happy concubine

Chapter 73 Broad Axe 3

The wailing and curses of stewer Wang kept coming from outside the hall, from high to low, from low to nothing.

After about half a cup of tea, Mother Zhang came back and replied, "Madam, I have fainted."

The old lady nodded slightly, waved her hand and said, "Try it out so as not to get dirty."

Zhang's mother stepped down.

The old lady swept the servant below and shouted in a low voice, "Does anyone else have any objection?"

With the example of stewer Wang, the slaves dare not say much even if they are dissatisfied.

The old lady picked up the remade tea cup with satisfaction, took a sip, and said to Fuduoduo, who was a little stunned, "You have some demeanor of being a head of the family. You didn't let me down. You are quite a good job."

Fuduoduo hurriedly saluted and said, "My wife is flattered, and the cheap concubine is only forced by the situation."

Hearing this, the old lady raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "Is it because of the situation? I can see clearly that you don't have to hide too much. It's not a bad thing to occasionally show your sharpness. That's what the young master lacks now, you know?"

Fuduoduo's eyes turned, smiled, and replied, "Mrs. Xie's suggestion, bitch understands."

The old lady gently "um" pointed to the roster on the table and said, "Mother Zhang can't come back for a while. She can't wait to do nothing. Just read it!"

Fuduo looked embarrassed.

Her understanding of traditional Chinese characters has not yet reached the point where she can read them at a glance. When she was recuperating before, she also guessed while reading travel notes. At this time, it is really difficult for my son to read aloud in full view of the public. If he reads wrong, won't he be disgraced in front of everyone? In this way, the prestige that has been built will disappear and will become a joke after dinner.

However, if she truthfully tells the eldest wife that she can't read, it will be a little inappropriate and still shameless.

When he was in a dilemma, Fuduoduo's eyes inadvertently glanced at the red plum standing aside.

Hongmei can read some words, and with her half illiterate, there is no need to talk about a roster.

At this moment, Fuduoduo picked up the roster, stood quietly in front of Hongmei, lowered his voice and said to her, "Hongmei, I need your help now, would you like it?"

Hongmei was a little stunned by Fu Duoduo's question, but she soon came to her senses and answered without thinking, "As long as the maidservant can help, I am willing to." With that, he had to salute Fu Duoduo to show his feelings.

Fuduo hurriedly stopped her and pointed to the people around her, indicating that it was not appropriate now.

Hongmei nodded clearly with a cautious face.

Seeing this, Fu Duoduo was more than half worried and listened to Hongmei's current predicament. He slightly raised the roster among the masters without a trace, so that she could see clearly and asked, "Is it okay?"

Hongmei knew that this was her only chance to slowly approach Fuduoduo. She glanced cautiously, nodded solemnly and said, "Ok!"

Suddenly, Fuduoduo was completely relieved, cleared his voice, and began to read slowly.

Soon, all the names on the roster were read and stood aside.

Fuduoduo returned the roster to the eldest wife and asked her to look at it again.

The old lady took it, but did not read it, but asked Fuduoduo, "Now everyone has let you pick it out. As the saying goes, there is a beginning and an end. How do you think they should be placed? Are you going to kick them all out of the house? In the last sentence, the old lady leaned slightly and said to Fu Duoduo in a low voice.

Fuduoduo raised his eyelids and glanced at the frightened servants, restrained his eyebrows and thought, and said, "Madam, no!"

"No?" The old lady sat up straight, with a little irritation between the corners of her eyes and eyebrows, and asked, "Why would you tell me? They are the 'mouse shit' you picked out yourself. Why can't you remove them from the pot? The tone focuses on the word "in person".

Fuduoduo took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Madam, you are born high and knowledgeable. You must know the sentence 'If the water is clear, there will be no fish'!"

The old lady glanced at her. Although her anger did not completely fade, at least she was slightly relaxed.

Fu Duoduo was a little relieved and said thoughtfully, "Although these 'mouse shit' are harmful to porridge, there are many people drinking porridge, and they will see them every day. If all of them disappear one day, someone will ask about it. Especially at the neighboring table, although they can't taste porridge together, they will look at it from time to time. If it's okay to gradually disappear over time, all of a sudden..." Fuduoduo deliberately lengthned the ending, giving the old lady time to think and saw her take a sharp look at herself. Fuduoduo did not panic, but continued to say, "There are several 'mouse shit' in each pot. As long as you pick out the big one, the small one can still turn it out of the pot. Can't you make a mess?"

