the road to becoming a god

Section 151

Just when Qiu Jiu felt it and sighed slightly in his heart. Yajian's door was gently knocked. Without waiting for Qiu Jiu to speak, the door was gently pulled open and a small head, with a pair of braids tied to the sky. He was about seven or eight years old. A trace of cunning flashed on his childish face from time to time, which made him look more clever. Shangguan Yanyan saw that he didn't look like the second child who served the food, so she asked, "Children, what's the matter?"

The boy smiled and pretended to be mysterious and asked, "Do you want to hear the latest secrets on the world?"

Shangguan Yanyan looked back at Qiu Jiu and found that he just fell on the street and didn't hear the child's question. Therefore, Shangguan Yanyan didn't dare to make her own decision. She just stood up and patted the child's head gently and said softly, "What does the child know? My sister will give you ten copper coins. You can buy food."

Unexpectedly, the boy looked disdainful of the ten copper plates stuffed by Shangguan Yanyan and muttered, "I heard that the little head came to be rich. I just came up to sell some secret history of the world. Some of them are also the master of charge, huh." Listening to him say the adult's words in that childish childish voice made Shangguan Yanyan suddenly laugh and cry. When she was about to teach the little guy a lesson, she suddenly heard Qiu Jiu say, "Give him ten taels of silver, and listen to whether the story he tells is new or not. If it is good, give him fifty taels."

"That's decent!" The kid was rude. He went straight into the elegant room, reached out and grabbed an orange on the table, quickly peeled off the skin, broke a peta and put it into his mouth, and said vaguely while chewing, "When I saw this young man, I knew that he was a knowledgeable person and appreciated it. However, what I said is not a story. It's all real things in China. There is absolutely no lie.

Qiu Jiu smiled faintly: "Then tell me, what strange things have happened in China recently."

"The strangest thing to say is to count the serial murders of Yejiabao!"

This kid was really shocked. As soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately aroused Qiu Jiu's curiosity and couldn't help blurt out, "Ye Jiabao's serial murder case?" What's the matter?"

When the kid heard Qiu Jiuyi's question, he immediately shook his head proudly and began to say, "Although this serial murder case in Ye Jiabao has just happened recently, there must be a cause, so this gentleman still needs to be a little patience and listen to me start before this murder."

"Say it, I'll listen." Qiu Jiu smiled slightly.

"I don't know if you have heard that there are three strongest people on this divine state."

Qiu Jiu said, "The master of China is like a crucian carp crossing the river. How can he be the strongest?"

"When I heard this sentence, I knew that I was a person who didn't often run in the world. But it doesn't matter. The three people I said, even those who don't go out at home, will have heard more or less about their deeds. Let me tell you. As long as you think that one of them is not the strongest, I don't want a penny to tell you the secret history of China for free.

Qiu Jiu smiled faintly: "Let's talk about it."

The kid nod his head and got up. This shock immediately attracted a chain reaction of the five guardians. Unable for the kid's pride, he had been pressed backhand on the table by the wind charm, causing the kid to scream and cry in pain.

Qiu Jiu frowned slightly and said lightly, "It's just a child. Let go."

Feng Mei quickly let go of the kid and knelt down on one knee to plead guilty. Qiu Jiu waved his hand, as if intentionally or unintentionally, and said, "Many things are unpreventable. Relax. I'm not bad enough to be plotted by the kid."

"Yes, master, my subordinates deserve to die." The wind charm's head is lower.

Qiu Jiu shook his head slightly: "Get up, don't kneel easily."

"Yes, master, thank you for not killing." Feng Mei saluted Qiu Jiuzhong before she got up. But she never returned to the position where she used to sit, but stood behind the kid in case the kid really came against Qiu Jiu.

After the kid got out of Feng Mei's hand, he was not noisy. He looked at Qiu Jiu with dark eyes, looked at him with admiration, and asked, "Is your family very rich, right?"

Qiu Jiu smiled and did not nod or shake his head. He just said to the kid, "Continue to tell your story."

When the kid saw Qiu Jiu opening the topic, he didn't care. He nodded and rubbed his nose. He stretched out his right hand habitually wanted to pat the table, but the cold eyes in the air made him involuntarily stagnate. After carefully looking around, he finally decided not to take this opening momentum, just said loudly. He said, "The first person I want to talk about is the first time he has soared in 500 years. He has never been defeated in China. He is known as the strongest man in China, the supreme of the devil, Emperor Lei, prince, do you think he is the strongest?"

