happy concubine

Chapter 120 Noise

The fourth wife was speechless and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

At that time, Yu Shiyi was so sick that his feet almost stepped into the coffin, or this Ziyang Taoist said that he needed to find a particularly blessed person to save his life.

Hearing what he said, the whole house immediately mobilized to look for it and spent a lot of money to look for needles in a haystack.

A few days later, I found Fuduoduo.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or Ziyang's real words are true.

After such joy, Yu Shiyi luckily picked up a life.

However, the fourth wife was very unwilling to let Fu Duoduo, a country girl, occupy the position of the young lady of Yufu. With her eyes rolling, the fourth wife asked Ziyang Zhenren, "Even if her aunt is a predestined person, she has entered the door, and it doesn't prevent her serious grandmother from entering the door!"

Ziyang Zhenren replied, "husband and wife, only when you have a husband can you have a wife. Now your aunt is just a concubine and is not in the wife's seat. If it is occupied by others, the person who occupies the seat may have a bloody disaster, which is very unfavorable to the woman. The first two fiancees of the donor died in this way."

The fourth wife was stunned and her eyes widened.

After being stunned for a moment, the fourth wife pointed to Ziyang Zhenren and scolded angrily, "You! You are enchanting!" Then, he said to the eldest wife, "Sister-in-law, I think this Taoist is nothing more than that. It must be nonsense. How is that possible?"

The old lady did not reply, but asked Ziyang Zhenren with her eyes.

Ziyang real person shook the dust and said very sincerely, "The monks don't slander. The facts are the facts, and the poor truth is just true."

The old lady asked, "As the real person said, can my son's main room only be Fu's?"

Ziyang nodded and said, "Yes, it's true. Otherwise, it will be detrimental to other women.

The old lady asked again, "Can we accept other concubines?"

"This..." Ziyang was hesitant and turned his eyes to Yu Shiyi.

Yu Shiyi came forward and said, "Mother, my son is weak and doesn't want to delay other girls."

As soon as the words fell, the fourth wife's eyes shined again.

Since the seat in the main room can't be touched and it is feasible to take a concubine, her mother's family is still promising.

Same, Miss Liu thinks the same way.

She is very confident and feels that with her means and appearance, she can definitely hold Yu Shiyi in her hand.

What if it's not the main room?

Her mother is the mistress. Didn't she die at the hands of a small concubine?

So, if you can live a good life and laugh to the end, you can decide if you are not the mother's seat.

She is very confident that she is bound to win the rest of the world.

The old lady has been paying attention to the look of the people in the hall. Seeing the ambition between the fourth wife and Miss Liu, she smiled happily, but it was a pity that the stage had been set up, but at this time, there were not enough people to sing the play, not lively enough.

Thinking about it, a little maid came to report that the second aunt, the third aunt and the two aunts' mother's daughters, Miss Zhu San and Miss Lin San, were coming.

The old lady glanced at Yu Shiyi, who frowned slightly, and quickly asked the little maid to let them in.

Seeing this, Fuduoduo had a headache. He looked left and right to look for something.

Yu Shiyi asked in a low voice, "What are you looking for?"

Fu Duoduo glanced at him and said unhappily, "The hole."

"Dong?" Yu Shiyi was puzzled and asked, "Why are you looking for this?"

Fuduoduo couldn't help giving him a white eye and said in a very angry tone, "Of course, hide, otherwise what else?"

"Hide?" Yu Shiyi smiled and said, "Can't you wait so much?"

This time it's Fu Duoduo's turn to understand, and there is a big question mark floating in his mind.

Yu Shiyi took advantage of others' inattention, held Fuduoduo's hand, stroked it ambiguously and gently, and said, "Of course, he hid in the bridal chamber."

In an instant, Fuduo's heat invaded his body, and his whole body was very hot. He quickly shook off Yu Shiyi's hand.

Yu Shiyi squeezed his lips and smiled, stubbornly held Fu Duoduo's hand again, and said solemnly, "I have a serious cleanliness fetish, and I don't like to be lively. It's enough to have you chirping around me. I don't want to die of illness, but to be noisy by warblers and swallows." This is a disguised promise to Fuduo.

Fu Duoduo's heart stagnated slightly, couldn't say anything, and he was in a trance for a while.

After a few breaths, Fuduoduo said angrily, "What's dead? I can't say anything good from your mouth!"

Yu Shiyi smiled and didn't say anything. He just looked at Fu Duoduo ambiguously, as if to say, I know you are shy.

Fuduoduo was speechless, but the anger in his heart dissipated a lot.

Yu Shiyi has just appeased Fuduoduo, and the second aunt, third aunt, Miss Zhu San and Miss Lin have entered the hall.

The old lady laughed and said, "You are very complete."

The second aunt Fufu replied, "I heard that Ziyang is here, so I came to see his true face." With that, he turned around and looked at Ziyang Zhenren, saluted and said, "It's a pity that I didn't see Zhenren last time. Today, when I saw it, the real person in Ziyang was really as fairy as rumored. It's really better to see it once.

