Super College

Chapter 80 Baby!

Yi Xuanning slowly dived from the bottom of the water and swam under this dark thing. Looking up, this thing was like a stone. After careful observation, Yi Xuanning found that this thing was embedded in the stone behind the waterfall. If you don't look carefully, it seems to be integrated with a stone. Same!

After Yi Xuanning swam down, he touched the link between the so-called treasure and the stone with his hand and felt a little energy, which made Yi Xuanning believe that this thing was a treasure!

Under this baby, Yi Xuanning no longer has to bear the pressure of the water flowing down from the waterfall, which makes him also very easy!

But when he tried to pull the baby with his hand, he found that things were not as simple as expected. The shoulder baby seemed to grow on a stone. Yi Xuanning couldn't get it down!

"How to do this?" After saying something in his heart, Yi Xuanning took the Fu brand knife out of the ring and wanted to pry out the baby with the charm knife, but after tossed it underwater for a long time, it still had no effect. Yi Xuanning thought for a moment, I'm afraid there will be ghosts if it works! The baby has been put here for so many years and has been washed by the waterfall for so many years without any trace of loosening. How could he fall down with a knife twice?

"I can hold my breath for such a long now..." After Yi Xuanning came up, he found that he had been underwater for a long time. From entering the water, to discovering the baby, to looking at the past, finally pry it with a charm knife, and then came up, at least ten minutes, but I didn't feel it. A little stuffy!

This is entirely because of the improvement of his strength!

"I don't want to do so much. Let's see what's going on now!" Yi Xuanning thought, so he walked not far from the waterfall and began to observe the current situation!

After observing for a long time, Yi Xuanning suddenly found that this thing was simply connected with the mountain. He tried to split the part between the baby and the mountain with Yuantong knife, but he didn't open it with all his strength. What does this mean? It is impossible for an ordinary stone to be intact after being split by Yi Xuanning like this. !

There is only one possibility. This baby is part of it in the mountain! So now, Yi Xuanning has a kind of depression that he can't take the baby!

"Xiao Bai, do you know how to take this thing?" Yi Xuanning was desperate and had no choice but to ask Xiaobai. Such a question was really a little difficult for him.

"I knew you couldn't get the baby! Your IQ..." Xiaobai immediately responded after hearing Yi Xuanning's call. Although the words were a little sarcastic, Yi Xuanning was not angry at all. Hearing this passage, he knew that Xiaobai had returned to his original Xiaobai!

"Okay, okay, you're awesome, can you tell me?" Yi Xuanning did not quarrel with Xiaobai this time, but said politely!

"If you want to get this baby, you need to understand the formation. How can a half-way monk like you know? However, this time you have made great progress and have become a real practitioners, which still needs to be praised. Be by the way, do you want to know how many points you have now? Xiaobai seems to have really recovered to what he was, but Yi Xuanning doesn't know if he has recovered!

"How much? I didn't pay attention to these things in this breakthrough!" Yi Xuanning asked very casually, because he didn't know how much he could have! However, he guessed, but he didn't dare to think too much!

"You have almost 40,000 points now!" Xiaobai also couldn't believe that Yi Xuanning could have so many points, and Yi Xuanning didn't expect that he knew that he had more than 10,000, and then let Xiaobai change the spiritual array. I'm afraid there are only 10,000 left. He broke through the innate and became a true practice, and got 10,000 at most. How could there be so many now!

"You used to have more than 10,000 points, and then entered the third-level map and got 20,000 points. When you were innately successful, you were given 2,000 points, and then you became a truer!" It's almost 40,000 before and after! Yi Xuanning understood as soon as he heard it! It turns out that I have so many points!

"Well, let's talk about that later. Now please tell me how to get the baby. I have to go to the three-level map under the red button, which is experienced!" What Yi Xuanning is thinking about now is to quickly take the baby and kill the fierce beasts in the third-level map! Then get experience. Now his level in the college is too low. If it is higher, you can exchange it for something, and you can use less points!

"Okay, listen to me, now this baby is trapped here by a formation. You have never learned the formation, so let me tell you this, and you can do it! In fact, the formation is in the grassland, forest, lake, these places, you go to the forest over there first!"

When Yi Xuanning walked to the forest, he continued: "On the third lesson tree on your left, there is a prominent point, which is a corner of that formation!" Let's start from here! Cut this fiercely with your charm knife!" After Xiaobai finished speaking, Yi Xuanning immediately raised the charm knife and came fiercely on it!

"After that, it's in the grass. This is more difficult to find. You can explore it. He must also have a protruding thing. Just cut it down! There is no need to find the one in the lake. Sanyang Ghost Town only needs to break two points!" After Xiaobai finished speaking, there was no sound anymore!

Now it's hard for Yi Xuanning. Such a large grassland makes Yi Xuanning start looking for it alone!

"For the baby, fight!" Yi Xuanning secretly encouraged himself, and then began to look for it on the grass. This search lasted for two hours! Finally, Yi Xuanning finally saw this protruding little pimple in an inconspicuous place!

"Damn, it's so deep that I don't want people to take the baby at all! What kind of formation do you use? Someone will really find out that there are ghosts!" After seeing this point, Yi Xuanning scolded a few words in his heart with hatred, and then it was over. After quickly cutting down this point with a knife, he felt a violent tremor!

"What's going on?" Yi Xuanning looked around and finally fixed his eyes on the waterfall. He found that the water on the waterfall had begun to stop slowly!

Ten minutes later, the water on the waterfall finally stopped! And the lake also began to decline, and when the baby was exposed, it stopped!

"Is this the baby?" Yi Xuanning walked to the dark thing and touched it gently. After that, the baby finally showed his true face! In front of Yi Xuanning turned out to be a golden spherical thing, and half of this spherical thing is still in the mountain!

"Recognize the Lord with blood!" Just as Yi Xuanning was thinking about how to take out this baby, Xiaobai's voice suddenly appeared, which shocked Yi Xuanning.

After hearing this, Yi Xuanning bit out his finger with his teeth, and blood dripped on this baby! In an instant, the golden light turned out, and this baby began to slowly become smaller, and finally automatically flew into Yi Xuanning's hands!

At the same time, this precious message came out of Yi Xuanning's mind!