happy concubine

Chapter 98 Please 2

Fearing that the eldest wife would not believe it, Fuduo nodded heavily.

The eldest wife looked at Yu Shiyi and still didn't seem to believe what Fu Duoduo said.

Yu Shiyi received the eldest wife's inquiry and did not answer immediately. Instead, he stood up with a little smile on the corners of his mouth, took the tea exchanged for the eldest wife by the little maid, handed it to her in person, and said respectfully, "Mother, your birthday is coming soon, and my son wants to do a good job for you. Do you think it's better for the troupe? My son thinks that Yunde's team is good. The Danjiao there are one of the best in Lin'an City. It's common for them to sing loudly. Many big families invite them to their homes to have fun.

At first hearing Yu Shiyi's words, the old lady was stunned and immediately smiled and said, "It's still early to say this, not to mention the whole life. It's good for the whole family to have a reunion dinner. There is no need for such extravagance and waste." That's what she said, but the strong smile in the old lady's eyes couldn't help showing.

Mother Zhang interrupted and said, "Madam, this is the young master's filial piety, and I think about you all the time."

The old lady took a look at the old man and said, "It hasn't been a whole year since the old lady passed away. It's not good for me, a daughter-in-law, to have such a big life. Maybe someone will poke my spine and scold me." With that, he looked at Yu Shiyi and said, "Yi'er, my mother knows that you are filial and have a long life... I think it's better." After saying that, he sighed slightly, picked up the tea cup, and slowly took a sip. He looked very frustrated. Obviously, he spoke insincerely.

Yu Shiyi understood, looked at the master who closed his eyes and enjoyed the tender service of his fifth aunt, and asked, "Father, what do you think?"

The old man closed his eyes, slowly opened a crack, glanced at Yu Shiyi, and then glanced at the old lady without saying a sound.

At this time, the fifth aunt gently hammered the old man's leg and persuaded him, "Sir, you agree!" The wife works very hard to take care of the family, not to mention that this birthday is only once a year. It's very rare. It's okay to be lively!" Seeing that the old man still refused, the fifth aunt secretly looked at the old lady and saw that she looked very bad. Obviously, she was very unhappy. The fifth aunt bit her lips and thought about it. She felt that the old lady had just knocked Fuduo, but in fact, she was also secretly beating herself secretly for fear that she would be ungrateful. It's better to take a dangerous road this time and let the big The wife was happy to remove her vigilance.

So, the fifth aunt's eyes flashed slightly and said softly, "On the day of my wife's birthday, the fourth aunt's belly will be five months old!" The concubine heard from the older generation that the child had grown up with his hands and feet when he was four months old, and he could also hear the sounds and noise outside. She also said that if it could be lively, the child would be more lively and strong. With that, Yu Guang glanced at the old man's look and said softly, "It's just that this is also what the concubine heard, and I don't know whether it's true or not, but thinking that the fourth aunt is blessed, the child must also be lively and lovely."

When the fifth aunt said these words, the old man finally opened his eyes, looked at her several times, raised his eyes and said to Yu Shiyi, "Since you have this filial piety, it's good." Then, he looked at the old lady with a little careless face and said, "You have worked hard all these years, and I haven't celebrated your birthday well."

The old lady pulled the corners of her stiff mouth and said, "There is nothing to work hard. It's what my concubine should do to be the mother-in-law and host Zhongfu."

The old man nodded and closed his eyes again.

Seeing this, the old lady tightened the strength in her hand and held the tea cup to death, hoping to crush it.

Zhang's mother gently pulled the corners of the eldest lady's clothes, afraid that she would be furious, scolded and smashed like a few days ago, which was very ugly.

She took a deep breath and stared at the fifth aunt fiercely. In the end, the old lady did not send out the evil fire in her heart to the public.

Yu Shiyi took a faint sip of tea, as if he didn't know the surrounding situation, and talked to his wife about the arrangements for his birthday.

It's a rare time, and the old lady was still very happy. Seeing that Yu Shiyi talked enthusiastically again, she gradually disappeared the unhappiness just now and slowly, and told him a lot. However, when I inadvertently glanced at my fifth aunt, and when I thought of her words to persuade the old man, I couldn't help but feel a little prickly.

However, soon, the old lady's thorn slowly dissolved.

She thought that since her birthday can be done with the blessing of her fourth aunt, why doesn't she need to make good use of it?

Thinking of this, the old lady became very energetic and began to plan everything.

And Fuduoduo has been standing beside him without saying a word since Yu Shiyi talked about his birthday. Not to mention that there is no place for her to interrupt here, and there are more words and more mistakes. What's more, this is Yu Shiyi's way to cleverly divert the attention of the old lady for her.

Turning his head and looking at Yu Shiyi and his eldest wife's kind response, Fu Duoduo raised the corners of his mouth and admired him very much, his wit and cleverness.

