Super College

Chapter 174 Finally meet!


The next moment, Yi Xuanning has rushed to Shuiyun's body. If others are not kind, then you can't blame Yi Xuanning for being unrighteous! In this round of attacks, Yi Xuanning obviously wanted Shui Yun to die!

Yi Xuanning cut Shuiyun's waist with a knife. In an instant, Shuiyun's body armor emerged, trying to block Yi Xuanning's blow, but this blow contained Yi Xuanning's understanding of yin and yang skills, and it was also Yi Xuanning's determination to save Liu Yulin!

When the black knife body touched Shuiyun's armor, Shuiyun felt it. A cold and cold feeling came back from the waist, followed by a tingling pain!

The armor is broken!

Shuiyun never dreamed that his most trusted armor would be broken like this! Unexpectedly, it was broken by such a boy who had just entered the Yuanying period for a short time!

The destruction of the armor also means that Shuiyun's defense ability has greatly decreased. Then, Shuiyun felt a sharp pain in his waist!

Yi Xuanning's knife not only broke her armor, but also cut her body! When Yi Xuanning's knife touched Shuiyun's body and drew a cut, Yi Xuanning felt that a living force was continuously transmitted from the knife to his body!

"What's the situation? Vibrant, can it be said that this kind of attack that separates yin and yang from life and death can actually absorb the vitality of others! It's really amazing!" Yi Xuanning was really happy. He didn't expect to say that this blow could have such an effect!

And the waist of Shuiyun, the wound melted by the knife, began to turn black and became bigger and bigger! All this happened in an instant. When Shuiyun understood, it was a little late! She felt that her spiritual power, which had been cultivated for many years, began to decline, and she also felt the passage of her vitality!

"What evil skills have you practiced!" Shuiyun waved a long gun and shot away Yi Xuanning's Fu brand-like knife, and at the same time, she couldn't help asking a question! As soon as this sentence is asked, in fact, it has fallen in momentum!

"Evil skills? Is it an evil skill if you can't beat it? Let me tell you, Liu Yulin, I, Yi Xuanning will make a final date today!" Before Yi Xuanning finished speaking, the whole person rushed up again for melee. This was not the combat method that practitioners should use, but when the two began to attack, they found that they were all using melee!

For a moment, there will be dozens of rounds of water rhyme. These dozens of rounds of water rhyme are more and more thrilling. Every collision with Yi Xuanning will make her lose part of her skills. Even if two people connect with knives and guns, the spiritual power that runs into the gun will be pulled away! Moreover, the wound on Shuiyun's waist is getting bigger and bigger. No matter how Shuiyun heals with spiritual power, this wound just can't be closed! And the blood is flowing more and more!

Shui Yun understands that if the reinforcements don't come again, I'm afraid she will die miserably today! But the signal was released very early. Why hasn't anyone come yet?

"Master, I broke the formation. Wait a minute, my hostess will bring it out!" Just as Yi Xuanning attacked Shuiyun with all his strength, Tianyuan Beast suddenly sent a sound, making Yi Xuanning more energetic. However, Yi Xuanning also understood that since this array was arranged by the head of the Qingguang School, as soon as this formation was broken, it meant that the leader could definitely feel it! If you don't escape within this period of time, it will be dangerous!

"Take Yulin and run, and I'll be there later!" Yi Xuanning doesn't care so much at this time. As long as he can take Liu Yulin away, he is willing to pay any price!

"Good!" Tianyuan Beast was no longer talkative. After rushing into the room, it finally saw the legendary hostess!

At this time, Liu Yulin was dressed in red and had a phoenix crown on her head. After the Tianyuan beast came in, she did not turn her head to look at it!

Tianyuan Beast knows that this is probably forbidden by someone, but it doesn't matter. As long as you can take her out, you can find a way to solve these things at that time.

"My hostess, my master is Yi Xuanning. Now he is fighting with a woman at the outside door, and I'm here to take you away. It seems that you have some restrictions now, but it doesn't matter. I'll take you out!" Tianyuan Beast explained briefly and quickly ran to Liu Yulin's side and put her on his body.

Liu Yulin was indeed scared and banned. She can't move at all now. She had heard the big fight outside just now, but she was not sure whether it was Yi Xuanning. At this moment, when she heard the three words Yi Xuanning from the voice of the Tianyuan Beast, her heart suddenly felt sour and tears suddenly flowed. Come out!

She forgot how long she has been looking forward to it! Originally, she thought that she was really going to marry Qin Qilin of the Ancient Fairy School! But at this moment, I hope to be reborn! In fact, Liu Yulin has planned for a long time. If Yi Xuanning didn't appear at the last moment, she would definitely bite her tongue!

But Yi Xuanning didn't disappoint him. Yi Xuanning really came!

However, Liu Yulin's worry began. She knew that the woman who called her hostess was her master Shuiyun. She was worried about whether Yi Xuanning could beat her master. Shuiyun was a true cultivator in the Yuanying period, and Yi Xuanning was just a congenital period a few years ago. What level will he grow up to now?

However, in this situation, Liu Yulin has no choice even if she is worried. She can't speak, so even if she is worried, she can only worry so silently in her heart!

"Sister Yulin!" The moment the Yuan beast rushed out of the room that day, Yi Xuanning finally saw it! Finally, I saw this woman I would dream of! This woman I miss day and night! When she habitually shouted the word sister, Yi Xuanning came to her senses. This woman is not her sister. She is not her sister now, but the person she has always liked!

Finally, Liu Yulin's tears became even more crazy! Not only did it surge out, but she had a lot to say to Yi Xuanning, but she couldn't say it!

"Master, I'll take her back to the sect first. Be careful!" Tianyuan Beast knew that this was not the time of nonsense. After saying that, he directly took Liu Yulin to the road that had just come up! Although Yi Xuanning also wanted to talk to Liu Yulin now and went to see her, he resisted!

"stop, stop!" When Shuiyun saw the monster take Liu Yulin away, her heart was really full of anger. Unexpectedly, someone really saved the person under his own eyes! Really saved!

Without thinking about it, Shui Yun threw the long gun in his hand directly. The target was Tianyuan Beast!

When Yi Xuanning saw this scene, he jumped directly without thinking about it, blocked the front door of Tianyuan Beast, and the long gun penetrated directly along Yi Xuanning's left chest!

After avoiding this blow, Tianyuan Beast finally escaped with Liu Yulin!