happy concubine

Chapter 40 Front

Things are deadlocked again.

The old man blew his beard and stared his eyes, and the old lady did not give in to let her make a move. However, she fell several instruments that could fall by her hand and sounded straight in the hall, as if to vent all the grievances she had suffered in the past few years.

"You! You!" The old man pointed to the old lady and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

The fourth aunt pretended to be weak and drilled straight into the master's arms and said coquettishly with a strong nasal voice, "Sir, I'm afraid! The wife was so fierce that she kept kicking her concubine, as if she was going to eat her..." With that, she cried in the end, as if she had suffered a great grievance.

The third aunt looked at it, her chest was constantly sour, and her mouth was scut, and she said, "The fourth aunt's courage is really small, like a mouse. If she can't stand fear, why do you come out? Why don't you hide in the room and don't come out for the rest of your life?"

Before entering the house, the fourth aunt specially inquired about the situation in the house and knew that the third aunt was most favored by the old man and her biggest threat. At that moment, his watery eyes turned, gently pulled the corner of the old man's clothes, and said aggrievedly, "Sir, look at you! The third aunt actually talked about the concubine like this, and our children were scared. The old people said that there are many taboos of people with bodies. Some words can't be said in front of them, but... But the third aunt was like this... If I had known this, the concubine would not have entered the house, woo..."

The old man's face darkened and scolded, "Mr. Lin! When did you become so mean? Don't apologize to Duan Niang!"

"Master?" The third aunt opened her big apricot eyes and couldn't believe her ears. She pointed to herself and pointed to the fourth aunt who was lying on the father's shoulder. She asked tremblingly, "Do you want me to apologize to her?"

"Why don't you hurry up?" The old man urged.

The third aunt suddenly burst into tears and said, "Sir, you have changed, completely changed. You were not like this before. When did you become like this?" Full of grievances, but they just refuse to bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

This is the case in this inner house. Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind.

If the third aunt bends down, I'm afraid she will be able to straighten up again.

What the third aunt knows, as the eldest wife of a house owner, how can she not know? Therefore, even if you want to break your face with the old master, you have to throw things to show to others, lest the people below think that her mother is fake!

However, looking at the third aunt's jealous appearance, the old lady's anger dissipated.

Some people have to use it, otherwise it will be wasted, and if they want to win the final victory, they have to stir up the scene that they can't figure out. In this way, she can also take profits from it and reap the benefits of fishermen without spending too much effort.

After thinking for a while, the old lady eased her tone and said to the third aunt, "Third aunt, if you can't say anything well, cry and let the people below laugh in vain!" With that, he handed a silk handkerchief to his third aunt and continued, "Wipe it, you are crying here. Others may be secretly happy." This other person naturally refers to the fourth aunt.

Although the third aunt usually likes to satirize a few words about the old lady, it is also because of the strong love of the old man. Now the Iraqi people are still there, but the past feelings have passed with time. The third aunt knew very well how miserable the woman in the backyard would be without the support of a man. Just look at her aunt. She only knew how to recite scriptures and worship Buddha all day long, and she also became dull and stupid, without any aura.

Thinking that she would be like this in the future, the third aunt trembled with fear and hated the fourth aunt she loved even more.

Looking up at the seemingly kind-looking old lady, the third aunt made a decision. She politely took the silk handkerchief, touched her tears, and whispered to the old man, "Master, my concubine is wrong. Don't be angry." He reached out and pulled the corner of the master's clothes. Seeing that he was still angry, he said to the old lady earnestly, "Madam, my concubine is wrong. Please help me to calm down."

These words of the third aunt contain a lot of information.

First, they plan to smile and feud with the eldest wife and reconcile all the unhappiness before reconciliation. Second, they will stand on the united front and go abroad together.

The eldest wife smiled, and now the third aunt has gradually entered her plan.

Looking at the second aunt who was outside, the eldest lady laughed and said, "Second aunt, you also come to persuade the master." Seeing the third aunt looking at her puzzledly, the old lady explained without a trace, "I also made the master angry. I'm afraid she is still annoyed with me and refuses to listen to me. At present, there is only your second aunt's words, and the master is willing to hear it. In a few words, the second aunt who stood on the shore and watched was pulled into the water.

