the road to becoming a god

Section 35

Qiu Jiu walked out in the dust and passed several ice-cling masters.

Those people were a little surprised when they saw Qiu Jiu. But when he saw that his cultivation order was in the early days of Yuanying, his face suddenly appeared with arrogance and rushed past him coldly. With his awkward image and only Yuan Ying's early cultivation, no one pays too much attention to him. Occasionally, a few people glanced over and looked impatient, as if they felt that it was a waste of life to look at Qiu Jiu more. Qiu Jiu knew that this place should not stay for a long time. At present, under the cover of the still flying dust, he gradually left the square.

After about an hour of slowing down all the way, Qiu Jiu looked at the left and right and saw that there was no one to follow, and then he was relieved. At the same time, he is also secretly shouting "It's a pity" in his heart.

The blood river light curtain just now is the accumulation of the essence and blood of the Iron-blood City for many years. Under the action of Qiu Jiu's strange blood demon blood, these blood spirits were triggered and entered Qiu Jiu's body, constantly warming his iron-blooded demon handsome body. It is also because of this continuous flow of blood that Qiu Jiu's magic handsome body has made a little progress.

The most obvious thing is that the magic armor on the body surface can be included in the body, and this Qiu Jiu can further hide his strength. In addition, the evolution brought by the magic body has made the internal structure of his body stronger. If it hadn't been for the intervention of the iron guard, Qiu Jiu believed that his body would definitely reach the realm of the legendary demon body. But now, he is only a little better than his previous body. Don't mention the confrontation with Du Guming, a master during the robbery period, even the practitioner in the early stage of the ice, Qiu Jiu should be treated carefully. This is also one of the reasons why he called it a pity.

Another reason is that this blood spirit, in addition to warming the body of the demon and handsome, has also carried out a new construction of the bloody space. The original bloody space was only a small room of only ten square meters, but now it has doubled. It's just that this change does not clearly reflect the benefits of Qiu Jiu. Whether for Qiu Jiu's body or Qiu Jiu's Yuanying, the space of ten square meters is no different from that of 20 meters.

Qiu Jiu is most concerned about whether his Yuanying has further development. But after an internal inspection, Qiu Jiu couldn't help but be a little disappointed. My cultivation realm is still at the beginning of Yuanying.

If Yuanying's cultivation cannot be synchronized with the strength of the body, her strength is still even during the peace period. Thinking of this, Qiu Jiu is a little anxious. Magic skill is a method of practicing swords and deviations. The progress in the early stage is extremely fast, but this rapid progress will also bring many negative effects. One of them is this mentality of eagerness for quick success.

The more the cultivation is stagnant, the more the practitioner's mentality will become more floating.

And the more frivolous the mentality is, the more difficult it is to move forward.

It can be seen that the heavenly path is fixed, and it is not fast.

This is also why there are many famous demon cultivation masters like Jiang Zhiqing, but there are few who can really enter the disaster period.

At this time, Qiu Jiu's heart was full of this kind of dry mood. Fortunately, his mind was very clear. He found an empty corner and sat down cross-legged to sort out his mood. Since the day he stepped into the magic road, Qiu Jiu has deeply realized that the road to demon cultivation is step by step. Be careful and afraid of turning over. If this dry mood continues to exist in your heart, you will really die.

However, it is said that in the city owner's mansion, the iron war, the owner of the Tie family, was furious because of the changes outside the house.

He was angry that the change did not happen at the door of his house - as long as it didn't happen in the city owner's house, he hoped that there would be a change at the door every day. Because the change means that the unrivaled treasure is about to appear.

He was so angry that this amazing treasure appeared at his door, and all the people sent out returned empty-handed.

"Someone must have been greedy for that treasure! What we have to do is to find out who it is and dare to rob the things of our iron family at the door of our city lord's mansion!" Tie Zhan's son Tie Leng's raised muscles were tight and thick meridians, which were obviously prominent in his muscles because of his inner anger.

Miss Tiexinyun retorted, "This is impossible. From the beginning of the mutiny, the left-behind escort has surrounded the square. Unless there is a spy in the escort, no one can take things away from our noses.

"There is absolutely no problem with the loyalty of the escort, which I can guarantee with my life." The president of the escort led Tie Liu with a gloomy face and said unhappily. He is the brother of an iron war compatriot and the eight David team in charge of the city's main house. He has a high reputation among the clan. Since he opened his mouth as a guarantee for the escort involved in the operation, who dared to brush the lion's beard?

"We must continue to investigate the whereabouts of the foreign treasure. By the way, Linger's matter can't be delayed. Second brother, is there any problem to pick out the people who accompany Linger to the wilderness? Tie Zhan remembered the matter of his little daughter Tie Xinling and turned to ask about Liu's arrangement of personnel.