Ziyang Zhenren returned a sal and said modestly, "You are polite. The poor Taoist is just an ordinary Taoist."

The third aunt had met the real person of Ziyang and was busy with the warm politeness, but she was gently pulled by Miss Lin San and signaled her that she had not yet greeted the first wife, fourth wife and others.

Seeing this, the third aunt quickly stopped her steps, bowed to the eldest wife with a smile, and said, "Congratulations to the eldest lady." Then, he blessed the fourth wife, followed by Yu Shiyi, and until the end, he was a Taoist in Ziyang.

The eldest wife smiled at the fourth wife and said, "The third aunt is usually careless, but she is very polite."

The fourth wife was very annoyed by her second aunt's disregard for her and immediately responded, "Of course, the direct appearance is the direct appearance. How can the common appearance be compared?" The voice is not light or heavy, but it is enough for everyone to hear.

The second aunt is the identity of a concubine.

Hearing what the fourth wife said, the second aunt knew that she was talking about her.

In normal times, the second aunt will definitely come forward to make amends for the fourth wife and give her a big gift.

However, they have the same purpose and come for Yu Shiyi, so this time the second aunt must not be soft. It is equivalent to explaining that this is the most important thing for Yu Shiyi's wife's seat concession.

So, the second aunt didn't understand the fourth wife's words.

However, as the saying goes, more oil is not a bad dish, and many people are not blamed. The second aunt is a smart person, and it is not feasible to be soft, but she will not be stupid enough to let others take advantage of the usual rules. Then he said as if explaining, "Is the fourth wife also there? The concubine was really happy and confused. Seeing that Ziyang was here, I didn't have time to say to you. With that, he made a regular salute.

The fourth wife sneered and said, "The second aunt is tall. Of course, she can't see me as a nobody." With that, he said to the old lady strangely, "Sister-in-law, uncle's little star is really amazing. Thank you for your hard work." He provoked the first wife and second aunt with an unmoved look.

The eldest wife is mainly watching the play, but she will not be so easily provoked by the fourth wife. Besides, she didn't know the ability of her second aunt until today. Then, he stroked his forehead and said very tiredly, "Master, of course, you have to bother." Speaking of which, four or two thousand catties.

The fourth wife was very disappointed and didn't expect that the eldest wife was not angry at all.

However, soon, she figured it out.

Today is a big day, and there are so many people. The eldest wife must want to leave a virtuous reputation in front of the big guys, so she won't be angry.

With this thought, the fourth wife looked at her second aunt with gloating.

The first wife, the fourth wife and the second aunt were surging and squeezing each other, and the third aunt was very happy.

Only when they bite each other is the most beneficial to her.

Thinking of adding another fire, Miss Lin San seemed to see the third aunt's idea. She quickly stopped her and comforted her, "Auntie, wait and see what happens, so as not to catch fire."

The third aunt thought carefully and felt that Miss Lin San was right. She quickly retreated and stood quietly to watch the battle.

Yu Shiyi and Fu Duoduo, like the third aunt and Miss Lin San, silently did not speak, allowing the old lady to come and go.

But it was quiet for a while, and soon the war spread to them.

The second aunt said to Yu Shiyi, "Young master, you look good today. It seems that your body is getting better and better."

Yu Shiyi shook his body slightly and said weakly, "Second aunt, you are joking. How can I look good? Dr. Li said that I was getting worse day by day.

The second aunt said, and some didn't know how to answer.

The fourth wife was very happy to see her second aunt shrout and sneered, "I think the second aunt has to see the doctor. If she is so young, her eyes will be wrong. When she is old, how can she do it?"

Hearing this, a little anger flashed in her eyes, but everything was as usual on her face. She smiled and said, "Look at me, I haven't seen the young master for many days. My mind is full of the young master's previous serious illness, so when I see the young master today, I feel much better than before." After saying that, he saluted Yu Shiyi and said, "The young master is blessed. This disease will eventually get better. In order to make you get better as soon as possible, my aunt will recite Buddha from today and beg God to bless you." The words were very sincere.

Yu Shiyi said hurriedly, "Let my aunt worry about it. How can Shiyi take responsibility?"

As soon as the second aunt wanted to say something, the fourth wife laughed and said, "I said, the second aunt, you should be sincere and sincere in this meal. I think you will avoid it! At that time, if the begging doesn't have any effect, your face will not be easy to put aside.

"You!" The second aunt was angry, but after thinking about the fourth wife's words carefully, she was lucky to be happy with the disaster. She said rudely, "You said this inappropriately. Is this a curse to our young master?"

The fourth wife thought carefully, and it was true. She hurriedly explained to the eldest wife and Yu Shiyi.

The eldest lady glanced at the fourth wife faintly and said nothing, but Yu Shiyi waved her hand and said she didn't care.

Seeing this, the fourth wife became anxious and knew that the eldest wife was concerned about it. Although Yu Shiyi said that she didn't care, who would not care about others' life expectancy?