the road to becoming a god

Section 31

However, Qiu Jiu said that after flying out of Gumei Villa, he quickly pressed the cloud head and slowly walked down the mountain. It is not that he is attached to the scenery here, but that there is a forbidden magic circle outside the villa. Anyone who tries to sneak in or leave Gumei Villa by flying will be attacked by the magic array. This is the sword array personally put out by the "sword god" of the lonely family, and no one dares to test it.

When Qiu Jiuxing reached the entrance of the village, he saw a child in blue standing by the road. When the child in green saw Qiu Jiu's arrival, he suddenly smiled and held a brown cloth bag in his hands. He walked three steps to Qiu Jiu. After bowing his head and saying respectfully, "Mr. Qiu, this is what Grandpa asked me to give you. Please check it."

"Grandpa Dugu gave it to me?" Qiu Jiu looked puzzled, reached out to take the cloth bag and took out the things in the bag one by one.

There are only two things in the bag, a new handwritten copy, called the General Outline of Refining Law. Another is a small blue and white porcelain bottle. When he pulled out the bottle stopper the size of a small nail cap, a strange fragrance floated out of the bottle. Qiu Jiu was refreshed and quickly stuffed the mouth of the bottle again. He asked the child in blue and said, "This is..."

The child in Qingyi smiled and answered the question: "Grandpa has ordered that if Mr. Qiu is in danger and cannot be resisted, this Dan may be able to save the prince once. It's just that this elixir is very domineering. After taking it, I'm afraid that it will be uncomfortable for two or three months. Grandpa especially said that it can only be taken at a very moment.

"Well, I see. Please thank Grandpa Dugu for me." Qiu Jiuzhen put the porcelain bottle close to his body, held the 200-page handwritten copy in his left hand, and only looked through a few pages casually. He couldn't help asking, "Oh," and asked, "Is this handwritten book known as the treasure of Gumei Villa?"

The child in Qingyi said, "Grandpa said that this book is the secret of the lonely family. Today, I made an exception to give the prince a hand copy. Grandpa hopes that the prince can finish reading it and remember it in the shortest time, and then burn it. I don't know how long it will take him to write this book?

Qiu Jiu was silent and looked at the General Outline of Law Refining from the beginning.

The child in blue did not urge him, bowed his head and stood aside.

The occasional autumn wind, mischievously drove Qiu Jiu and the child's clothes to swing gently, and then quickly ran to the golden wheat wave to play.

Between heaven and earth, there is only the "swish" sound made by Qiu Jiu when he turned over the book.

The child in blue saw Qiu Jiu's eyes moving quickly on the written text, and then turned over with a "swish". Such silence lasted for more than an hour. Qiu Jiu suddenly raised his head and gently closed the last page. The lightning flashed in his left hand, and a manuscript with a thickness of more than 200 sides suddenly turned into a pile of ashes. Another gust of wind flew with ashes, like a black butterfly, hovering in the air and scattering in the wild with the wind.

"Have you been familiar with Mr. Qiu?" The child in blue asked.

Qiu Jiu smiled faintly: "Please tell Grandpa Dugu that demons have always been rewarded with kindness. Say goodbye." After saying that, he flew away.

The child in blue also returned to Gumei Villa.

However, Qiu Jiu said that after he was familiar with the General Outline of Refining Law, he kept thinking all the way. This strange book can be called the treasure of Gumei Villa, which is really unique. The book details the refining methods and required materials of more than 200 kinds of treasures, and also indicates the source of various materials one by one. Although it is not clear within a radius of more than ten kilometers, it also gives practitioners looking for materials a clear direction, so that they will not blindly run around in China because of materials.

Because Qiu Jiu's cultivation is still in the early stage of Yuanying, naturally cannot be compared with the power of Emperor Lei's condensation. Although Qiu Jiu has an iron-blooded demon commander, coupled with the thunder and lightning demon yuan who inherited the Thunder Emperor, he is still in an embarrassing scene in some battles.

At this time, if there is a good magic soldier, it will greatly improve the strength of the holder. It is the "Sword God" to borrow this "General Outline of Practice" from Qiu Jiu to help Qiu Jiu get through the disadvantage of the early stage of demon cultivation. After looking at more than 200 kinds of strange treasure soldiers, Qiu Jiu also fell in like one of the sword soldiers called "killing the gods".

The 49 materials needed for the refining of this knife have been marked in the book one by one. If Qiu Jiu is willing to look for them, they can be collected within two years. Of course, if there is a large amount of money, it can be purchased directly in iron shops in major cities. It's just that... Qiu Jiu denied this idea first. Forty-nine materials can be said to be extraordinary, not to mention whether they can be found in the iron shop. Even if the iron shop has a sufficient supply of goods, the nearly sky-high raw material cost alone is enough to deter Qiu Jiu.

The only thing he can do is to be diligent.

