, Weifan personally put his hand on Weiyang's head, slowly injected his internal force into it, and began to observe carefully in his body!

"Wow, it's true!" A moment later, Weifan suddenly withdrew his hand. He had found the blue light described to him by Weiyang. When his internal force entered the Dantian part of Weiyang, he found that his Dantian was surrounded by this blue light, and the internal force in Dantian was constantly being swallowed up. When his internal force entered, those Blu-ray suddenly changed the target of attack and began to devour his internal strength! If he hadn't run fast, he would have been swallowed up by internal strength!

"Fami, elders of the clan, please come over!" Just as Weifan wanted to say something, there was suddenly a rapid voice outside the door.

"Hey... Sheep, I can't keep you. You should know how important a family's face is to the people. I'm afraid no elder will let you go this time! In addition, you have lost all your martial arts skills and have almost become a useless person. It's really impossible to keep you!" Anyway, Weiyang is his son. Although Weiyang's fault this time is really too big, he doesn't want his son to die, but he can't save his son!

"Father, father, my skills will recover, just one month! Absolutely! Please let the elders of the family spare me. I will never do such a thing in the future!" After listening to his father Weifan's words, it was like entering 18 layers of hell for Weiyang! It's already obvious that you want to die!

"One month? Let me tell you, those blue lights are constantly disappearing, but no one knows whether they can recover after disappearing! Just wait here for the results of the family!" Weifan finally looked back at Weiyang and then walked out. Without looking at Weiyang, he followed him out.

"Ren Ning! I won't let you go!" After his father left, Weiyang was silent for a long time and finally broke out. He attributed all the charges to Yi Xuanning, but he did not know the real identity of Yi Xuanning and only knew the name Ren Ning!

"I want to go, I can't sit back and die! The old man in the family will definitely look forward to my death. Only when I run first can I have a glimmer of vitality. When I reach a higher level in the future, I will come back to take back everything that belongs to me!" Weiyang realized that if he didn't run at this time, I'm afraid there would really be no chance!

At this time, he is completely different from his former self. After this training, his whole mind began to change and began to become cruel and vicious!

"From then on, I will be renamed Destruction! If you don't kill Renning, you won't give up!" When Weiyang often fled to play when he was a child and drilled out of the specially dug dog hole, he quickly entered the stream of people and disappeared.

Although Weiyang's name is to destroy Ren Ning, he doesn't know that Yi Xuanning also has a word Ning!

At this time, Yi Xuanning, who was in the crazy training of the master, did not know that he inadvertently provoked an enemy, and the enemy was still a snake that would hide in the dark!

"Xuanning, why are you absent-minded when you exercise today?" Wan Yan sat next to Yi Xuanning and watched him doing push-ups, but he was not energetic, so he asked this question.

"There is no master. You know, no one will look good if such a heavy thing is pressed on your body!" Yi Xuanning's hands kept trembling. He felt that he couldn't stand it. The things on his back were really too heavy. Because he didn't come last night, he was punished twice today. It was really sad for Yi Xuanning! He is not convinced! He asked for leave, but he didn't expect to be punished!

He wanted to refute, but before he could say anything, he remembered that when he first entered the college, he had one more mouth and ran many more circles with 500 catties of things. As the saying goes, he will not be fooled again!

"Master, is there any way for me to learn to refine medicine quickly!" Suddenly, Yi Xuanning remembered that he didn't learn to refine drugs these days in order to practice. This is the only trick he thought of to make a fortune. If he could learn it quickly, it would be great!

"Of course. In fact, I also want to tell you about this. I don't recommend that you waste time on refining medicine. Although it may be useful for you in the future, I really don't agree with it now, so I'm going to let you use points to learn refining medicine!" Wan Yan really wants to talk about these things to Yi Xuanning.

Is that right? Master, what do you need me to do?" Yi Xuanning is really ecstatic. As long as he learns to refine medicine, he can live a happy life with his sister. He knows that his sister doesn't want to stay under the shelter and stay at his grandfather's house. In fact, he doesn't want to, because he hasn't been in contact with him since he was a child, so he can't talk about any feelings!

Moreover, after learning to refine drugs, he can also use it by himself, which makes it more convenient to improve his internal strength!

"Are you thinking that after learning to refine drugs, you can quickly improve by taking it yourself?" Wan Yan saw through Yi Xuanning's idea at a glance.

"Well, that's the idea." Yi Xuanning didn't know why the master asked, but he still answered honestly!


As soon as it was updated, after installing the system yesterday, I couldn't download QQ. I always said that the file was duplicated, but I couldn't see the file prompted from the C disk at all. Can that book friend help me solve it?