happy concubine

Chapter 62 Teaching

After asking what to ask, Fuduoduo already knew it and ordered Chunfu and others to move her necessary living supplies to the main room. As for other gorgeous clothes, they stayed in the west wing room and only picked a few seemingly unsectable clothes.

Green Ju frowned and asked quickly, "Auntie, don't you bring these?" With her hands touching those soft and exquisite clothes, the green chrysanthemum was heartbroken. She didn't understand why Fuduo was willing to take them. The waste of these clothes in vain also failed the young master's love for her. If it were her words... Thinking of these clothes on her own body, the green dairysanthemum emerged with satisfaction in her heart.

Fuduo smiled and was very speechless about the green chrysanthemum.

Once this person is controlled by power and wealth, his whole body will change. Thinking about how simple she was when she saw the green chrysanthemum, and thought about replaying it on her, she didn't expect that in the morning, she changed quickly like a chameleon, playing a greedy role from time to time.

Looking at the frenzy in the eyes of the green chrysanthemum, Fu Duo had a headache for a while.

In this big house, there are many people like green chrysanthemum, and some even have real power. She has to act smoothly. Thinking of this, she felt that she could not try her best to expel someone or something because she hated someone or something. The only thing she could do was how to get along without being hurt. Otherwise, it is just treating the symptoms and not the root causes. Only by knowing how to deal with it can we live a stable life.

Taking a deep breath, Fuduoduo slowly adjusted his low mood and said to Lvju, "Now the young master's condition is getting worse. If I dress too fancy, I will inevitably be criticized by others. It's better to be so refreshing and refreshing, so as not to avoid trouble." After figured it out, Fuduoduo patiently told the reason to Luju. I hope she don't just look at the surface, but I'm afraid that she will blind her eyes and can't hear anything for the benefit. Fuduoduo said, "As my eldest girl, eye strength is the most important. You should think more about everything and don't cause trouble for the master. Otherwise, what's the use of the big girl? Don't you think so?

Lvju was a little dissatisfied, and she just kindly reminded her. How could she teach her aunt a lot of lessons? But secretly looking at Fuduo's exploration, the green chrysanthemum could only smile and respond repeatedly.

Seeing this, Fuduo sighed in his heart and knew that the green chrysanthemum did not understand her meaning. However, nothing can be forced. If the green chrysanthemum poses a bottom line threat to her, she can only make a plan to kill her far away.

People must have immediate worries if they have no foresight. Fuduoduo believes this sentence very much.

Without struggling with the green chrysanthemum too much, Fuduoduo said to Chunfu and other three people, "I'm going to the main courtyard later. Chunfu will stay to take care of the young master, and the red plum and green chrysanthemum will accompany me." As soon as the words fell, the three looked different.

Hongmei was in an indifferent state, while Chunfu pouted and was a little dissatisfied, but his eyes were clear, and he did not see the dark side of human nature. Green chrysanthemum was the happiest of the three. The smile at the corners of his mouth could not stop. He picked up a hibiscus folded branch magpie bird pattern dark flower veil, and said to Fuduo He said attentively, "Auntie, do you want to change your clothes? You are too plain now. This one looks much more festive. Presumably the eldest wife will be very happy to see it. With that, he also took the clothes to Fuduo's body and stroked them up and down.

Fuduoduo shook his head and rejected the "goodwill" of the green chrysanthemum.

Seeing Fuduoduo's refusal, Lv Ju couldn't help complaining that she didn't know good people's hearts. She thought that she was just a good intention, but she didn't expect that her hot face was close to her cold buttocks, and she was a little self-interesting.

Seeing this, Hongmei relieved her and said, "I think my aunt's dress is quite good, dignified and elegant, and decent. Compared with those who wear colorful clothes all day long, it is bright and unforgettable." As soon as the words fell, Fu Duoduo looked at the red plum with a smile, but the green chrysanthes widened her eyes angrily and shortness of breath.

In an instant, the atmosphere was a little tense.

Although Chunfu is a little naive, he is not a stupid person. Of course, he senses the subtlety between the three of them to avoid things from worsening and hurting their feelings. She said, "Auntie, it's getting late, and it's time for the young master to serve breakfast."

Fuduoduo understood the meaning of Chunfu and followed her words, "Indeed, you can't let the young master wait." Before finishing, he said to Lvju and Hongmei, "After you clean up, wait in front of the main house. You can't miss the time to go to the courtyard."

Hearing the words, the red plum and green chrysanthemum answered respectfully.

Seeing that the silence stopped a little, Fuduoduo took Chunfu to the main house first.

