Super College

Chapter 251 Strange Key

Let everyone wait for a long time······


After Li Zhihan disappeared, Yi Xuanning was not just standing still. He knew that it was definitely impossible to wait like this, so he had to take action.

The body slightly retreated two steps. Sure enough, as he imagined, he stepped on the conveyor array, and felt a strong suction, and then Yi Xuanning disappeared like Li Zhihan without a trace.

The next moment, Yi Xuanning's figure appeared in a cave!

After stabilizing his body, Yi Xuanning began to be surrounded by a large number of people. To be honest, Yi Xuanning really wants to find a good place to practice. The enemy is really too powerful, but now at this time, it is not the time to practice at all, and what is missing is no longer the spirit of immortality, but perception. If he can feel it now. If he understands the way of heaven and earth, the realm is only a matter of time, but if he can't feel it, it doesn't work no matter how he absorbs the spirit of immortals!

The cave has obvious artificial traces, but Yi Xuanning can see that no one has passed here for a long time, and there is thick dust on the ground. After Yi Xuanning walked out of the formation under his feet, he began to move forward to the front of the cave. As for the rear, there is no chiseled mountain behind the formation, so Yi Xuanning has only one way to choose from.

Stepping on the soft dust, Yi Xuanning walked forward slowly. At the same time, he also released his immortal knowledge and constantly explored the front. Although no one has been here for a long time, he still needs to be careful. There is a strange atmosphere everywhere in this place. Who knows what will happen next moment.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and Yi Xuanning seemed to have felt the end of the cave. Although there was no danger along the way, Yi Xuanning still felt that there was no big mistake in being careful.

At the end of the cave, it turned out to be a dead end, but at the end, a huge key-like thing was suspended alone in the air. Yi Xuanning explored it with immortals, but found no problem. It seemed that this cave was built just to hide this key!

But Yi Xuanning still can't figure out why this key is hidden here without any danger?

After thinking for a moment, Yi Xuanning still stretched out his hand to the key. Although he didn't know whether it was dangerous or not, Yi Xuanning knew that he should use this key to get out of this cave. Just now, he explored it and it was impossible to get out of here with his own strength!

At the moment when Yi Xuanning's hand touched the key, a powerful energy passed from the key to Yi Xuanning's body. Yi Xuanning was comfortable all over. This energy actually had the effect of washing tendons and marrow. Although Yi Xuanning is now a fairy and there is no impurities in his body, this energy is still Make Yi Xuanning have a cool feeling!

The energy lasted for about five minutes before it disappeared. Yi Xuanning really couldn't forget this double feeling of soul and body. Yi Xuanning really couldn't help moaning.

holding the key in his hand, Yi Xuanning did not feel that the key was special, but the special energy just now was so real, so the key must not be ordinary. Thinking of this, Yi Xuanning put the key into the storage ring. At the moment when the key was taken in, the original key was suspended. In the floating place, a flash of light flashed, and a small array appeared in an instant.

"Sure enough!" After seeing the array, Yi Xuanning was happy. Sure enough, he guessed it well. After getting the key, the array will naturally appear! Yi Xuanning stepped into the formation again, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.

Just after Yi Xuanning disappeared, not far from this cave, in another cave, Li Zhihan also walked to the end of the cave.

Compared with Yi Xuanning, Li Zhihan is more cautious and careful at every step, so he and Yi Xuanning have the same length of passage, and Li Zhihan spend more time than Yi Xuanning!

At the end of this channel, except for the same color as the key that Yi Xuanning just got, all the other keys were exactly the same size. Suspended there, Li Zhihan stared at the key tightly. No one knew what he was thinking. Finally, Li Zhihan seemed to have made up his mind. Reach out your hand to this purple key!

It was exactly the same as what happened to Yi Xuanning just now. When the key was put away by Li Zhihan, there was an additional transmission array under the key. When Li Zhihan stepped into this formation, he appeared in another cave in an instant!

And this cave is exactly the same as the cave just now. Li Zhihan doesn't know where it is, so he can only continue to walk carefully. At this time, Yi Xuanning has got the second key. This time, Yi Xuanning got a whole yellow key!

Yi Xuanning looked at the key in his hand and took out the key in the ring. Just after the two keys appeared in the same space, the two keys changed a lot. It seemed that they had been driven by some power. The two keys began to fuse and instantly became one, and this There is not much difference between the key and the two just now, but there are two colors on the current key.

At this time, Yi Xuanning seemed to think of something. After hurriedly receiving the key into the ring, he immediately stepped into the formation.

The third one!

"Sure enough, I just don't know what these keys have, and I don't know how many of them they have. I didn't expect that after getting three, it's still a transmission array. The first time is orange, the second is yellow, and this time it's red. I don't know what color it will be next time. No matter how much it is, keep looking down!"

After the three keys became one, Yi Xuanning continued to step into the array! At this time, Li Zhihan also got the third key!

"The first one is purple, the second one is blue, and the third one is green. It seems that there should be more, but I don't know what these keys have, but every time there is an energy that can wash my body and soul. I think these keys should have some magical effect, so now, let me continue Take one and ask for the key!"

After thinking about this, Li Zhihan took his own steps.

But what he didn't expect was that after he completely stepped on the formation, there was no transmission!

"How is that possible! Why is there no transmission? Is this the end? It's impossible!" Li Zhihan really couldn't figure out why the array suddenly couldn't be transmitted!