The second aunt glanced at the old lady, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and said to the old man, "Master, the wife and the third aunt have pushed out their concubines as peacemakers. You also have a lot of adults, so don't worry about it. Why are they so annoyed and make you angry? Isn't it for the word 'affec'? Looking at you protecting this delicate new aunt, anyone's heart is sad, and his tone is a little rushed. If you don't believe it, can you ask Dr. Li? He is the witness.

One by one, Dr. Li, who was watching the play, was also pulled into the water.

Dr. Li brushed his beard and said, "Ling Xuan, I'll say one more today. As the old saying goes, there is no need to catch fire in the backyard. You should have seen a lot of scenes when you talk about foreign affairs and travel north and south. There are some things that I don't need to say more, and you also understand. Now your wives and aunts are all about living with you and Hemei. You should also restrain your hot temper. Don't always pat the table and yell at people. They are all young girls who follow you. It's extraordinary!" With that, he took a look at Fu Duoduo, who was not burned, and continued, "Don't say far away, let's talk about it. This aunt is still there. There are some things like this. Do you still don't have a peaceful day in Shiyi?"

The old man felt that Dr. Li's words were also reasonable. What's more, the eldest wife took the initiative to admit his mistake and had also given him enough steps, and then sat down again. He reached out and patted the back of the old lady's hand to apologize before, and smiled comfortingly at the second and third aunts.

Now it can be said that everyone is happy, of course, except for the fourth aunt.

However, she is not purely messed up. For so long in the brothel, she has learned not only to make men happy, but also to observe her words and feelings. She knows that she can never trip anyone now, and she can only admit her mistake obediently, so as to win the old man's more guilty love.

The battle between wives and concubines has come to an end for the time being, let alone Dr. Li. Besides, he is also an interesting person. He knows that the next play, no matter how wonderful it is, it is not easy for him to be present. He took the lead in proposing that there was still something to deal with in Baicaoyuan and left first.

When passing by Fuduo, he lowered his voice and said to her, "If you have time, go to Baicao Garden." Seeing Fuduo's face full of confusion, Dr. Li looked back at the old man and continued, "The next thing should be very interesting, but I have to leave, so... Ha ha, thank you for your hard work to relieve my old man." With that, he strode away.

Fu Duoduo pulled the stiff corners of his mouth and couldn't help rolling his eyes at the back of Dr. Li.

This man... This man is simply cynical! Unexpectedly, I'm so interested in other people's affairs, and it's still a secret event! Even if I know, how can I shout everywhere like a pastime? Unless it's a second son of a man!

Just as Fuduoduo secretly slandered Dr. Li, the old lady suddenly called "Fu's" to her.

Fuduoduo hurriedly restrained his thoughts and replied, "The concubine is there. I don't know what my wife has to tell you?"

Intuitively, Fuduoduo thought that the eldest wife had nothing good to find her.

The old lady said, "Now that this girl has been poisoned and mute, the clues have been interrupted. What do you think should you do?"

If there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three. Fuduoduo is really speechless to the eldest wife.

She is just a humble concubine who can't be in a humble room. How can she ask about these things? Isn't this obvious shirking responsibility?

After the wife and concubine struggle just now, Fu Duoduo can see that the eldest wife has united the front and dealt with the fourth aunt with several aunts, so there must be no internal affairs now. Then the matter of this girl being drugged and poisoned by herself cannot be mentioned at this time. It was used to criticize my second aunt. Otherwise, their war alliance will soon disintegrate.

However, it seems that the old lady is very unwilling to let go of her second aunt, so she will leave the matter to her again. It seems that the last Lianqing incident was similar, using her as cannon fodder.

Fuduo is not stupid, so he will not be used as a gun for nothing.

Therefore, he said ignorantly and naively, "This... I really don't know."

The old lady laughed and said, "Tell me, it's okay. You handled Lianqing very well before."

Fu Duoduo replied in fear, "Madam, you look up to a cheap concubine." Looking up at the old lady narrowing her eyes, she was very unhappy. Fuduo said squeakly, "Why don't you... or imprison this little girl for the time being?"

"Containment?" The old lady frowned.

Fuduoduo nodded and continued, "Yes, didn't Dr. Li say that although it was difficult to cure her dumbness, it was not possible? That's why the concubine thinks like this.

Contain it to treat dumb diseases.

The eldest wife agrees with what Fuduoduo said, because she still has a card to make it difficult for her second aunt to sleep and eat.

"What else?" The eldest wife is very satisfied with Fuduoduo's performance and would like to hear more about her other tricks.

Fu Duoduo hesitated and dared not speak.