Super College

Chapter 100 Meet the Enemies!

"Do I like her?"

"So she's not my sister!"

"Her name is Liu Yulin. She has her own name and she is not a sister and brother!"


Yi Xuanning had fallen into a black cage at this time. All that came to his mind was with Yi Xuanfeng. No, it was what happened when he was with Liu Yulin!

When I first came to this world, I occupied Yi Xuanning's body. It was Liu Yulin who kept taking care of herself by her side!

After she woke up, the first thing she saw was Liu Yulin. Her long hair and charming face seemed to be imprinted in her heart at the first time!

That time, two people killed the enemy together and resisted the attack of the killer organization!

That time, the two bought a gift for Grandpa together, and he blocked the courtship of a playboy for her!

That time, the two appeared at Grandpa's birthday banquet together. When he took out Yan Shoudan, in addition to the same surprise as others, there was a trace of unclear smell in her eyes.

That time,••••••••

There are so many things that Yi Xuanning can't help missing him in his spare time when he is in the secret place of Tianyuan!

But at that time, she said she was her sister! It is impossible for nothing to happen between sister and brother, but now, she is not her sister!

"Do you really like her?" Yi Xuanning couldn't help asking himself over and over again in the bottom of his heart! However, there is no answer!

Like••Don't like•••Like•••Don't like•••

These two words are constantly repeated in Yi Xuanning's mind!

"I like it! I like it! I really like it! Yi Xuanning, don't deceive yourself!" In the dark cage, Yi Xuanning couldn't help roaring. This is the real voice in his heart. Yes, he likes it!

"Boss Zhang, what's wrong with the ancient fairy school you just mentioned?" Yi Xuanning has figured it out at this time. He likes Liu Yulin, and he decided to find her! No matter how difficult it is!

"The ancient immortal faction is another card player in the Tianlong Kingdom. It is undeniable that his status in the Tianlong Kingdom is higher than that of our Hanshan faction! That's because there are many masters behind him! It's a good thing that you finally dare to face your feelings now! But I don't want you to make any impulsive actions. Now you are just a beginner. It's unrealistic to want to grab people from the ancient immortal sect. Therefore, after a period of time, you can go back to the sect with me, practice well, and then go to the ancient immortal sect to get people after you have capital!" Zhang Shengtian finally figured it out when he saw Yi Xuanning, and he was also happy for him!

"I know! Now the most important thing is that I want to go back to Yi's house! Look at the man who betrayed my mother and the woman who harmed my mother. I must avenge this revenge. When I avenge this, I will follow you to your sect!" Yi Xuanning is not a little confused at this time. He now has a goal and a plan!

"You blame your father. Although he did make a mistake and didn't come to see your mother, he also has his own difficulties. In the war with neighboring countries, he has been gone for nearly ten years! After coming back, he was banned by your grandfather and was not allowed to go out. In those years, the Yi family did have a crisis, so they had to have to marry politically!" These days, Zhang Shengtian did not come for nothing, but investigated things. These things may be confidential to others, but for a person in the Jindan period, it is nothing!

"Well... I'd better go back and have a look first!" Yi Xuanning thought about it and finally decided to go back and have a look! What's the matter, or do you need Yi Xuanfeng to tell him himself?

"Okay, your current cultivation, out of those in the imperial city, I'm afraid no one can stop you, so I won't go with you. You'd better solve these things alone!" Zhang Shengtian thought for a moment and finally decided not to go with him! After all, these things are private matters. If Yi Xuanning is still a congenital martial artist, he will definitely keep up, but now Yi Xuanning is already a true practicer, and he will be relieved!

"Okay, I'll just take Li Ang!" Yi Xuanning took a deep breath, stood up and walked down.

After Li Ang saw it, he also quickly followed him. When he walked to the door of the restaurant, Li Ang settled the food on it with his own money and quickly followed Yi Xuanning!

"Li Ang, lead the way ahead. I'm going to Yi's house!" After Yi Xuanning came out, he found that he didn't know the way at all, so he asked Li Ang behind him to walk ahead and lead the way for himself, while he kept thinking about how to face this father he had never seen before!

Soon, under the leadership of Li Ang, Yi Xuanning came to the door of Yifu!

Looking up at the two big words on the plaque, Yifu, Yi Xuanning has an unspeakable feeling in his heart!

"Go and inform the owner, Master Yi Xuanning is here!" Li Ang saw Yi Xuanning standing at the door and didn't go in for a long time. He had to make his own decision. He ran to the two guards guarding the door and roared loudly.

The two guards knew Li Ang, so they didn't know whether they should believe it or not. After discussing, one of them finally came out and ran to inform, but they really haven't heard of such a young master. Of course, as the lowest level of the family, he We don't have the right to know this!

"Notice? No need! Let's go straight in!" After hearing Li Ang's words, Yi Xuanning came to his senses and made Li Ang feel that he had done something wrong. At the same time, Li Ang also had an idea that Yi Xuanning had changed. The original gentle and charitable Yi Xuanning seemed to have become a little ruthless at this time!

Yi Xuanning ignored Li Ang, but walked directly into Yi's house. His coldness was completely pretended. He was afraid that he would not be ruthless at that time. If he would avenge his mother, he must die. In case he softened at that time, I'm afraid he would not be able to avenge this revenge!

"You can't go in until the owner gives orders!" When Yi Xuanning walked to the gate, the remaining guard stopped in front of him.

"Get out!" Yi Xuanning just said one word, and the guard's body flew straight out. The guard was just an acquired warrior. In front of Yi Xuanning's strength, he was as fragile as a piece of paper. It could be turned into fragments with a slight tear, but Yi Xuanning did not really murderous intent, although the guard It bounced, but he also used the lightest force.

"Come on! Someone broke into Yifu!" After the guard's body fell to the ground, he immediately endured the pain and roared loudly! Unable to guard the door, he can only use a roar to attract the attention of others and let other stakeholders in the family come here to stop this person!

This scream really attracted the attention of others! Soon someone came out to stop Yi Xuanning's invasion. At the same time, this person also had a lot to do with Yi Xuanning's hatred!

"Who broke into Yifu?" After a roar, a tall figure stood in front of Yi Xuanning. Yi Xuanning did not know this person and then turned his face to Li Ang!

"Li Ang, it's you? You really didn't die, how dare you follow this bastard to Yifu!" Before Li Ang said anything, the man recognized Li Ang. At this time, he found that the person standing in front of Li Ang was the Yi Xuanning he had not killed a few months ago! At this time, he was no longer afraid to do it, because his wife ordered that this matter was over, and he could only stop!

"Master, he is Chen Yan, the man who was sent out to kill your mother with your wife!" How can Li Ang not recognize the person in front of him? Although he can't beat this person, he knows that his master Yi Xuanning must have this strength, because the master is now a true man!


Second update. One hundred chapters! In the future, I will work harder to write every chapter of this book!