Super College

Chapter 57 Crazy Practice

"Perception? What do you feel?" Yi Xuanning asked doubtfully!

"Perception of the world, perception of nature, perception between people, perception•••• In short, everything can be felt, but the key to perception is to improve your mind! Improve your mind!" Wan Yan seemed to have known that Yi Xuanning didn't understand for a long time, and slowly explained it.

"The realm of mind?" This is a new term that Yi Xuanning heard! He really doesn't understand the meaning of this word. He only knows how to practice every day. How can he care about the mental realm?

"There are two points to practice. One is the realm of internal strength, and the other is the realm of mind and God. Of course, in the cultivation of martial arts, you don't need to pay too much attention to this thing, but once you start to practice truth, then your mood will think of that important!" Wan Yan preached slowly.

"Oh, I seem to understand!" Hearing this, Yi Xuanning seemed to remember that he had read a book in this regard in a novel in his previous life! But I didn't remember it just now. Now after the master explained, he understood!

The so-called mental state is a person's state of mind, which is an obstacle about how far this person can reach! If a person's cultivation and the realm of mind and spirit is higher than the realm of cultivation, then everything is fine. If a person's cultivation realm is higher than the realm of mind and spirit, there may be an end!

If a person wants to achieve high achievements, he must improve his mental realm! If you want to control more power, you must have a matching mental state! Otherwise, everything is a cloud!

"As long as you understand, then I will start practicing now. Remember that you have to feel it in every battle with the enemy, and you can also feel it in life! Nature can be felt everywhere, and now you are still a warrior, so this is not very important to you, but you can't relax! The improvement of mood depends on luck, and I can't train, so let's start the improvement of your skill level now!" After Wan Yan finished speaking, he took Yi Xuanning to the martial arts practice field!

Then, Yi Xuanning fell into crazy cultivation. The cultivation of three skills, the cultivation of internal forces, and at the same time, he had to take into account the cultivation of the realm of mind a little. The busy cultivation life began from today! And his disappearance also made many people worry!

"The third master, the person sent out has come back. After the young master went to Situ's house that day, he was rescued by a mysterious man! And the owner of the Situ family also passed on the position of the head of the family and handed it over to his son, Situ Jian! The young master began to disappear from that day!"

The Yi family in the capital is oppressed by a tense breath at this time, all of which comes from the third master, Yi Xuanfeng!

Since talking with Zhang Yun that day, Zhang Yun handed over her daughter! The return of Yi Xuanfeng also made the Yi family fall into a big shock, and Yi Xuanning's whereabouts are still unknown, which makes the Yi family even more nervous!

When the head of the Yi family met Yi Xuanfeng, he fell in love with this granddaughter. There are no aristocratic vices in Yi Xuanfeng. Although he lacks some aristocratic atmosphere, he has been living outside these years, so no one cares about these! On the day Yi Xuanfeng returned, the owner ordered to find Yi Xuanning!

Although Zhang Yun didn't want to, she didn't say anything. In the Yi family, it was not that she had the final say, but that the owner and the mistress had the final say! She dares not resist at all!

"Keep looking!" Yi Xuanfeng's face has a look of fatigue. More than a month has passed, and his son still has no news, as if the world has evaporated. No matter how many people are sent, it is the same. It has not disappeared and can't be found!

"Dad! Is there still no news from my brother?" Yi Xuanfeng slowly walked in from the door. When she first arrived at Yi's house, she was still a little uncomfortable. After more than a month passed, Yi Xuanfeng gradually adapted to it and began to call Yi Xuanfeng's father. For more than a month, she enjoyed everyone's care and gradually began to regard this place as her home!

"Feng'er, my father is so incompetent!" Yi Xuanfeng seemed a little helpless. Anyway, the family is also a first-class family, and it is also a superior in the Dragon Empire, but now he can't even find a person!

"Dad, don't worry too much, my brother will be fine!" Yi Xuanfeng didn't know what to say at this time. She could only comfort her father. In fact, she was worried about her brother's safety more than anyone else, but now she can't be too anxious. Everyone in the family is anxious, and she needs to comfort everyone!

"Well, I hope Ning'er can be safe. Over the years, my father is really sorry for you. Your mother has been a little embarrassed. Over the years, he has had to give up Situ Yu and these two children because of the family. Now the family has been constantly getting better, which also makes the family The Lord is willing to accept these two children. Anyway, they are also their own children!

"Father, let him go in the past. I believe that my mother will be happy to see this scene today in the sky, and my mother will definitely bless my brother's return!" Yi Xuanfeng said with a trace of reluctant danger.

Day by day, two months have passed in a blink of an eye, but the Yi family still has not found Yi Xuanning. Only one person knows that when three months arrive, Yi Xuanning will come!

This person is the current wife of Yi Xuanfeng, Zhang Yun!

In the past two months, Zhang Yun has not been idle, and she has also kept sending people to look for Yi Xuanning, but there is no result. She knows that Situ Long has spread her news! I also guessed that Yi Xuanning must have hidden somewhere to practice. She doesn't want to be an enemy of Yi Xuanning now, but she knows better that Yi Xuanning should not forgive her easily! After all, his mother was killed by Zhang Yun. Now Yi Xuanfeng doesn't know it yet, so she gets along well with her. If Yi Xuanning comes back, I'm afraid there will be another problem!

Zhang Yun doesn't want to be the same as before. In the past two months, she has thought about a lot of things. She may have gone too much in the past. Now that she has a husband and children, what else does she ask for? The old lady talked to her a few days ago to make her more clear that people can't ask for too much in their lives, otherwise they will lose everything!

Although she had figured it out at this time, Yi Xuanning was still working hard for revenge, and it was not as usual!

Two months have passed, and Yi Xuanning's points are almost empty!

In fact, on the thirty-eighth day, Yi Xuanning had no points, but he had not yet broken through. Originally, he wanted to take a task and earn some points before continuing, but the master Wan Yan did not let him go. In desperation, Yi Xuanning could only continue to practice in the college at night and practice in the real world during the day. Refining.

However, in the past 30 days, Yi Xuanning has also achieved remarkable results! More proficient in various skills! And my own cultivation realm is also closer to the congenital late stage! However, these all rely on the spiritual array exchanged for him by the master! He has no points, but his master has! However, he also paid a small price, that is, to bring wine to the master from reality! He still remembers the tears in his eyes when the master drank the real wine. Although it did not flow out, Yi Xuanning could feel that the master was crying with joy! At this time, he was even more curious about this super college!

Daily oppressive training finally made Yi Xuanning on the 59th day, and Yi Xuanning finally practiced to the long-awaited congenital late stage!

[System prompt, apprentice Yi Xuanning's level is upgraded to the innate realm. Later, the system reward: 2000 points!]

This long-lost indifferent voice let Yi Xuanning know that his efforts these days have not been in vain, and what he is looking forward to is that he can finally do the college task!


Today's third update, no surprise, there will be another update, and yesterday's third update!

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