Super College

Chapter 219 Where is he?

After Yi Xuanning stopped, he immediately turned around and looked at Dabai, only to see a trace of ** on Dabai's face. With a swinging smile, and when Yi Xuanning turned his eyes to Xiaohei, he found that this guy's face was also like this**. A swinging smile! At this time, Yi Xuanning thought that he was afraid that these two guys didn't have any good intentions!

"Say it, what's the matter? Why did you two laugh so insidiously that made me feel cold behind my back!" Yi Xuanning only felt a chill behind him. I'm afraid it's really not a good thing for these two guys to tell him!

"Master, you think too much. In fact, I just have such a small request! I just hope you can kill a few more enemies on that border battlefield! Then... give their fairy baby to our two brothers!" Without any hesitation, Da Bai said the request of the two.

"Would you like a fairy baby? This is okay, but I heard that this fairy baby can improve his strength by absorbing a few times a little, but if he absorbs too much, it will be affected by the anger brought by his original owner. You should know that? After listening to this time, Yi Xuanning did not feel that it was such a big thing. After killing the enemy, the fairy baby would naturally stay, but he was afraid that if he absorbed too much, it would affect him!

"Don't worry, master! This matter will be handed over to our two brothers! Don't look at what our two brothers eat! Don't worry, we will not let Xianying have any influence on you. We can be different from the Yuanying of ordinary monks. After they absorb it, no one will control it in Dantian. It is impossible for them to focus on this all the time. Over time, it will naturally have some impact, but we are different. We can Clean up the fairy baby here and then absorb it!"

After Dabai finished speaking, Yi Xuanning no longer had any worries. As long as Dabai and Xiaohei said nothing, he would not feel anything.

After Yi Xuanning came out of his Dantian, he appeared in the alien space. When he wanted to come out to find Tianyuan, he suddenly saw that Tianyuan was sitting there in his room, as if waiting for him!

Suddenly, Yi Xuanning suddenly had an idea in his heart, which was to tease Tianyuan!

"Tianyuan!" Yi Xuanning hid himself in a strange space, but his voice spread out!

"Master, where are you?" When this sound came out of the alien space, Tianyuan suddenly stood up and kept turning his head to look around, but he did not find Yi Xuanning's figure. As soon as he heard the sound, he could tell that it was Yi Xuanning's, but he did not find out where Yi Xuanning was at all!

"Hey, you boy, why are you hiding in my room?" Yi Xuanning looked at Tianyuan's expression and was really happy. Although he knew that his approach was very naive, he had to say that this naive approach could bring him great pleasure.

"Master, where are you? I've been looking for you for a few days. You won't always be in this room, will you? Tianyuan still kept looking around, as if he wanted to find the source of the sound, but the sound seemed to appear out of thin air, and there was no trace at all!

"I've been staying in this room. Look for it yourself!" Yi Xuanning suddenly came up with another idea. He wanted to verify whether this alien space would be discovered by Tianyuan!

After listening to Yi Xuanning's sentence, Tianyuan did not say anything more, but began to search carefully. While exploring with immortality, he also began to observe with his naked eyes, but after observing for a long time, there was no result!

"Master, don't joke, come out! Where the hell are you hiding? Or is Wan Yan hiding for you, or Chen Zhenlong? After these two points, Tianyuan really couldn't think of any other way to hide Yi Xuanning and not be discovered by him!

Tianyuan actually woke up three days ago. He and Yi Xuanning's practice this time were the same, mainly to digest the remaining Yuan Lingzhu first. When he woke up, he immediately ran to look for Yi Xuanning, but he didn't find it. At first, he thought that Yi Xuanning was in the college until just now. That's what he thought, but when he heard Yi Xuanning's voice, he knew that he had guessed wrong!

If Yi Xuanning is in the college, then he can't talk to himself at all, but if he is not in the college, how can he avoid his immortality? There are only two people, Wan Yan or one of Chen Zhenlong, who helped him cover!

"Tianyuan, I'm just one person. I won't lie to you. If you are more careful, maybe you can find me! Hurry up and find it! Hurry up and find it!" Yi Xuanning continued to tease Tianyuan. He wanted Tianyuan to give full play to his strength to find himself. If he can't find this, it means that this heterogeneous space is really successful!

"Oh? Are you really hiding alone? In that case, I'm going to see if you can keep hiding!" Yi Xuanning successfully aroused Tianyuan's interest!

Tianyuan is a smart monster. At this time, he already thought that Yi Xuanning should hide himself with the help of foreign objects! Because there is a contractual connection between him and Yi Xuanning. If Yi Xuanning only relies on himself, then the connection between him and Yi Xuanning must exist, but now the problem is that the contractual connection between him and Yi Xuanning seems to have disappeared, and he can't feel it at all!

Tianyuan was completely aroused by Bidou's interest! This time, his strength has greatly advanced, and he believes that as long as he uses the secret method of talent, he will definitely find Yi Xuanning's hiding place!

"Come on, come on! To tell you the truth, I hide in the palm-size place in front of the bed and in front of the window. Whether you can find it or not depends on your ability!" Yi Xuanning is really afraid that Tianyuan will destroy the house seriously. Although he doesn't mind, it will be difficult to do if it attracts the attention of others!

"Okay, since you've said that, I really have to compare with you to see if you hide well or I find it well!"

After Tianyuan finished speaking, the whole person began to change!

Originally, he fixed himself in a human form with a secret method, and no one could see through his body, but this time, in order to compare with Yi Xuanning, he released his own body in order to compete with him!

"Talent Secret Method, Self-Heaven and Earth!"

After silently reading these eight words in Tianyuan's mouth, the small space that Yi Xuanning just mentioned seemed to have collapsed, and all of them turned black! And Yi Xuanning can't see anything in the alien space!

Self-heaven! This is a secret method that Tianyuan has only recently realized. Within the scope of his control, all the space can be controlled by him. In this space, he can do whatever he wants, and whoever he wants to die can die! He has the final say in this area!

"No? Impossible!" When Yuan released this move that day, he was really surprised! In this space, there is really no trace of Yi Xuanning!

Tianyuan really can't believe that there is nothing strange in his space. He knows that Yi Xuanning must be here. Since Yi Xuanning said that he is in this area, he must not be able to lie to himself. There seems to be no need to deceive this kind of thing!

So where the hell is he?