Because if he didn't have the agility to change the topic just now and talk about the eldest wife's birthday, I'm afraid the eldest wife will not let her go so soon, and she will definitely not let her go. Although I won't kick her as hard as yesterday, it will be difficult in the future. After all, the seeds of suspicion will grow up slowly, and in the end, it will suddenly break out, and then it will be irresistible.

After this incident, Fu Duoduo felt that Yu Shiyi was still a good husband.

You can understand that you have the intention to help her, but it is not like some men, which makes the mother-in-law more disgusted with her daughter-in-law. She thinks that her son helps her daughter-in-law to bully her, but cleverly leads to other things, but it also proves that what Fuduoduo said is not false. This is a man's Wisdom!

However, soon, Fu Duoduo was deeply shocked by this idea.

However, before Fuduoduo thought about why she was so frightened, a little maid outside the house said that her second aunt and her mother's cousin came.

Hearing the three words "Miss Ain", Fu Duoduo's pupils suddenly shrank and felt that the person who came was not good.

Secretly aiming at Yu Shiyi with the afterglow, Fu Duoduo found that he also happened to look at himself, and his eyes couldn't help but meet in the air.

Before I could see the meaning in Yu Shiyi's eyes, the second aunt and cousin had been surrounded by a group of maids and women.

Seeing this, Fuduoduo hurriedly withdrew his sight, restrained his thoughts, saluted his second aunt, and then blessed the cousin.

The second aunt and the cousin's nostrils were facing the sky, and they didn't look at Fuduoduo. They took the maids to salute the old master, the eldest wife and Yu Shiyi, and the fifth aunt and the people who had served in the room also saluted the second aunt and cousin who came in.

For a while, the originally quiet east room suddenly became noisy.

After everyone saluted, the old lady asked the little maid to bring two embroidery piers and let the second aunt and cousin sit down.

The second aunt was rude and sat at the head of the eldest lady.

The cousin seemed to be very polite and refused to sit down. She stood behind her second aunt shyly, but her eyes were not shy of her daughter. She kept looking at Yu Shiyi and looked at him carefully.

The second aunt pointed to the cousin and introduced to the eldest wife, "The youngest daughter of the eldest sister of the mother's family is the third. She has been taught carefully since childhood. She is very sensible, respects the elders, and is very gentle." It simply explained the reason why she didn't sit.

The old lady looked up, nodded slightly, and said, "Oh, it turned out to be your eldest sister's little daughter!" It seems that your eldest sister's husband's surname is Zhu, and that's Miss Zhu San. She does look very sensible. In this case..." With that, she waved her hand and said to the little maid who was serving beside her, "Give this embroidery pier to your aunt!" Seeing that she has been serving for a long time, she is also tired.

Hearing this, the second aunt was a little angry, but she finally put up with it and smiled at Fuduo.

Miss Zhu San didn't hide her emotions as well as her second aunt. Her eyes at Fuduoduo were hateful and spicy, and she couldn't wait to gouge out her meat on the spot.

Fu Duoduo knew that there was nothing good for the second aunt and Miss Zhu San, but he didn't want to become the cannon fodder of the old lady. He bowed his knees and said humbly, "Serving the wife and young master is a matter of a cheap concubine, and the concubine doesn't feel tired." After saying that, he moved a little in the direction of Yu Shiyi, far away from the embroidery pier that the little maid moved from behind Miss Zhu San's buttocks, so as not to get into trouble.

Fuduoduo's words were so correct that people couldn't grasp the wrong place. The eldest wife waved her hand and did not force it, so that people moved the embroidery pier away. Just when her eyes glanced at Fu Duoduo, the old lady stared at her without a trace to warn her not to be too rebellious.

Fuduoduo shrank his neck as if he didn't see it.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

But the second aunt came here for something and would not return empty-handed, so she said to Yu Shiyi very warmly, "Young master, your spirit looks good today. Is your health well?" When he spoke, his eyes swept Yu Shiyi's whole body up and down, like a radar. The same is true of Miss Zhu San, who is beside her. She is not shy at all. Since she entered the room, she has been looking at Yu Shiyi generously and carefully without withdrawing her eyes.

Yu Shiyi's eyelids were not raised and replied, "As usual, no matter how energetic he is, he still keeps taking soup every day." There is a sad element in the tone of speech.

The second aunt answered, "I'm in good spirits. If you drink some soup, you will eventually get better. At that time, according to your identity and demeanor, the threshold of the door of the Yufu will definitely be trampled by the matchmaker." Then, he said to the eldest wife, "It's better for the wife to be blessed. She has such a good son as the young master, but have you chosen which lady for the young master?"

The big lady raised the corners of her mouth, showing a smile that finally showed the fox's tail and said, "Shiyi's illness has not been cured yet. This is too late. Besides, with Fu, a lucky star, are you afraid of not having a virtuous lady? God will definitely arrange a good marriage for my son.