Super College

Chapter 67 Take the knife.

When the huge monster rushed out, Li Zhihan's eyes in the grass smelled colder. At this time, he arched his waist as if a cat was going to attack. When the giant monster rushed towards him, he bounced out!

The knife light and the shadow of the sword, the beast flew away!

It's just a round. This giant beast, which looks like a tiger but not a tiger, was dumbfounded by Li Zhihan!

The next moment, Li Zhihan put the body of the giant beast into his space ring. The next second, it disappeared without a trace, and the grassland returned to tranquility again!

Similarly, such battles are constantly repeated in the secret world, but there are few that can make the system announce to everyone. It's not that they are not strong enough, but that the fierce beasts they encounter don't have so much strength! If it weren't for bad luck, they wouldn't have met such a fierce beast for a year. Yi Xuanning is an alternative! As soon as I came up, I wanted to find a cave, and unlike others, I could hide it anywhere!

After all, he is still a novice!

After calming down his excitement, Yi Xuanning jumped down from the tree and walked straight to King Kong's body. When he got closer and closer to King Kong, the jade pendant on his neck became hotter and hotter! When he walked to the body of King Kong, the jade pendant had really begun to burn!

What does this mean?

"It seems that there is something about this guy!" Yi Xuanning looked at King Kong's body, put his hand into his clothes, and took out the jade pendant, because the jade pendant was too hot! Looking at the body in front of him, he really didn't know what to do. Now he has nothing to divide the body, and the knife was inserted into the boulder by this beast!

Finally, Yi Xuanning decided to see if he could take out the knife first! After walking into the boulder, Yi Xuanning gently flicked the soles of his feet, and his body flew up. He grabbed the handle of the knife with one hand. Yi Xuanning tried his best to stand firmly on the stone wall.

Above the stone wall, Yi Xuanning has no place to borrow, so there is no way to force. In desperation, Yi Xuanning can only let go of his body to return to the ground.

"What should I do now? With brute force?" Yi Xuanning looked at the big stone and saw that it must not be easy to be broken, so he soon gave up the idea!

I really have no choice but to see if there is anything the college can do to help!

Yi Xuanning thought for a moment. At this time, he can only see if there is anything that the college can help. Just now, the system sent 5,000 points, but he still has 2,000 points, but now he has 7,000 points, which can be a lot of things!

"Xiao Bai, Xiaobai, are you there?" Yi Xuanning didn't know how to contact the system, so he had to call Xiaobai first! Soon Xiaobai got a response.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with not coming to me for such a long time? Xiaobai's lazy voice sounded in Yi Xuanning's ears, but his figure did not appear!

"Come out first. I have something to tell you!" After being hit by Xiaobai's move, Yi Xuanning can't explain anything, because this is the truth. He hasn't gone to Xiaobai for a long time. If there is nothing wrong now, I'm afraid he won't remember that there is such a book boy as Xiaobai!

"You are now in a secret place, and I can't show myself. If there is anything, just tell me. Have you encountered any problem?" Xiaobai wants to come out, but that also requires the system's permission!

"Well, my knife was inserted into a huge stone, leaving only one handle. I can't pull it out. Do you think there is anything I can get him out?" Yi Xuanning looked at this worrying big stone and felt very depressed!

"How can it be inserted? But this is simple, just use a small rune! One explosive charm, 100 points!" Xiaobai didn't know why Yi Xuanning made it like this, but he still gave Yi Xuanning a good suggestion, the explosive charm!

"Can you tell me how to use it?" Yi Xuanning listened to the price, but it was not expensive. It was only 100 points, but he didn't know if the power could open this boulder!

"The power of the blasting charm can only be regarded as medium, but there is no problem to blow up a stone. The power of this charm can basically kill a congenital master at once! Don't worry, I won't introduce you to bad goods. It's guaranteed to be cheap and affordable! Stick this on the stone you want to blow up, and it will explode in three seconds!" Before three sentences, Xiaobai began to sell the explosive charm he introduced to Yi Xuanning crazily. Although what he said was a mess, Yi Xuanning always felt uneasy!

"Give me five!" Yi Xuanning is not a very rich master, but he still doesn't pay attention to 500 points. Such a good thing can also be used for self-defense at critical times. The most important thing is that he is afraid that a blasting charm can't open the stone! It is absolutely impossible for him not to want this knife, so compared with it, I don't know what the money is!

"Okay! Take your time and call me if you need anything!" Xiaobai doesn't know what's going on with Yi Xuanning now, so it's better not to ask. If Yi Xuanning can't solve anything, she will definitely take the initiative to find him! So he just wants to sit and wait instead of asking!

"All right!" After Yi Xuanning got the explosive charm from the space ring, he casually dealt with Xiaobai and ignored Xiaobai. At this time, he was anxious to take the charm and knife. How could he take care of Xiaobai?

After careful observation, Yi Xuanning found that there were stripes on this explosive charm that he couldn't understand at all. Yi Xuanning simply didn't think so much and directly reached out and pasted the two explosive symbols on the stone. When his hand left the explosive charm, he ran away quickly.

"Boom!!!" With a loud noise, stone debris flew across!

When Yi Xuanning turned his head again, the big stone behind him was blown up and smashed! If it hadn't been for Yi Xuanning's two posts, I'm afraid it wouldn't have had such a good effect!

When Yi Xuanning found his chopping charm knife in the stone crumbs, he found that this chopping charm knife was actually under King Kong's **, without any rolling blade phenomenon. It was intact, and the body of the knife still emitted a chilling cold light.

After taking down the knife, Yi Xuanning went to King Kong again and began to divide the body with a brand-like knife, but he was still doing useless work. In a hurry, Yi Xuanning could only use the Yuantong knife method again!

However, the result is no different. Even if the Shangyuantong knife method is used to instill all the internal force, there is still no result. In desperation, Yi Xuanning can only receive the body of King Kong in the second space ring given to him by the master, thousands of cubic meters of space, enough to put More than a thousand bodies of King Kong!

After finishing some of them, Yi Xuanning walked into the cave again. This time, it was very smooth without any obstacles. There was no monster. Yi Xuanning has been walking along the passage to the innermost part.

When he entered the channel, he found that there were many branches in the channel. For a while, he did not know which way to take. Finally, Yi Xuanning could only walk forward through the gravel on the ground. He guessed that these gravel fragments must have been left by King Kong when he walked through here!

Yi Xuanning didn't know how long he had walked in the dark cave. When he was a little tired, he finally saw the looming light of the cave in front of him!

"It's here! There should be an exit ahead!" If it had been put in the past, Yi Xuanning would have shouted excitedly after finding the exit, but this time, he was not like before. The more he sees such a scene now, the more careful he is, because it is not necessarily the exit, so it is safe!

Yi Xuanning has been growing and constantly growing!


The second update, the plot of these two days is a little bland, and it will become more and more exciting later!

I want to give you a different world of cultivation!

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