the road to becoming a god

Section 175

It turned out that Lei Ji also thought she had the thunder seed of the Thunder Emperor.

But she didn't know that her original body had already turned into dust, and now her body was still given up by the rosefinch.

But it's no wonder that if you haven't experienced it yourself, who can believe the change of body?

And in addition to the Yan'er who followed him for the longest time, he didn't even know the details of the five major guardians, let alone Shangguan Yanyan later.

Since Lei Ji didn't know, Qiu Jiu didn't find the truth. After all, I am so eager to find Jilong Island, that is, for the passage through the demon world. Now that he knows another such existence from Lei Ji, how can Qiu Jiu be stupid enough to tell Lei Ji what has been destroyed?

Moreover, now Qiu Jiu has eight divine hearts, and as long as he finds two more, he can reach a perfect state. Therefore, he is confident enough to break the so-called Lei Yuanli seal.

Looking at Qiu Jiu's meditation, Lei Ji thought he was still hesitating and said, "If you agree, I will immediately take you to the Thunder Emperor's secret room. From the first day you came, Your Majesty has told me that one day, the records in the secret room can help you find the truth you care about most.

Qiu Jiu said lightly when he heard the words, "I agree. Did you take me to the Thunder Emperor's secret room first, or shall I help you open the seal first?"

Hearing Qiu Jiu agree, Lei Ji suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and began to warm her tone to Qiu Jiu: "I will take you to the secret room first."

Qiu Jiu nodded. Lei Ji stood up from her seat, walked to the front of the platform, and said loudly, "The whole army will rest on the spot and set off at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Order!" All the forbidden army responded with one voice, and their voices were earth-shaking.

Qiu asked, "Do you still want to take them to the Thunder Emperor's secret room?"

Shangguan Yanyan replied on behalf of Lei Ji: "It is rumored that 100,000 mountains have born strange treasures, causing the two forces of the righteous and demons to gather in 100,000 mountains. Without the support of the forbidden army, we would not have been able to rush to the original site of Leihuang Valley.

At this time, a female official quickly walked through the forbidden army camp and came to Shangguan Yanyan and whispered for a moment. Shangguan Yanyan nodded slightly and whispered, "Go down and keep an eye on the movement of the Xue family."

When the female official reported, Qiu Jiu had heard it, but in order to show that he did not eavesdrop, Qiu Jiu still asked one more question: "What's wrong? Have the 100,000 mountains changed?

Shangguan Yanyan shook her head slightly and reported to Lei Ji a few steps forward.

After that, after getting Lei Ji's approval, Shangguan Yanyan turned around and said to Qiu Jiu, "The latest war report. Four days ago, the Yizhou Xue family launched a ranking challenge to the top 14 of the barbarians. Xiping City, which belongs to the Tie family, was captured, and the general Tie Wuya died in battle. More than 6,000 10,000 defenders in Xiping died and surrendered more than 3,000. When the news came back, the Xue family was besieging Xiliang City.

Qiu Jiu was stunned when he heard the words: "At this time, did the Xue family challenge the Tie family?"

The righteous road of Shenzhou was attacked by demons, the Kuntong of the seven major faction destroyed the sect, the Li family of the seven major families was exterminated, and the other faction Tianjianmen of the seven major faction was rescued by the Qian family, which reluctantly retained the incense, but it is impossible for that the humanite wants to rise within 30 years.

The top 14 has lost three, and the situation that has been at peace with the forces of Momen is out of control. Hundreds of thousands of demon alliances are staring at the inland of Shenzhou in Sili, Bingzhou and Puzhou. After several rounds of infighting, the strength of the righteous forces has been stretched, but anyone who is a little normal will not launch the right road ranking battle at this time.

This Xue family was also one of the top 14 a hundred years ago, but it was later defeated by the Ye family. The five cities in Yangzhou that were originally occupied were all owned by the Ye family, and they were hunted down by the Ye family to the Nangong family. If it hadn't been for the fact that the Nangong family was stronger than the Ye family at that time, the Ye family could only watch the Xue family escape into the Nangong territory, and they were afraid that the Xue family would have been killed by the Ye family.

However, the Xue family was able to survive thanks to the long-term vision of the owner of the Nangong family at that time and did not fall into the pit against the losers as usual. The whole Xue family was able to escape to Yizhou and preserve the incense. However, after the ranking defeat, the Xue family lost nine times, and their resources were even more clean. The original top 14 can only compete with those nine-rate small sects on the territory of Yizhou.

After more than 100 years, the Xue family not only rose again, but also had the power to launch a ranking battle. However, what the Xue family hates most should be the Ye family. How did they challenge the Tie family?

In fact, this question still needs to be asked by Qiu Jiu himself.

If it hadn't been for his horizontal penetration, the barbarians would have gained unprecedented unity and destroyed the four main legions of the Tie family and made the power of the Tie family fall to the lowest point in history, which would have made the Xue family want to leap forward and launch a challenge to the Tie family.

According to the battle practice, the two sides must rely on their respective strengths to defeat their opponents. No sect or individual can interfere in the war between the two families. Those who violate this will be regarded as destroying the stability of China and attract the joint siege of the major decent faction of China.

Do you have any further information about Xuejia in Leihuang Valley? Military strength, material reserve, conscription ability, etc. Qiu Jiu suddenly asked, "It is impossible for Lei Huanggu not to receive any news in advance. What do you think of this war?"

