Superman Academy

Chapter 28 Changes in Heaven and Earth

"Lao Yun, you see, this soul body is much bigger than Mount Everest. How should we deal with it?" Zhang Daxing looked at the huge body, ran over excitedly, stood next to the body, and poked the body's face with his fingers from time to time, making a "bang bang" sound.

And Liu Jianyun's body gradually floated, "swoot" into the air and began to look down at the huge body in the sky.

Because Tianzu was bombarded from mid-air by Shilong when fighting with Shilong, half of the whole body was buried in the earth at this time, only revealing the magnificent back. The scattered hair on the head was also scattered on the earth, which was the size of a towering tree, 30 million feet wide, and rushed to the distance.

Liu Jianyun looked down. Zhang Daxing, Fang Ming and Cheng Tingting were as big as three fleas at this time, jumping excitedly on the back of the body.

"Wow." Liu Jianyun suddenly landed on the back of the body, and the falling airflow stirred up the dust around him. Looking at the back as vast as the earth, Liu Jianyun couldn't help sighing, "Just the remaining energy of one hundred million has such a magnificent body and such horrible strength. How horrible would it be if their strength was at the peak in ancient times? I'm afraid that holding the wheel of heaven and earth, evolving the changes of heaven and earth, stepping on the sun and the moon, and controlling hundreds of millions of creatures are no longer talking about it. It's really horrible.

Liu Jianyun took a deep breath of cold air and was deeply shocked by the huge soul body. "Well, a man is just like this. He smiles at the heroes of the world, sits and watches the changes of the wind and clouds, and points out the evolution of the country. Standing up to the sky is the real life. It is the life a man should have. He is never a man who does nothing. What Zihan thinks.

As soon as these words came out, a clear understanding burst out of Liu Jianyun's heart, and it filled his whole body in an instant. An unparalleled domineering atmosphere also emanated from Liu Jianyun's body, forming waves after waves, spreading to the sky.

"Bomb." Suddenly, a dull voice sounded in Liu Jianyun's body, and his cultivation instantly improved to the realm of the mysterious realm, with a vast, domineering and desolate atmosphere, which pressed in everyone's hearts and could not be dispersed for a long time.

"Tingting, Daming, Daxing, this body is a good thing for us. We don't have to worry about it in the next six months, haha."

"Well, that's not. I was really unhappy with being absorbed in the first half month. I have already felt deeply depressed. Today, I will wash away the shame of half a month, absorb it fiercely, and strive to rise to the extreme state of heaven in half a month. At that time, we will not be afraid of Zhang Ming's SB when we go out." Fang Ming stared at the body on the ground with a greedy face, gasping for breath and saying greedily.

After listening to Fang Ming's words, Zhang Daxing clenched his fist fiercely, lowered his head, and said with an unwavering tone, "Yes, this is a great opportunity for me. I must grasp it well and try my best to absorb the spiritual power of the body. Only I have reached the heavenly pole. The realm of the realm, then when I go out, I can kill the Zhang family directly and kill the enemy..."

"Then you can start absorbing the spiritual power of the corpse. When I just upgraded, a lot of strange things suddenly appeared in my heart. There are 'hate', 'god' and some messy things in it. I have to take the opportunity to digest it. Everyone continues to work hard. When we go out, it will be the time when the world shakes us. Liu Jianyun's body began to float slowly, and he looked up to the sky and shouted domineeringly. The sound stretched to the bone-piercing cold wind and constantly to the distance, which shocked the weak souls around them to hold their heads and scream and flee around.


Half a month later.


"Wow, why do I have a good feeling?" Half a month later, Cheng Tingting lay on the unchanged body, constantly rubbing her stomach and shouted comfortably, "Wow, I'm really full."

"Yes, this soul body is not only large in quantity, but also of good quality. After absorbing it for half a month, there is no change at all. What a big pervert. Hey hey, but it's not bad. Let's see what level I've reached, brother. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Be careful, haha." At this time, Fang Ming didn't know which hair he crawled out from. First, he stood up empty-handed, and then turned over a few fights on the back of the body. Finally, he began to float slowly and flew around in the air, saying with a windy face.

"Cut." Zhang Daxing counted his middle finger to Fang Ming, who flew around in the air with contempt, sighed, and then said contemptuously, "Son, young people, it's so impulsive that they are not as calm, calm and wise as us old people. Isn't it the peak of the Yellow Pole? I'm so excited. I don't even look at the old man. Now I'm in the early stage of the mysterious world, wow ha ha ha. I upgraded and upgraded, and I don't know what to do..." Zhang Daxing, who had just looked like a magic stick, exposed his original shape in an instant and sang the adapted version excitedly in place, dancing like a madman.

"Haha, everyone is good. Now our strength can be said to be absolutely invincible in the young generation. With me, the middle level of the mysterious world. The early stage of Daxing and Xuanjijing. The peak of Daming and Huangjijing. The middle-level strength of Tingting and Huang Jijing can completely shock the world, because our oldest are not yet 20 years old, and this result is enough to make us proud.

Liu Jianyun laughed, and then his face was serious.

"That said, what's the use of our strength no matter how strong we are among the younger generation? We still don't have enough strength to fight against those masters of the older generation, so at present, the world is so big that there is still no place for us to go. After a while, we will be transmitted to this ancient moon. Perhaps at this time, the Zhang family had already laid a trap and killed us as soon as we appeared. As soon as we go out, we will directly find a remote place to hide and practice harder. Until we succeed in advancing to the extreme world, we will kill the Zhang family together and revenge.

"Well, we have to continue to work harder in the future." Zhang Daxing clenched his fist fiercely and his face was full of anger. Although at this moment, Zhang Daxing's hatred for the whole Zhang family is insurable, and he never wants to kill the Zhang family and kill his enemies, Zhang Daxing has not lost his mind because of this, and he is still clear about the development of the overall situation.


At this time, the whole ancient moon suddenly began to tremble, and huge cracks appeared in the vast earth, but for a moment, the development turned into huge ravines, more than one meter wide and bottomless.

Fortunately, everyone's cultivation at this time has at least reached above the yellow pole, and they all flew into the air to look down on the changes of the whole earth.


Another loud noise, the whole land of the ancient moon sky seemed to have been caught in the hands of someone and was being squeezed fiercely. It began to break apart. Some land sank, forming a huge abyss, and some land was squeezed and arched, forming huge mountains that lasted for thousands of miles. Pulse.

However, the souls in it instinctively cheered and constantly changed their bodies. Some grew into giants more than ten meters high in a moment; some grew into masters and stood on the top of the mountain and roared at the sky; some turned into huge toads, staring at more than a dozen giants. Big eyes look at the sky; some turn into a cloud, sometimes dissipate and sometimes condense; what's more, they become dorsal wings, with a long tail, with a big belly, obviously like a Western dragon...


Ah? What the hell is going on? Didn't Shilong say that Gu Yuetian could barely maintain the world? Why do I have a feeling of collapse?" Fang Ming asked in horror, "Shouldn't it be?"

"Don't think too much. It's not a big deal. I don't think it's a bad thing. Look at the sky." Liu Jianyun pointed to the sky.

Originally, this ancient moon angel was quite strange. There was no sun and moon in the sky. The overall situation of the whole ancient moon was half of the sky. Half was full of light, never darkness, and the other half was full of darkness, and there was never light.

However, at Liu Jianyun's prompt, everyone looked up and found that a moon and a sun appeared in the sky that had nothing. The sun is releasing a blazing light, occupying the whole western half; and the moon is also releasing a soft white light at this time, and the white light full of light silver occupies the whole east.

"Wow. Rumble."

With a roar in the void...