happy concubine

Chapter 34 Answer

Along the way, Fuduo tried his best.

I once thought that when he came straight to the main hall, Yitong didn't say a word, and his mouth was as tight as a river.

That's all. What else can we do to her?

followed Yitong into the main hall, and it was full of people.

Fuduoduo swept around with residual light.

Except for the angry and arrogant lady sitting on the top of the throne, the rest were standing one by one. There were three people kneeling on the ground, namely Lian Qing, Song Yingjie, the man who held her hostage that day, and a fat and eye-catching little girl.

With a restrained look, Fu Duo respectfully saluted the old lady and the aunts present.

The old lady looked at Fuduoduo faintly and said, "Get up!" With that, he said to Zhang's mother beside him, "Move a brocade to her aunt. She has suffered a lot in the past few days. Look at that little face, which is yellow, which is really heartbreaking."

Zhang's mother responded quickly and ordered the little girl to move.

Fuduoduo repeatedly refused. After all, there were many people standing in this hall, and she did not dare to sit alone.

Seeing this, Mother Zhang said, "Auntie, the eldest lady asked you to sit down without caring about others." The others in her mouth naturally pointed to the aunts standing next to the eldest wife.

Hearing what Zhang's mother said, the aunt's face was expressionless, and the second aunt's face was unknown, but her hands couldn't help wringing the embroidered handkerchief. The third aunt was directly agging and opened her eyes wide, as if she were the source of the evil of the matter.

In this case, Fuduo is in a dilemma.

If you sit down obediently, you will inevitably become the target of public criticism. The goal of everyone's resentment and persistent refusal will cause the dissatisfaction of the old lady.

Under the balance, Fu Duoduo looked at the old lady with a cold face and finally sat half on the brocade.

The old lady looked a little, and her eyes looking at Fu Duoduo were slightly softer. The others were not like this, staring at her fiercely, as if they were going to swallow her alive.

Now, Fuduoduo can only take over one by one.

The old lady took a sip of tea, glanced around, and said solemnly to Fu Duoduo, "Fu, what do you have any grudge with Lian Qing?"

Fu Duoduo was stunned and didn't know why.

However, he quickly reacted and answered word by word, "No, and there are few intersections." In her heart, she was secretly happy. Fortunately, she asked Grandma Tang to inquire about some news in advance.

The old lady asked again, "Do you know what I asked you to come?"

Fuduo already had an answer in his heart, but he still didn't seem to understand. He shook his head at a loss and said, "I don't understand."

The old lady winked. Mother Zhang stepped forward and said, "Auntie, do you remember how you fell into the abandoned ancient well in the back garden?"

Fu Duoduo's eyes widened in fear.

Mother Zhang pointed to the trembling Lian Qing and said, "The old lady has found the culprit for you, this bitch! She lost her conscience and didn't want to do it once, and she wanted to do it again. She set off the fire in your previous courtyard. Thanks to your blessing from the Bodhisattva, she died in the fire, but after doing two unreasonable things, the poor maidservant did not stop and planned the third evil act. Fortunately, she was caught by the eldest wife on the spot before acting. Otherwise, auntie, you will..."

Fu Duoduo hurriedly stood up, knelt in front of the eldest wife, and said gratefully, "Thank you for your protection!"

The old lady said with satisfaction, "Get up! If a family doesn't say two things, why is there such a politeness?

Fuduoduo didn't dare to take Joe, but still really kowtowed, and then got up.

The third aunt hummed disdainfully and said, "Madam, your daughter-in-law is really sincere." With that, as if remembering something, he covered his red lips with a silk handkerchief and smiled, "My concubine is wrong. After all, this concubine is a concubine, but it's not your daughter-in-law! Your serious daughter-in-law is waiting for you to go to hire.

Because Yu Shiyi is weak and has a great reputation for restraining his wife, he has not talked about marriage for several years. The third aunt said that she is completely tired of the eldest wife.

The aunt still didn't have much reaction. She looked at her nose and nose, as if she were not like her, but the second aunt raised a proud smile at the corners of her mouth and looked at the old lady's face blue and happy.

Fu Duoduo thought for a second, blessed the eldest wife, and said, "Please also ask your wife Rong Jian's concubine to say something."

The eldest lady glanced sideways at Fuduo, lowered her eyelids, and finally nodded.

After receiving the response from the eldest wife, Fuduoduo said, "The eldest wife is deeply blessed, and it is full of grandchildren and grandchildren. Sooner or later, it is a matter what some people don't have, they don't have it. No matter how they can't eat grapes and say grape acid, it's all in vain. In the end, it's only desolation."

"You!" The third aunt was so angry that her teeth were itchy.

The most angry thing in her life is that she did not give birth to a son and a half daughter for Yu Lingxuan. Otherwise, according to her means, what is the eldest wife? The most hateful thing is that now there is a fourth aunt, and she has a body, which makes her sleep for half a night. Now Fuduoduo is touching her pain. Why don't you hold a grudge against her? With her teeth and claws, she couldn't wait to go forward and tear her mouth!

The second aunt's eyes flashed, as if she had seen Fuduoduo for the first time.

The happiest is the eldest lady, whose mouth is slightly raised, and her eyes show appreciation and pleasure.

"What did Fushi say? The third aunt is also your elder, and she can't speak so rudely. Soon, the conversation changed and continued, "The murderer who murdered you has been found. What do you think is a good deal with?"

Fu Duoduo was stunned. What does this old lady mean?

It won't be so fast, just cross the river and demolish the bridge! I just spoke for her, and my words were not cold.

Secretly raised her eyes and observed the people present. The aunt ignored it and was always an indifferent appearance. The second aunt smiled and looked like she was watching the play. The third aunt was always the person with the richest expression and easier to show her emotions, and she looked gloated.

If you say something wrong, it will be doomed.

Fuduoduo can only keep saying, "The concubine is stupid, and everything is up to the eldest wife."

The old lady laughed and said, "You have also been in Yufu for more than half a year. You have to learn how to be a director, otherwise you will have to be bullied by those evil slaves." As soon as the words fell, the people in the hall looked different, but more unbelievable.

Fu Duoduo only felt the straight beating of his heart.

What kind of medicine is sold in this old lady's gourd? Isn't this director similar to managing common affairs? She is just a concubine. How can she afford it?