Superman Academy

Chapter 181 Occasionally Hear of Ximen Changfeng

The four also wandered everywhere in Dongcheng District. After a while, the twilight came, and the sky was gray and white. At this time, Peng Tongsheng was like an authentic host, taking everyone away from the bustling city and came to a relatively quiet place.

"Let's go to Baihualou for a night, and there are seven days left to be Nanyang's ten-old Nanyang Festival. Within these seven days, Nanyang City will definitely be prosperous to an extreme. I will try to take you around in these days. On the day of Nanyang Festival, I promise you will have a surprise.

Peng Tongsheng's face was excited and seemed to be full of infinite yearning and reminiscence for the arrival of Nanyang Festival.

Everyone followed his pace. After turning left and right a few corners, they came to a golden earth, surrounded by hundreds of different heights and heights, like crystal-like dream palaces, coupled with the blue smoke rising from time to time by the roadside, people had a feeling of entering a fairyland.

"Hey." Looking at the three people who were almost dumbfounded, Peng Tongsheng pointed to the surrounding buildings and the ground and smiled disapprovingly, "These are all real gold and pure silver. This is the industry of Tianshamen Baihua Tower. The whole ten miles is made of real gold shops. Even those palaces and teahouses are carved with diamonds. Come out, it looks particularly noble and magnificent inlaid with sterling silver. Ordinary people are really not qualified to enter it.

"The closer you are to the headquarters of Tianshimen, you will find that the decoration of this Baihualou is more and more incredible. It is still far from the headquarters of Tianshimen, so it is only made of ordinary gold and silver. When you really arrive at the headquarters of Tianshimen, the materials used there are not dared by ordinary practitioners. Baby, but Tianshamen is the largest faction in the mainland, and it is not allowed at all compared with the Kingdom of Heaven, so they have this strength.

While talking, Peng Tongsheng did not shy away from it, so he took the lead in taking the three people into it.

The silver bottle's eyes were a little suspicious, and suddenly refused to step forward and asked softly, "That... That brother, can you really afford to live here?

It's not to blame the silver bottle. This is just an entertainment center in Baihualou, dressed so luxuriously. Even if it is compared with the palace of Shu, it is far from a level. It is expected that if you want to move in here, you must first pay an unimaginable price for ordinary people. It is very normal for her to have such concerns.

However, Peng Tongsheng was obviously a little unhappy and said with a straight face, "Well, little sister, what do you mean by that? Although I'm poor, my relationship with the master of Tiansha Gate is not good. Does he dare to disagree with eating and drinking his food for nothing? Humph."

With a cold hum, Peng Tongsheng immediately accelerated his pace, as if he wanted to prove something. When he came to the entrance of one of the palaces, he suddenly put his hands on his waist and deliberately increased his voice and said, "Brother Sheng, I'm here today. You Baihualou quickly greet me with delicious food."

"Yo, it turned out to be the birth brother. You haven't come to take care of our Baihua Tower for a long time. I thought you always forgot us slaves. Come on, Sheng brother, come in first and sit down, and we will prepare wine and vegetables for you right away."

Before Peng Tongsheng's words fell, Liu Jianyun saw an old woman dressed as a pimp hurried out of the door and said flatteringly. The old woman almost landed on the ground and invited Peng Tongsheng, and then greeted a girl at the door, "Don't you see Brother Sheng coming again today? Hurry into the kitchen and serve delicious food and accommodation.

"Yes." The little girl answered submissively and ran away from the scene.

"Wait, I'm not the only one here, but also my brothers. We plan to stay here for a few days and leave after the end of the Nanyang Festival. What do you think?" Peng Tongsheng, who stride forward, suddenly stopped, looked at the silver bottle provocatively and said angrily.

"Good, brother, of course we welcome you." The old woman nodded and said, looking particularly respectful. As she spoke, she turned her face and shouted at Liu Jianyun and others, "Hey, distinguished guests, come in quickly. It's cold outside and comfortable inside. I will still do things according to the old rules."

"I didn't expect that this Peng Tongsheng usually careless person would know such a powerful person?" With a suspicion, the little face of the silver bottle looked a little excited. Why didn't she want to live in such an extremely luxurious place? I simply didn't want to talk about Peng Tongsheng, but accelerated my pace, hoping to see the legendary Hundred Flowers Tower as soon as possible.

The little white dragon was even more direct. After receiving Peng Tongsheng's call, he directly rose into the air and turned into a white horse the size of a thumb. He stood firmly on Peng Tongsheng's shoulder. His eyes looked around excitedly and looked extremely curious.

Peng Tongsheng quickly entered the palace, and then Liu Jianyun and the others also crossed the doorbar of the palace and entered this legendary place enjoyed by the rich and nobles.

But at this time, the old woman who had been standing at the door suddenly became dissatisfied and said with some disdainfully, "Brother, I ah, smile all day long, and I don't do my job. I want to eat and drink for nothing all day long. If you hadn't really had something to do with the doorkeeper. By the way, I've pinched you to death a long time ago, ah."

After secretly glanced at Peng Tongsheng, the old woman put away her unhappy face, smiled flatteringly again, and said to Liu Jianyun and the others, "Go quickly. Brother Sheng is still waiting for you." Her words seemed to be full of respect for Peng Tongsheng. If Liu Jianyun hadn't heard her muttering, he would have been deceived by her appearance.

