Super College

Chapter 89 For Freedom!

"Fateful, recognize the Lord!" As soon as Tianyuan Beast finished saying this, his whole body suddenly began to change, and he began to change back to his own appearance, from a human body to a beast!

When the Yuan beast completely changed back, a drop of golden blood flew out of his forehead. When this blood flew out of the forehead of Tianyuan Beast, Tianyuan Beast seemed to have suffered a great blow. The whole beast began to shrink, and that drop of blood also began to fly towards Yi Xuanning!

The golden blood entered the body from Yi Xuanning's forehead, and Yi Xuanning's whole body began to emit golden light! That drop of blood was like a drop of water dripping into the hot oil, and Yi Xuanning's body began to emit heat!

Yi Xuanning now has a feeling of breaking through. He feels that a drop of golden blood enters his body. The energy contained in the blood is not what he can absorb now. Powerful energy is injected into his body and suddenly breaks the pulse in his body!

"Hiss••" Yi Xuanning clenched his teeth, but this would not reduce the slightest pain at all. Every part of his body was attacked by this powerful energy, and the meridians in his body had been completely torn!

"You can only use the death pill!" Yi Xuanning couldn't think of any other way. He tried to open his eyes, but what he saw was that the Tianyuan beast was weak and lying there. Although it had turned into a beast, it was no longer the prestige of the past. At this time, Tianyuan beast was looking at himself with weak eyes and passing a letter to Yi Xuanning that he must persist. Xi!

But Yi Xuanning is about to faint! His recovery ability can't keep up with the destruction speed of that drop of blood! If you don't want to do anything more, I'm afraid it will be explained here today!

He took out the death elixir in the space ring with only a trace of clearness left. Now he can only rely on this elixir. When he came in, Huang Li said that as long as he did not die, this elixir could be saved! Therefore, Yi Xuanning can only rely on elixir at this time! At the same time, he also knows that he must not relax. At the critical moment, the elixir has the ability to recover, but his willpower is equally important!

After putting the elixir into his mouth, Yi Xuanning finally couldn't help it and fainted, but there was a green light on his body! The light green wrapped him, and the Tianyuan beast seemed to be unable to hold on and fell down. In this way, one person and one beast fainted.

At this time, if Yi Xuanning is still awake, he can find that in his body, the energy of that drop of blood can begin to compete with the energy of elixir! When the energy of blood was destroyed in Yi Xuanning's body, the power of the elixirs began to repair!

The two energies compete with each other, and Yi Xuanning's body is equivalent to a battlefield, making these two energies compete recklessly! Under this competition, it is constantly repeating, tearing, repairing, tearing, repairing•••••••

Time slowly slipped away, and seven days passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, this man and beast did not mean to be sober, but the only difference was that Yi Xuanning's momentum at this time was indeed getting stronger and stronger. Finally, after seven days of fighting, the drop of blood and death elixir of Tianyuan Beast were also a struggle. The final stage!

And Yi Xuanning, as a beneficiary, naturally has countless benefits. Although he suffered a little at the beginning, now, the benefits are not less. If it is really calculated, he will not lose at all. At the critical moment, he fainted and suffered more severe pain at all. I didn't feel it!

It's good but quite large. Under the struggle between the two energies, the meridians in Yi Xuanning's body are also constantly expanding. Every time it is damaged, it means another repair, and the repaired meridians are stronger and harder than the previous one, and can store more spiritual power!

Seven days later, Yi Xuanning finally began to recover his strength. His body was like a black hole, starting to sweep the energy of the whole valley and the wandering aura of the whole valley!

After another day, Yi Xuanning finally returned to his original level, but he still did not wake up, and his body did not stop absorbing aura!

But Tianyuan Beast, as a monster, woke up. After these seven days, he felt that there was an inexplicable connection between himself and Yi Xuanning, as if they could feel each other. After having this feeling, Tianyuan Beast was finally relieved, because he knew that this meant that he could go out. The efforts of the two people these days have not been in vain!

At this time, although the strength of Tianyuan Beast has changed similar to that of Yi Xuanning, he did not regret it. He has been trapped here for too long. He is tired of his current life, so for freedom! Tianyuan Beast is willing to pay!

"It seems that that a drop of my blood is still a little helpful to the master. Although it has not improved much, it has strengthened his body to a very strong level, and a large part of the energy is left in his body, which is also very helpful for his future cultivation!" In this way, Tianyuan Beast has been guarding Yi Xuanning, but he changed the beast's body into the appearance of an old man. This ancient recognition ceremony made Tianyuan Beast imprint Yi Xuanning's consciousness as the master from its bones! This consciousness is also imperceptibly affecting the heavenly beast!

"Master, are you awake?" Another day passed, and there was still one day before the end of the task. Yi Xuanning finally woke up at this last moment! At this time, when he opened his eyes, he felt his change, and he didn't even realize the name of Tianyuan Beast!

"Did I break through? That's great! Now this is the integration period! I actually skipped the opening period and directly entered the fusion period! It's so cool!" Yi Xuanning is like a child at this time. The higher his ability, the more he can speak when he goes back. In fact, he doesn't know that he can dominate in the Dragon Kingdom now!

No matter how huge the Tianlong Kingdom is, it is just a mortal country. Such real practitioners are rare. Although there are several national teachers in Tianlong Kingdom, the strength of these national teachers is similar to that of Yi Xuanning, and some are even worse. Although they are national teachers in Tianlong Kingdom, they are practicing In the real world, they are just handymen in the sect and have good luck, so they are placed in the world of mortals!

"Was the ceremony successful?" After Yi Xuanning was happy for a while, he remembered that there was a Tianyuan beast beside him. At this time, the Tianyuan beast was looking at him respectfully.

"Master, it worked! I can enter your monster space and be summoned out by you!" After hearing Yi Xuanning's words, Tianyuan Beast replied softly.

"You don't have to call me master, call me young master! If you go out in the future, can you still become a human form? Yi Xuanning listened to the words of the master and felt awkward. In the end, he still felt that the young master was pleasant! Moreover, Tianyuan Beast is willing to go out with him, which is also taken advantage of him. How can he take advantage of him verbally?

Yi Xuanning will feel sorry!

"Yes, in our opinion, it is more appropriate to become a humanoid. This kind of spell does not require too much spiritual power, so it is very simple for me. Although my strength has become about the same level as your master, my beast is still in the state of the fairy period, and my combat effectiveness is very Amazing! And I can also be your mount!" Tianyuan Beast was afraid that after Yi Xuanning went out, he would not often summon him out, so his efforts would be in vain, so at this time, he even said things like riding!

"Well, that's good. The question now is, how can we deceive other people? How long will it take for the deadline of the task?" Yi Xuanning can't wait. He received the Tianyuan beast, that is to say, he wants as much hair as he wants. He doesn't want to give it to other people, and no one can get it! So it's better to go out now! He doesn't know how long it has been outside. After a year in the secret place of Tianyuan, he only found that his miss for his sister is increasing day by day! So he wants to go back to see his sister now!