Only by giving more than others can we stand taller than others and run farther than others. There is no other way to cultivate demons. It's just diligence.

After calculating the required materials in his mind, Qiu Jiu decided to go to Liangzhou first.

It's not that Liangzhou has recently gone to Liangzhou from here. The mountains are high and the road is far away. If you fly day and night, it will take more than three months. In this way, it is inevitable to miss the agreement with Mrs. Rasha to meet in Yong'an City on the seventh day of October. Qiu Jiu is not an untrusted person, but the thing mentioned in the manuscript makes him willing to back the name of breaking the contract. That thing is called Wuyouguo.

The handwritten hints that the place where worry-free fruit grows is in the depths of the wild land in the west. There are people and beasts extinct, and there is no grass. Ordinary people stray into it and die. People who practice go deep into it. I'm afraid it's difficult to return, so it's a dangerous place with 100,000 mountains.

Worry-free fruit only blooms in the middle of November of the year, and then suddenly bears fruit one day. The fruit takes only five minutes from ripening to falling to decay and mud. Qiu Jiu calculated the days and rushed to the wilderness at this time, and the days were just in time. If you go to Nanmanzhou first, you will inevitably miss the flowering period and wait another year.

How many variables will emerge in a year?

For the purpose of safety, Qiu Jiu resolutely decided to go to Liangzhou first.

All the way through the mountains, the sea of clouds is soaring. Tired, he fell into the wilderness to meditate and rest for a moment. When he woke up, he continued to rush to Liangzhou. Time passed, but when I saw the bright moon gradually round in the sky, I thought that it was August 14th unconsciously.

On this day, when Qiu Jiu passed a small city, there was no reason to think about it. He stopped and looked down at the small city, but saw a sea of people and a happy scene before the festival, so he fell to a remote place outside the city, then turned to the avenue and followed the flow of people into the small city.

Because tomorrow is August 15th, the Mid-Autumn Festival is particularly lively in today's small city. Small villages and towns in all directions poured into it one after another, buying and selling, shouting and bargaining from time to time, and children laughing and playing on the street, which added a lot of joy to the atmosphere before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Qiu Jiu wandered in the street for a moment and looked up to see that a restaurant on the street was still clean, so he walked in.

Xiao Er leaned up enthusiastically and greeted: "A guest officer, please!"

Qiu Jiu asked that more than a dozen tables in the hall were full of people, so he asked, "Is there any elegant seat upstairs?"

Since ancient times, the vision of Xiaoer and * has been the most poisonous. Seeing that Qiu Jiu's clothes and temperament were comparable to that of this small city, he naturally nodded and bowed, leading Qiu Jiu to the second floor.

There are only eight tables on the second floor, and six are already full of literati. On the other side is a small platform, on which a woman is singing the words of the wind and the moon. Qiu Jiu saw that the position by the window was still empty, so he went straight over there to sit down. But Xiao Er quickly said, "Sir, this is the position set by the young city master. Can you accommodate it and move to that table?"

Qiu Jiu heard the words and looked around. Many people had already looked at the afterglow of their eyes. He was unwilling to cause unnecessary disputes, so he nodded and sat down with Xiao Er to the table in the corner.

Because of Yuanying's condensation, Qiu Jiu is not very attached to the food in the world. So he casually ordered some delicious clear snacks and gave the shopkeeper two taels of silver as a reward. Seeing that Qiu Jiu was generous and got silver again, the second child immediately went to prepare snacks for Qiu Jiu happily.

Qiu Jiu sat at the table and saw that the woman who sang the song was only fifteen years old. In this small town, it was also a rare beauty. In addition, her singing was soft and pleasant, and her lyrics were romantic, which made a group of literati nod their heads. Qiu Jiu smiled and closed his eyes to refresh his mind.

The little two came back quickly, but he did not hold Qiu Jiu's nod in his hand. Instead, he attracted a rich-faced son of the noble family to the second floor. Qiu Jiu thought that this person should be the young city owner of this place. Sure enough, seeing this guy sitting rudely by the window, more than a dozen dins who followed him pushed away the guests from the three tables in front of him and sat down.

Those who were pushed away dare not say anything. They could only admit that they were unlucky and immediately went downstairs in frustration.

The shopkeeper nodded and bowed and said flatteringly, "Young city lord, are you still the same?"

The young city owner frowned and slapped his head: "If you know our young master's rules, what else can you say? Go and prepare!" The shopkeeper was turned over by a fan and sat down covering his right cheek. Seeing that the group of families was about to show his power, he quickly rolled and crawled down downstairs.

"What are you looking at? Keep singing!"

The little song on the second floor then sounded again. The young city owner shook his head and listened while staring at the girl on the stage. The family next to him looked flattering and said, "Young master, in a few months, this little spirit will be 28. At that time, the little one invited her to the house and let the young master talk to her about her ideals in life..."