"The snow family will be defeated." Lei Ji suddenly turned around and said firmly.

Qiu Jiuyi was stunned. In his heart, he did not believe that the Tie family would lose this challenge. However, the Xue family has always been famous for acting cautiously and fighting like crazy people. It is impossible for such a family that has risen again after experiencing the edge of extermination to provoke its opponents who are strong enough to lose.

There must be something behind the snow family's war!

"I heard that the largest sect in Yizhou should belong to the day-to-day door. Are you not afraid of the future of the snow family in the first battle?" Qiu Jiu said, "And there is still a Yongzhou between Yizhou and the wilderness. How can Baihuamen let the army of the Xue family be on its own territory**?"

"Brother, Yizhou was annexed by the Xue family as early as half a year ago. Now the Xue family has six major cities in Yizhou, and the potential for war is no less than that of any sect. With the character of the Xue family for a hundred years, if they don't send it again, they will be fatal. Duguyan acted as Qiu Jiu's explainer and explained to him the general trend of China in recent years.

"Yizhou is connected to Nanmanzhou in the south. Although the land is rich, it is a place where demons gather. They attack Nanman with the power of the Xue family. I'm afraid that if they don't succeed, Nangong, Dugu and Baihuamen next to him will take action first, and the three families will divide the Yizhou of the Xue family equally."

"So Southern Barbarian States is not the best choice. The next few options are the Nangong family in Jingnan, the Dugu family in Jingbei, and the Baihuamen in Yongzhou. Nangong and Dugu are located in one of the four rich areas of Shenzhou, and their strength is not something that the newly rising snow family can challenge. Baihuamen is a good choice, but the mountains of Yongzhou are undulating, and the checkpoints are really easy to defend and difficult to attack. The Xue family not only wants to pick up a bargain, but also doesn't want to lose too much, so they can only regretfully kick Baihuamen out of the expansion list.

"So the Xue family found the Tie family, but how could Baihuamen allow the Xue family's army to enter the country?" Qiu Jiu frowned.

Lei Ji said lightly: "A month ago, in return for the hidden son we placed in Baihuamen, the Xue family gave up the two cities of Hanzhong and Yong'an in Yizhou, and Baihuamen also ordered Tianshui City to unconditionally release all the snow family troops entering the country."

Exchange two big cities for a military path, this snow family is really bold!

"Xiping, the Xue family has a base in the wilderness, and the material support can be continuously transported to the front-line battlefield. If the Tie family can't counterattack Xiping in the shortest time, the next situation is really hard to say." Qiu Jiumei locked tightly, "I, 100,000 barbarians and warriors, are all facing the Tie family in Yanguan City. There is no troops to guard in the direction of Xiping and Xiliang. If the Xue family's army enters, the barbarians will be in danger!"

"You don't need to worry about this. No matter how stupid the senior management of the Xue family is, they will not let their family and army fight on two fronts at this critical moment. As long as the barbarians don't provoke the Xue family too much, the Xue family will not take action against the barbarians until the two families win or lose. Shangguan Yanyan patiently explained to Qiu Jiu.

Qiu Jiu thought for a moment, and finally turned back to Feng Mei and said, "You go back to the wilderness instead of me and tell the two patriarchs that if there is no big deal, ask the warriors to try not to harass the decisive battle between the two families. In addition, ask Leng Da to pay close attention to the development of the war. When it's time to take advantage of it, take advantage of it!"

Feng Mei bowed to take the order and said in a low voice, "Your subordinates will bring the news. Master, do you have any other messages to bring?"

"Well, tell Chako that boy, don't hurt yourself during the wedding. I still expect him to bring me the eagle, but don't waste all his strength on his wife's belly. Let him also pay close attention to the war and cooperate with Lengda's action at any time. Qiu Jiu smiled faintly and said, "That's all. Go ahead."

"Yes, master." After Fengmei saluted Qiu Jiu respectfully, his body merged with the surrounding scenery and quickly went away.

Lei Ji looked at Qiu's entourage one by one from left to right, and then smiled and said, "I didn't find that several people around you are deeply cultivated. It seems that the wild trip has made you very fruitful."

Qiu Jiu smiled faintly: "Let's talk about the thunder emperor's secret room. Before coming to Tianjian Mountain, I heard that there were strange treasures in 100,000 mountains. The so-called strange treasures will not be fabricated by you to coax those decent people into 100,000 mountains, and then hundreds of thousands of you allied forces to surround and eat the decent elite power in one breath.

Lei Ji smiled and said, "At present, the strategic goal of the coalition is to capture Jizhou. But until now, in addition to Ye City in the hands of our army, the Shangguan family in Youzhou controlled Haicheng, the Qian family in Qingzhou controlled Pingyuan City, and the army of the two families confronted us in Jizhou. At this time, no one can retreat. Once they retreat, they will lose.

"So, do 100,000 mountains really have strange treasures?"

Lei Ji nodded slightly: "Yes, there is really a strange treasure."

"Listen to your tone, as if you already know what the strange treasure is." Qiu Jiu smiled and said, "If you don't mind, I want to find out what that thing is."

Lei Ji said lightly, "In fact, it's not a secret. Someone found the dragon tomb in a huge cave hidden in 100,000 mountains."