Tie Liu answered, "I personally selected the twelve most elite iron guards, two alchemists, two barbarian guides, and a total of 14 people. No matter loyalty or strength, there is no problem."

Iron War nodded with satisfaction: "That's good. Ling's matter should be put first. Is it almost time? Tell them to go."

"I know, brother, I'll inform them in person." Tie Liu left the council hall after saluted the Iron War.

Looking at his distant back, Tie Leng suddenly said, "Dad, the second uncle has been expanding the guard recently."

Tie Zhan was suddenly unhappy when he heard the words and frowned: "What do you want to say?"

Tie Leng was shocked by his father's gloomy tone and dared not talk more. Seeing this, Tie Xinyun quickly said, "Seeing that the second brother is also going to study and walk on the ice, Dad, do you think you want to ask the second uncle to come out as a guard and take over for the second brother..."

"Hmm!" Tie Zhan said, "I know what you are thinking. Let me say it again. I hope this is the last time to say this. There can only be one leader in the guard of the city. That person is Tie Liu. He is your second uncle and the most loyal person to the Tie family. You want to seize his power, okay! Unless I die first, no one can think of the city lord's palace guard!"


"Recede!" Tie Zhan shouted coldly.

The two saw that his face was as gloomy as ink and knew that it was useless. After saluted the iron war, the two quickly left.

After staying away from the council hall, Tie said angrily, "I'm his own son, but he doesn't even want to give me the command of a guard. I'm so angry!!"

"Second brother, what's the use of being angry here? I think it's not that Dad doesn't want to decentralization of the power of the guard, but that he still cares about a person. As long as that person doesn't die for a day, second brother, you won't have the chance to inherit the owner of the Iron-blooded City. Tie Xinyun opened his mouth to point.

Tie Leng said, "You mean that wild seed?"

Tiexinyun nodded and said, "In addition to him, who else is qualified to stand in front of your second brother?"

Tie coldly said, "What qualifications does he have? A wild seed also wants to compete with me for the position of city lord!"

Tie Xinyun said, "Is he qualified? Only when his father says it counts. According to the ancient motto, my father wants to respect the elder and help him become the lord of the iron-blooded city. Otherwise, how could Dad keep dragging the heir's problem from handling it?

"If I had known this, I would have killed him on the first day he came!" Iron said coldly and hatefully.

Tie Xinyun said, "Yes, if you had been the focus of your second brother, you would not have had today's troubles."

"Seven sister, do you think he is still alive now?"

In the face of Tie Leng's question, Tie Xinyun shook his head and said, "I don't know. After he went to the third floor of the wilderness, no one saw him come out again. I also hope that he has died there to save us trouble. However, Dad and the second uncle seem to know where he is on the third floor of the wilderness and have been paying attention to him. Otherwise, with his father's character, he would have sent people to kill him in the wilderness early.

Tie Leng suddenly said, "Is there still a chance to do it now?"

Tie Xinyun advised: "Second brother, take the opportunity to get rid of this idea. Have you forgotten how the third brother died?

When it came to Lao San, the two of them coincidentally thought of the strict ancestral hall. On that day, he knelt in front of the iron war and trembled. In front of the dense ancestral spiritual plaque, the voice of the iron war was as cold as a ten-thousand-year-old iron, without a trace of emotion: "Today, the iron family's unworthy descendants and iron war have no way to teach their children, causing them to do things that are cruel to each other, which is contrary to the legacy of their ancestors. The elders of the whole clan and the parents of each house are hereby summoned to trial the assassination of Tieyin's eldest brother. After the trial of the elders and the parents of each house, it was confirmed that their crimes were true. According to the rules of the iron family, those who had brothers killed each other without mercy! Please give me a knife!"

Tie Yin trembled and climbed to the feet of Tie Zhan and cried, "Dad, I'm wrong. Give me a break. I know I'm wrong. I don't dare to do it anymore..."

The two still remember the expression on Tie Zhan's face at that time. On his face, the two couldn't see the expression that a father should have. I only remember that when Tie Zhan saw his son crying, he said coldly, "Don't lose the last dignity of the iron man before you die. Your wife and children will send someone to take care of you. Go on the road!"

The clan knife was raised high, extincting the last hope of Tieyin. He shouted sadly, "Are you going to kill a real son for a wild species!!"

The knife fell.

The human head also fell to the ground.

Although Tieyin's headless body fell softly to the ground, his desperate shouts before his death echoed in every beam of the ancestral hall.

"He is not a wild man. He is your big brother, your big brother!"

At that time, the iron war sounded as cold as ice.

When I thought that the knife might also fall on my body, Tie Leng really felt a chill all over his body and asked, "Can we just sit and wait, and then watch the iron family's thousand years of painstaking efforts fall into the hands of an unknown guy?"