"Thunder Emperor?" Qiu Jiu's eyes narrowed slightly, and Shangguan Yanyan immediately straightened her ears and wanted to hear the praise and compliment to Emperor Lei from Qiu Jiu's mouth, but unfortunately, Qiu Jiu just smiled faintly and said carelessly, "Yes, he is the strongest in China."

Shangguan Yanyan slightly regretted that after His Majesty the Lei Emperor flew up, there were few people in China who respected him. Even this person who had been personally approached by Emperor Lei was so careless about the attitude of His Majesty the Emperor Lei. At that moment, Shangguan Yanyan suddenly felt an impulse to cry. She seemed to see that a golden age belonging to the Leihuang Valley finally faded the stage of Shenzhou.

Looking at the death of an era, as a member who once shared the glory of this era, Shangguan Yanyan only felt that her heart was full of emotions called sadness.

But as the narrator of the story, the little ghost was refreshed after getting the affirmation of Qiu Jiu and asked, "The second person, the first master of the iron family, who is known as the 'divine fist invincible', is invincible. He is profound in swordsmanship and is known as the first sword god in 500 years. Ming, is he the strongest swordsman in Shenzhou?

I remembered the magnificent sword of Gumei Villa that day. If it hadn't been for the old man's mercy, I would have died because of the impulse of that year. Qiu Jiu couldn't help smiling and nodded, "The swordsmanship of the lonely family is the first in the world, and no one can beat it. This is recognized, and I can't refute it."

The kid laughed proudly, and the childish laughter echoed in the elegant room. The wind charm behind him hummed gently, and a chill suddenly rose from the little ghost's back. There was a tremor in the laughter. Finally, he had to turn around and stare at the wind charm fiercely to show his inner dissatisfaction.

At this time, Qiu Jiu asked, "Who is the third person you want to talk about?"

The kid turned around and raised his head and said, "The third person is my idol and my target."

"Oh?" Qiu Jiu smiled and said, "Then I'd like to listen carefully. What's special about this strongest man?"

"Of course, it's special. Before introducing the third person, I want to take the exam. What is the fastest in the world?" The kid didn't need Qiu Jiu to answer. As soon as the question was answered, he continued to say, "Son, you don't know? Then I'll tell you. The fastest thing in the world is human thought. No matter where it is, as long as people's thoughts change, they can go there.

Qiu Jiu nodded and asked, "Is the person you mentioned a strong mind?"

The kid shook his head and said, "Of course not. Although others call him 'the second in China', I think he is the real number one in China. Because his body is like the wind, but it is dozens of times faster than the wind. Even his mind can't keep up with his physical speed..."

Before the kid finished speaking, Qiu Jiu asked, "What do you want to say, is it the former owner of Yejiabao, the second Ye Hongji in China?"

The kid nodded and asked, "Does the prince also regard Lord Yebao as his idol?" Oh, the most rare thing in life is a confidant. The prince has such a vision, which shows that he is also a promising person. Okay, okay, I'll only charge you half of the fifty taels of silver.

If it's a year-old person, no one will feel surprised, but the person who said this sentence is still a child who looks less than eight years old, and even speaks milky. Unexpectedly, he will use this old-fashioned tone, which makes people can't help but laugh.

Qiu Jiu smiled and said, "Ye Baozhu has always been my idol and has never changed. But what does this have to do with the Yejiabao serial murder you want to talk about?

The kid nodded and said, "Of course it has something to do with it. The owner of Yebao has a son, do you know?

Qiu Jiu was stunned, and his heart was slightly alert, but his face remained calm. He said lightly, "I rode across the oblique bridge, full of red sleeves, and Mr. Ye's romantic deeds are also very respected. But what does this have to do with the story you want to tell?

The kid looked around carefully, as if he was afraid that someone would hear what he was going to say next - in fact, the room was full of people. No matter how he spoke in a low voice, with the cultivation of these people, if he wanted to hear it or not, the voice would drill into his ears. However, he heard the little ghost whisper, "Some people say that the six serial murders in Yejiabao were the work of this romantic young man, and there is still human evidence."

"What?!" Qiu Jiu blurted out, "How can this be!"

The kid patted his thigh and echoed, "Yes, I don't think it's possible. The person who said this sentence doesn't use his brain. Mr. Ye, he has this heart. Can he have this power?"

Qiu Jiu couldn't help but look embarrassed and asked, "Children, how old are you this year?"