happy concubine

Chapter 187 Shock

Chen Er was tearing his upper body's clothes hard. Hearing Fu Duoduo's inquiry, he did not raise his head and replied, "Small as much as possible."

As soon as this word came out, Fu Duoduo's heart hung high.

Bitao and Hongmei were also uncomfortable. They were busy comforting Fuduoduo, and then ran to Chunfu to see what they needed to help.

"Auntie, it hurts so much!" Chunfu's body trembled in pain, his face turned white, his head was full of sweat, and it was very uncomfortable.

Fuduoduo looked at the astringent eyes, squatted down, took Chunfu into his arms, stroked her back with one hand, grasped her hands tightly with the other, and gave her strength, and said, "Don't be afraid. You will be fine. You will be fine." The more you talk about the back, the softer the voice, because Fuduoduo has no bottom. But thinking that no matter what, mentality is the most important. She was afraid that her unsophisticated tone would hit Chunfu even more, so she straightened up and said loudly, "Trust me! You will be fine! It will definitely be fine!"

Infected by Fuduo's determined emotions, Chunfu slowly cheered up and gritted his teeth to stand the continuous pain.

Chen Er looked at Chunfu, pointed to the peasant women standing around, and said to Fu Duoduo, "Please let her go first and let these powerful women come."

Fuduoduo was puzzled at first.

However, seeing that Chen Er had strangled the upper half of Chunfu's calf with a cloth, and saw that he took out the dagger he carried with her, she knew in her heart that she got up without hesitation and commanded several peasant women to hold Chunfu firmly.

Chunfu panicked and didn't know what they were going to do. He asked Fuduo for help with fear and begged hoarsely, "Auntie, I'm afraid, save me!"

Fuduoduo grabbed Chunfu's hand and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, just a moment."

Hongmei also squatted down and said to Chunfu, "It's okay. We're saving you. Don't be nervous."

Sometimes, the more others tell you not to be nervous, the more the opposite will be.

Therefore, Chunfu was so nervous that his teeth began to tremble, and his face was full of panic.

Chen Er is planning to do it. Looking at Chunfu like this, he can't do it at all, so he has to look at Fuduo.

Fuduo was understanding, lowered his eyelids, and asked inadvertently, "Chunfu, how old are you this year?"

Chunfu was stunned and didn't know what Fuduo meant by asking this, but he still choked and replied, "There are ten or two."

Fuduoduo nodded and continued to ask, "Have you thought about your future plans?"

Plant? What's the plan?

Chunfu was very puzzled and looked up at Fuduoduo.

Fu Duoduo explained, "You will always have your own small world and small family in the future. Have you never thought about who you will marry?"

I heard that Chunfu's pale face had a trace of blood.

"The maidservant...servant..." I couldn't say a word.

In fact, when Chunfu was free, she looked at the young and shy daughter-in-law in the house.

In Yufu, when the maidservant grows up a certain age, the master will marry him, and the object of marriage is matched according to his level or degree of favor.

According to Chunfu now, the future marriage will not be too bad, at least it will not be ordinary little ones. Therefore, she couldn't help daydreaming, describing the other party's appearance, thinking about how gentle she would be after getting married, and living a beautiful life.

Imagination is ultimately imagination, but it's just a more beautiful idea.

Now listening to Fu Duoduo's questions, Chunfu can't help but think about it, and all his attention is focused on the future.

At this time, Chen Erdao's knife fell and quickly cut a knife on Chunfu's red and swollen calves, and immediately dark blood flowed out of the open mouth, accompanied by a fishy smell. When the black blood was almost bleeding, Chen Er put his hand around Chunfu's injured calf and squeezed it hard, causing a lot of black blood to come out.

It was very painful to squeeze the wound, and I pulled Chunfu back from the good vision of the future.

She was in severe pain and twisted her body violently, resisting Chen Er's pressure on the wound on her calf, cursing in her mouth, and asking for help.

Fuduoduo knew that Chen Er was good to Chunfu. Seeing that she was really in severe pain, he couldn't help asking Chen Er, "Do you have any other way? She is really in great pain."

Chen Er casually wiped the sweat on her forehead with her cuffs and replied, "If she doesn't want to hurt, she can only let the poison erode her internal organs and go down to drink tea with the Lord of Hell."

Hearing Chen Er's words, Fu Duoduo stopped asking each other and turned to comfort Chunfu.

Chunfu's brain was confused and unconscious, but she still knew that it was because of Chen Er that she was in so painful, so she hated Chen Er very much. She sent all her resentment on him and kept swearing.

In the face of Chunfu's angry scolding, Chen Er just raised his eyebrows and did not have any other reaction.

When he really couldn't squeeze out the black blood, he leaned over and put his mouth on the wound of the calf bitten by the snake and began to suck vigorously.

"You..." Fu Duoduo didn't know whether to stop it or not.

She knew that if Chen Er's mouth poisoned the wound, if he had any slight wound in his mouth, or did not swallow the blood he had sucked, he would inevitably be poisoned. However, Chen Er was stopped, and Chunfu was not completely removed from the venom, and her life would be threatened.

Under the dilemma, Fuduoduo's heart slowly tilted towards Chunfu. In the end, he did not stop him. Instead, he asked Bitao to take out the water bag they brought and wait beside Chen Er, let him take a mouthful of blood and rinse his mouth to reduce the erosion of the venom.

However, Chen Er refused Fuduo's kindness. It was not until he was almost allowed to take the water bag in Bitao's hand, took a big sip, and then spit it out again.

How's it going? Will Chunfu be all right? Fuduo asked anxiously.

Chen Er told the truth, "I can't do it yet." Seeing that Fuduo was puzzled, he explained, "Although almost all the poisonous blood has been made out by the small ones, there is still a little venom that has not come out in the end, and you need to get some herbs."

Herbals? What herbs?" Fu Duoduo immediately took the words, looked around and asked, "Is there anything here?"

Chen Er shook his head and said, "No, there." He stretched out his finger to the opposite mountain. Then, he slowly stood up, but his feet were soft and he squatted on the ground again, with a pale face.

Fuduoduo couldn't scream well and asked urgently, "What's wrong with you?"

Chen Er sat on the ground and took a breath and replied, "This poison is too fierce. In addition, I accidentally swallowed a little just now, and now it has an attack."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help changing their faces.

Fuduoduo was so anxious that he looked down at the mountain and thought about why the dog had not come back yet.

The more nervous you are, the more sensitive your nerves will become.

Fuduoduo suddenly heard a "squeal" sound in the dense grass not far away, as if there was someone or some living thing moving there.

"Who!" Fuduo shouted loudly.

Bitao and Hongmei approached Fuduoduo worriedly and asked, "What happened?"

Fuduoduo pointed out that he did not live in the swinging grass and said, "There is movement there. I don't know what it is."

Bitao and Hongmei looked over, and there was indeed something abnormal there.

After experiencing the incident of Chunfu, they were afraid that something powerful was hiding there. They quickly pulled Fu Duoduo behind her and stood in front of her like a guardian god, staring at it.

In just a few breaths, the abnormal sound made by the grass was louder and gradually approached them.

When Fuduoduo and others' nervous heart was raised in their throats, a person came out of the grass.