At this time, Peng Tongsheng didn't seem to hear it, and still walked towards a table between them. After he sat down, he shouted at the crowd with a smile, and there was a sense of eagerness.

"Hmm." Looking left and right at the leaving old woman and Peng Tongsheng, Silver Bottle looked a little angry and said softly, "I didn't expect this old woman to be such a person. She changed her face so thoroughly. On the surface, she seemed to be very enthusiastic about Brother Sheng, but in fact, she was secretly playing narrow-minded. I'll tell Brother Sheng." With that, the silver bottle moved his mouth and walked quickly towards Peng Tongsheng with an unhappy face.

"Hence." Liu Jianyun grabbed the silver bottle and said, "No, the mother-in-law's words were obviously deliberately told to us. Her purpose may be to let the biological brother understand this matter. I feel that something must have happened to this biological brother. At the beginning, not only did Yingxu was suspected of deliberately avoiding him, but now it is like this. An old woman also showed a disgusting expression on him, which must not be simple. If you say so, you are not sure that your biological brother will do something extreme.

"Yes." Yuan Ming also nodded, and finally the silver bottle only sighed and gave up the idea in his heart helplessly.

"Alas, it seems that this brother is also handsome on the surface, but in fact, he is not very good." With a sigh, Yuan Ming immediately accelerated his pace, walked to the wine table and sat down.

The wine and dishes on this table are very slow. Peng Tongsheng repeatedly urged him. There will always be a little girl running out and saying that the business of the restaurant is too good today and the materials are not enough. She has gone to buy it temporarily and will be served soon.

The four people waited for more than half an hour, and the wine and dishes came late. Although they were dissatisfied with Baihualou at this time, Liu Jianyun and others had to admit that the things in the Baihualou were indeed delicious, and they often had a different feeling from the food they had tasted in the past, which made people unable to stop. In just ten Within minutes, the four people and the little white dragon have wiped out a table.

"Well, have you heard that Ximen Changfeng has come to our Nanyang Town through the teleportation array."

While everyone was still waiting for the second table of wine and dishes, there was a sudden sound of discussion at the next table. Several young men and women were sitting cross-legged, and the expressions on their faces were constantly changing, which was very vivid.

"Ximen Changfeng?" Liu Jianyun will never forget this name. At the beginning of the recruitment of the new moon, Ximen Changfeng cut off the master of the eternal life with a sword with the peak cultivation of his golden body. It can be said that he is the proud son of heaven, and I don't know how many people have attracted their eyes.

But such a proud son disappeared inexplicably during the New Moon, making it easy to find those who worshipped him, wanted to worship him as a teacher and accept him as an apprentice. Unexpectedly, this Ximen Changfeng inadvertently slipped to the central area of the mainland.

Ximen Changfeng is a mysterious and low-key person. He is usually quiet and always looks depressed, but it strangely disrupts the situation of immortality and throws a heavy stone to the whole mongo world, but no one knows where he comes from. , what are you going to do?

After seeing the battle of Ximen Changfeng for the first time, Liu Jianyun had already recorded this low-key teenager in his heart and secretly compared it. Originally, he thought that Ximen Changfeng had disappeared, but now he heard him disappear again. Liu Jianyun was not excited, so he made a silent posture, secretly He secretly eavesdropped on the comments at the side table.

"Ximen Changfeng? It's him. What is he doing here? The war in Nanyang just left a hundred years ago, and now the people have been living a stable life. Now he suddenly intervenes, and I'm afraid it will make the people live. A plump woman next to her suddenly changed her face and said worriedly.

"Cut, don't be blind, don't you? Their superior confrontation is none of our business? Moreover, this is Daqin. No matter how angry Xue Qijun is, he dares not be presumptuous here.

"Yes, the Qin soldiers and horses are strong. Who are you afraid of except the Kingdom of Heaven? However, this Ximen Changfeng is too awesome. Unexpectedly, with the cultivation of the peak of immortality, he killed the blood Yuanlan who already had the peak of the semi-immortal, and then escaped from the heavy blockade. Tut, the idol of our generation.

"Yes, yes, yes." One of the pale men replied excitedly, "What is this? I heard that when he fled, he escaped several times in the hands of the blood prince. The blood prince is a great general of the wolf empire and a powerful person. Moreover, I also heard that Tianshimen and Shura Blood Sea had made a promise to Ximen Changfeng, threatening that as long as Ximen Changfeng threw himself into their door, he could protect him from being wanted by the wolf empire. But..."

The man deliberately lengthen the ending, and several men and women next to him seemed a little anxious and hurriedly asked, "But how's it going? Tianshimen and Shura Blood Sea are both the top ten sects in the mainland. He won't refuse, will he?

While talking, several people seemed to be a little sad and eager to be the protagonist of the story.

Liu Jianyun also sighed and looked a little helpless: "Tianshimen? Shura Blood Sea? I didn't expect that he had grown to this point. Alas..."

The dialogue between several people made Liu Jianyun more and more clear about the growth of Ximen Changfeng. Unexpectedly, in just more than ten years, Ximen Changfeng could attract the attention of such a giant as Tianxiamen, and even threatened to take him under the door. Originally, he thought that his progress in the past few years had been scary enough, but by comparison, Liu Jianyun found that he was still far short of Ximen Changfeng.