After listening to Fu Duoduo's words, the old lady frowned and said, "You know a lot." After saying that, I don't know if it was unintentional or intentional. I swept my hand slightly, and the tea cup next to me just separated from the table and smashed it straight to the ground.

Fuduo was busy and quick to pick it up.

Fortunately, the reaction was fast enough and the action was quite fast. I caught the tea cup like this, but the hot tea dripped her hand abruptly, which was very painful.

Fuduoduo stubbornly resisted the hot pain, brought the teacup to the eldest wife, and said with a smile, "Madam, you are the head of the family. You are extremely noble, and there is a young master with filial piety. No one in this house can make you unhappy. If this tea cup angers you, although you can smash it wantonly, don't burn your precious body.

The eldest lady reached out to take it and looked at Fu Duoduo's respectful appearance. Her gloomy expression eased a lot. She pointed to her red hands and said, "Does your hands still hurt?"

Fuduoduo calmly wiped away the drops of water and a few pieces of tea on the back of his hand, shook his head and said, "It doesn't hurt. There is always a price to pick 'mouse shit'. There are losses and gains. It's a great honor for a concubine to be able to work for his wife!" With that, he bent his knees to bless the eldest wife.

Seeing this, the old lady smiled a little at the corners of her mouth with some fine lines.

The surrounding servants always pay attention to the actions of the eldest wife and Fu Duoduo. Seeing them speak softly, their faces are sometimes good and sometimes bad, and their hearts can't help but tighten a little. Now they see the old lady smiling, and Fu Duoduo is also relieved. Looking down The servant was also slightly relieved. However, dozens of people who were picked out were not as relaxed as other slaves. Instead, their hearts improved a little and waited nervously for the verdict.

Although Hongmei doesn't know what Fuduoduo said to the eldest wife, her mind is delicate and her observation is a little higher than that of ordinary people. She more or less guesses that Fuduoduo has gradually broken the eldest wife's defense line and gradually entered the core.

Looking at the faint smile of Fu Duoduo's lips, Hongmei thought of her own future.

From her observation, Fuduoduo is not an easy-to-get master, but he is suspicious and will not trust easily, so she has been tested three times. But as long as she is recognized, she will definitely be better than other masters and will maintain the people below. Bitao is a good example. Secretly making up her mind, Hongmei is full of thinking about how to get the trust of Fu Duoduo.

Compared with the idea of red plum, green chrysanthemum is completely different.

She looked at Fuduoduo's close contact with the old lady, and a strong jealousy enveloped her whole body.

Originally, she thought that she could sit firmly in the position of the maid, but she was abruptly disturbed by Fu Duoduo and Hongmei, which could not be swallowed by her anyway. Before, she saw what Fuduoduo and Hongmei whispered, but isolated her, which made her even more angry. She stared at Fu Duoduo's red hands. She secretly cursed the hot tea, and it was better to let her hands fester!

Fuduoduo stood with his back to Hongmei and Lvju. He didn't know their different ideas, but he also thought about whether to take this opportunity to pick out the "mouse shit" around her. Because she is completely tired of green chrysanthemum and has no good impression, Hongmei is slightly better. At least she still knows how to look at people's eyes, but she is too smart to make her feel uneasy.

In a word, no one is heartfelt.

Now she has gradually been recognized by the eldest wife. In the future, she has something to ask the people around her to do, and it is impossible to do everything by herself.

Looking at the side face of the eldest lady, Fuduo had a headache for a while.

Now it is a fantasy to replace everyone around her and inject fresh blood, and as long as she opens her mouth and builds her trust, it will be destroyed. She knows that the old lady is like her and very suspicious, so this act is absolutely not possible.

With a glance at the servants under her, Fuduoduo suddenly thought that she still lacked a close mother.

A few rays of light popped out of Fuduo's eyes, and she knew how to solve this dilemma.

After the conversation just now, the old lady looked at Fu Duoduo with a little more trust, so she asked Hongxing to bring Xiaozi and put it beside her and said to Fu Duoduo, "Sit down!" I've been standing for so long, and I'm tired."

If there had been no higher generation than Fu Duo in the flower hall, she would have sat down and stood trembling for so long that her legs could not help trembling.

However, there are also aunts and red apricots in the flower hall. Although Hongxing is not an aunt, she is also the open-faced old man's common room. This little son was brought by herself. How dare Fu Duoduo sit down and hurriedly said that she was not tired.

As if she knew Fuduoduo's thoughts, she had been beaten by her and had been expressionless. Her submissive aunt said, "Auntie, Fushi respects you. She doesn't dare to see that you haven't sit down. Do you think she knows the rules?