On the way, Chunfu couldn't help asking Fu Duoduo, "Auntie, why is there something wrong with this green chrysanthemum? She talks a lot and is a little offensive. She is not like her usual. On the contrary, Hongmei, who used to be more virtous, rarely talks. What's wrong? Although the words are similar to beating other people's small reports, the tone reveals worry.

Fuduoduo's favorite is Chunfu. In this impetuous era, it is rare to have her current heart. I don't want to pollute her now. Fuduoduo smiled faintly and said, "With your careful observation, why can't I see it?"

"No?" Seeing Fu Duoduo's words, Chunfu frowned slightly and began to doubt whether he was overthinking. After all, Chunying often said that she had less roots and would not think too much about everything. She was as straightforward as a cow. Now that I have thought about it carefully, will I still be wrong?

After thinking about it, Chunfu shook his head and said to himself, "It seems that I'm really not good at using my brain. I even think badly, and it's thanks to my aunt's careless, otherwise I will suspect that I have provoked discord." As soon as the words fell, Chunfu became uneasy and hurriedly explained to Fu Duoduo, "Auntie, I have no other meaning in saying these words. It's just a sudden thought. Don't worry too much about it." Because she was eager to make it clear to Fu Duoduo, so that she would not have a grudge and speak incoherently, but her carelessness was not dark and unclear.

Seeing this, Fuduoduo couldn't help laughing, squeezed his mouth and said, "Chunfu, you are really cute." After saying that, he couldn't help stretching out his hand on Chunfu's fat baby's face and gently pinched it to show his affection for her.

I have never had such close contact with her, and the object is still Fu Duoduo, the master of her. Chunfu's face turned red in an instant, stamped his feet, and said shyly, "Auntie, you are so bad. You make me worry about me and want to explain it clearly."

Seeing Chunfu pouted his mouth aggrievedly, Fu Duoduo said, "You are the second simplest person I have ever seen. How can I not believe you? It's your own worry, how can you blame me?" The speed of speech was calm, without a trace of anger, but with a little playfulness and joke.

Hearing Fuduo look at himself so high, Chunfu's little face became more rosy and said shyly, "Auntie, I didn't expect you to trust me so much."

Chunfu's mind was simple, and Fuduoduo said more forceful: "Of course, because I can see it at first sight, so I also like you very much."

"Do you like me?" Chunfu's eyes are shining, like a puppy eager to be certified.

Fu Duoduo patted the top of Chunfu's hair and laughed, "Of course, it's as cute as you, who doesn't like it."

Chunfu asked happily, "How much do you like it?"

Fu Duoduo knew this kind of question and said without hesitation, "It's similar to liking Peach. How much do you think you like it?"

Bitao was Fuduoduo's previous personal maid. Chunfu knew it, and he also knew that there was a deep relationship between them, and he also saw Fuduoduo's maintenance of Bitao as a maid. Chunfu, who grew up in Yufu, has never seen a master so attentive to a humble subordinate. Seeing that Fuduoduo treats Bitao so much, he is very envious and jealous. Now he hears that her love for himself can be comparable to Bitao. Chunfu is surprised and does not doubt whether Fuduoduo has deceived her at all.

"Auntie, why are you...?" Chunfu was so happy that he couldn't speak, but he didn't expect to be so valued by Fu Duoduo.

Fuduoduo said word by word, "Because you are as simple and kind as Bi Tao, without any bad intentions and sincere to people."

Hearing Fu Duoduo praise himself so much, Chunfu was a little embarrassed and lowered his head slightly.

Looking at Chunfu like this, Fuduoduo said, "It's just that it's good, but it's a little inappropriate."

"Hmm?" Chunfu looked up in confusion.

Fuduoduo took the opportunity to educate: "You know why Bitao left because she was so kind that her family tried their best to get her sister Bilian into the house, but got her out and married a stupid person. If she had discussed with me earlier, things might not have been like this. There would have been room for turning around, instead of looking for her all over the world now, but looking for fruitlessly.

Chunfu heard it in the clouds and didn't quite understand it. He looked at Fuduo in a daze.

Now that he has said this, Fuduoduo simply didn't beat around the bush and said directly, "When I talk about Bitao, I just hope you have anything to do in the future. Don't hide it from me and tell me early, so as not to be able to deal with it in the end like Bitao. On the contrary, it will be more difficult to understand. Decisive. And some people don't like too straightforward words, because sometimes it can hurt people too much, just like you were in a hurry to apologize to me. Sometimes what you can avoid is to prevent it as soon as possible, instead of waiting for something to happen and then urgently remedy it, you know?

Chunfu understood and nodded.