Super College

Chapter 205 Fairy Spirit

It didn't take long for more than half of the nine-day disaster!

Now, it's time for the sixth disaster. The first five disasters are continuous. There is basically no stop in the middle, but when it comes to the sixth one, the interval in the middle increases!

After Dabai's explanation, Yi Xuanning understood that the first five were just an appetizer, and the sixth was the main one later! The reason why there will be a gap in the middle of each road is that it is necessary to let the heavenly disaster brew and brew a more powerful thunderstorm!

Yi Xuanning doesn't care. He is busy now. The thunder-eating array transforms the first five thunderstorms into fairy spirits. Yi Xuanning has not absorbed it yet, which is too much! Yi Xuanning now only feels that the whole array is surrounded by the spirit of immortality, and Yi Xuanning enjoys happiness and can absorb the spirit of immortality almost without much effort!

Fee that there are more and more fairy spirits in the body, and Yi Xuanning finally began to let these fairy spirits slowly assimilate the spirit! These two energies themselves are not at the same level. If the aura can assimilate the fairy spirit, it is impossible at all, but in turn, this matter becomes much easier!

After the fairy spirit entered the body, the spiritual power began to approach the fairy spirit. It was precisely because of this that Yi Xuanning felt that it was too convenient!

These fairy spirits are like teachers, constantly teaching these students to develop towards their own aspects, and then more auras begin to transform into fairy spirits!

However, this conversion alone is not enough, because the conversion between spiritual power and fairy spirit is itself a conversion from low to high, and the spiritual power of Yi Xuanning's body cannot be converted into a fairy power with so many whole arms! But if the spiritual power in the body does not change, it can't fly up!

So, Yi Xuanning can only convert and absorb at the same time! When flying, it is led by Tiandao, so as long as you still have a trace of spiritual power in your body, it is impossible to be led up! Tiandao doesn't have any feelings. It's like a machine, and there won't be any emotional factors at all!


After a roar, Yi Xuanning's long-awaited sixth thunderstorm finally came down. Looking at the thickness of the thunderstorm alone, it can be seen that this thunderstorm was about two to three times the previous one!

This nine-day disaster is not like the 49-day disaster. When the thunderstorm attacks, the more powerful the thunderstorm will be, the color of the nine-day disaster will change. The nine-day disaster will not be like this! It is actually very simple to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses. At the beginning, it may be judged by the thickness of the thunderstorm, but the further back, especially the seven * three channels, it is impossible to judge how powerful he is by relying on the thickness!

Because when it comes to the seven* road, they will come down together with sky fire, frost and heart demons! Each of these pulls out is a very awesome thing. Combined, it is absolutely very powerful!

The sixth lane still looks a little plain. After the attack on the thunder-eating array, although it made a dent, it was soon transformed. Only Yi Xuanning can feel that the sixth thunder has been transformed into a fairy spirit and slowly absorbed into his body by him!

"Master, you have to speed up. It is estimated that the seventh lane can break the big array. You first absorb the fairy spirit in it. When the seventh lane comes down, although you can break the big array, the big array will still convert most of the thunder. At that time, you will also catch it. Hurry up and absorb it!"

Although Xiaobai is still in Yi Xuanning's body at this moment, his body has begun to slowly change. This change is not in color, but an inner thing. Even Yi Xuanning can feel that Xiaobai and Xiaohei are constantly transforming, and they are stronger!

"Will there be such a big difference? The sixth way is just a trace of beating down the array!" Although Yi Xuanning looked down on Tianlei on his mouth, his movements did not delay at all. He opened his horsepower and tried his best to absorb the spirit of immortals!

"Of course there will be a difference! The disaster is not as simple as you think. Does the latter one have to be twice as much as the previous one, or how much? That's not the case. According to the current situation, I'm afraid that the seventh thunder should be more than 20 times that of the sixth thunder!"

Dabai could feel that Yi Xuanning was joking, but he still explained it very carefully. He wanted Yi Xuanning's vigilance to be raised to a higher level and not to underestimate this disaster. Fortunately, Yi Xuanning was not careless. He still attached great importance to this disaster!

After listening to this, Yi Xuanning did not speak again. He knew that what Dabai said was right, and he did not want to refute it. Now it is most important to concentrate on absorption!

Sure enough, Dabai's guess was very correct. After the seventh thunder fell, he broke through the array at one time, but what Dabai did not expect was that the second layer of the thunder-eating array was carried down very strongly. No one expected this!

"No way, this is so awesome? How can it be blocked? Did you see that when the seventh thunderbolt hit, it directly broke the first layer of the array. I didn't expect that the second layer was stopped and transformed!" Dabai made bursts of exclamation, which was beyond his imagination this time!

"According to my guess, this should be related to the spirit of immortality!" Yi Xuanning looked at the array and had a general direction in his heart!

Is that right? Fairy spirit?" Xiaobai hasn't thought of it yet, so what he said to Yi Xuanning is still hazy!

"It must be relevant. Look at this second layer of formation! Have you found that these materials have changed? Yi Xuanning pointed to the materials in the array. Xiaobai took a look and found something wrong. These materials really changed!

"That's right. These materials have been influenced by the spirit of immortality and have changed somewhat, so their defense capabilities have also been enhanced a lot!" After saying a very affirmative sentence, Yi Xuanning closed his eyes. This time, the seventh thunder transformation alone is more fairy spirit than the first six, so he must speed up the absorption!

After a long time, Yi Xuanning originally thought that the eighth thunder would come down soon, but who would have thought that he would have absorbed the fairy spirit transformed by the seventh thunder, and the eighth thunder had not come down yet!

Yi Xuanning suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart. It was because he waited too long for him that he almost died, so now he has the feeling of the 49-day disaster!

"You don't want to play with me like this, do you?" Suddenly, Yi Xuanning seemed to see something. At this time, Yi Xuanning's face showed a shocked look and did not play like this!

Yi Xuanning didn't expect that the eighth and ninth thunderstorms were less than a second away and fell almost at the same time. In the middle of the thunderstorm, there were a lot of sparks, ice! At the same time, Yi Xuanning also felt that he had entered a fantasy, a very real fantasy!

"Who are you?" Yi Xuanning looked at the person in front of him and felt really familiar, but he had no impression at all!

"I'm your mother, child! Come here and let your mother hug you!" After saying this, the middle-aged woman in front of Yi Xuanning actually stretched out her hands to protect Yi Xuanning.

Yi Xuanning feels that he is really familiar, really very familiar, as if he were connected by blood!


The second update has arrived, and there will be two more today. This update is still a little late. Sorry, I went to bed first. I'm really sleepy!