happy concubine

Chapter 190 enlightenment

Surname Li? Or a famous doctor, and the age is already rare?

Is it him?

But as soon as this idea came out, Fuduoduo was cut off.

Dr. Li specially went to see a doctor for Yu Shiyi. How could he come to this remote village?

Fuduoduo asked about the little maid's posture and appearance.

The little maid shook her head blankly, indicating that she didn't know much about it.

Seeing this, Fu Duoduo said to Bi Tao, "You stay and take care of Chun Fu. I'll go and see it. I'll be back in a minute."

Bitao was worried and said, "Let the maidservant accompany you, and they will also take care of each other."

Fuduoduo shook his head and smiled, "What else do you need to take care of at your door?" Don't worry, I'll be fine." After saying that, before Bi Tao could say anything more, the little maid led the way and left the room.

Not long after Fu Duoduo left, Hongmei came back and did not meet Fu Duoduo.

Bitao is busy asking Hongmei to follow her, just in case.

Hongmei hurried to the gate of Zhuangzi and trotted all the way.

When I first arrived not far from the gate, I saw Fu Duoduo coming in to meet Dr. Li with a smile on his face.

Hongmei was happy and shocked and came forward to salute Fu Duoduo and Dr. Li.

"Auntie, this spring blessing can be saved!" After the salute, Hongmei felt much more relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fuduoduo is also full of relaxation.

No matter why Dr. Li came to Zhuangzi, he came too timely at this time.

Dr. Li's face was puzzled.

He asked, "Chunfu? What's wrong with her? Look at how happy you are to see me."

Before that, Fuduo was full of thoughts about the purpose of Dr. Li coming to Zhuangzi, and he still had time to talk about Chunfu's poisoning. Seeing his question, he described in detail the causes of Chunfu poisoning, and even the symptoms and emergency measures were explained one by one.

Dr. Li brushed his white beard, was silent, and said affirmatively, "With me, she will be fine!"

Hearing the words, Fuduoduo and Hongmei looked at each other and saw joy in each other's eyes.

Soon, the group came to the warm pavilion in the inner room of Fuduoduo, where Chunfu is now located.

Chunfu looks in a bad situation, his body twitches so much that the two rough women can't hold it.

Fuduo hurriedly asked Bi Tao, "What's going on? Wasn't it not so serious just now?"

Bitao sighed and said, "As soon as you left, she was like this. She couldn't even press it. If it seems, the situation is not very optimistic." Seeing a strange old man coming in with Fu Duoduo and walking to Chunfu, Bi Tao immediately became alert and quietly asked Fu Duoduo, "Auntie, who is this?"

Bi Tao has never seen Dr. Li, and no wonder she is so worried.

Fuduoduo explained, "He is Dr. Li, who lives in Baicaoyuan and specializes in diagnosing the young master's pulse."

"So he is the magic doctor?" Bi Tao couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice.

Once when she was still in Yufu, she heard all kinds of miracles of Dr. Li, but her status was low. No matter how she was connected, she could never see Dr. Li's true face. Now she finally saw it. She couldn't help looking at him carefully, as if she wanted to see where Dr. Li was.

Fuduoduo continued: "When Chunfu is well, I will ask him to diagnose your pulse as well."

Bi Tao looked up at Fu Duoduo and couldn't help shaking her head.

She knows the knot in Fuduoduo's heart.

It would be a good thing if Dr. Li could take good care of her body and restore her face to its former tenderness, but what if not? What should grandma do? Maybe she will take the responsibility on herself and then have infinite self-resentment, which is the last thing she wants to see. It's better to be like this now, with a young age, but an old heart and a vicissitudes face, so that you can serve your aunt all your life.

Fuduoduo didn't think so far. Looking at her shaking her head, she only thought that she would not see a doctor for her according to the identity of Dr. Li.

So, he gently patted the back of Bitao's hand and said confidently, "Don't worry, everything has me." After saying that, before Bi Tao could say anything more, she came to Dr. Li and quietly waited for the result.

After half a cup of tea, Dr. Li finished diagnosing his pulse.

Fuduoduo hurriedly asked, "How's it going? What's the matter with Chunfu?

Dr. Li smiled at Fu Duoduo and said narrowly, "Although you and I have not become masters and apprentices under everyone's witness, we have also respected the master's tea. Now that my master came, you didn't greet me in time, whether I was tired all the way, and didn't bring me a cup of hot tea. Instead, I urgently asked others, is your apprentice too dereliction of duty?

Fu Duoduo was stunned at first, and his head was a little confused.

However, soon, she realized that Dr. Li did not really blame her, but just a joke, and this also showed that Chunfu was really unimped.

So, Fuduoduo went to make tea with a smile on his face, presented it to Dr. Li in person, and said respectfully, "Master, please drink tea!"

Seeing that Fuduoduo was so up, Dr. Li laughed, his face was full of folds, and he was not deliberately anxious about Fuduoduo. He pointed to Chunfu and said, "She is fine. It's just that the medicine you gave her is a little too strong, and she can't stand it for a while, so she will have such a fierce reaction." With that, the conversation turned around and asked Fu Duoduo, "Have you been reading medical books recently? Do you know Bai Qucai?"

White cabbage? What is that?

Fuduo's head was full of fog and looked at Dr. Li confused for a moment.

Dr. Li was clear and asked in another way, "What did this girl eat before I came?"

Fuduo recalled it.

At that time, the situation was urgent and was treated with a dead horse.

Seeing that Chen Er said that there was a herb that could save Chunfu's life, and the Liang woman also happened to appear with the herb, she didn't ask. She let Chen Er apply it to Chunfu at all. She didn't know what the herb was called, let alone what it was useful for.

Seeing that Dr. Li asked seriously, Fu Duoduo looked at Chen Er and asked about the situation.

Chen Er replied, "What my aunt said, the little one who applied to Chunfu was exactly what the doctor said about Bai Qucai."

Fu Duoduo looked at Dr. Li and asked, "Master, what's wrong with this herb?"

Dr. Li brushed his beard and pretended to be profound and said, "It's not wrong. It's barely the right medicine."

"That..." Fuduoduo pointed confusedly. Even though he took the brown pills given by Dr. Li, there was still a slight convulsive Chunfu.

Dr. Li explained: "This white cabbage has the effect of detoxifying and treating snake insect bites, but it is poisonous in itself. The little girl is delicate and can't resist the two poisons fighting and killing each other in the body, so it has such a reaction. I just took poison pills for her. Have a good rest today, and tomorrow she will wake up. She will keep her well for a few more days, and I promise to give you a lively spring blessing.

Hearing this, Fuduoduo was completely relieved, pointed to Chen Er, who looked a little embarrassed, and said, "His name is Chen Er. He has been poisoned by Chunfu before. Can you show him to see if there is any major problem?"

As soon as the words fell, before Dr. Li said anything, Chen Er shook his head and said, "No! The small skin is rough and thick, so don't bother Dr. Li.

Chen Er is not a stupid person. She saw that Fu Duoduo treated Dr. Li very well and called him a "master" and seemed to have excellent medical skills. She was just a small subordinate. How dared to let Dr. Li diagnose his pulse in person and hurriedly push him.

Fu Duoduo frowned.

Does Chen Er think he is just talking politely? She sincerely asked Dr. Li to show him.

Dr. Li is also a little unhappy.

He is not a pedantic old man who relies on his status and disdains to see poor people. But Chen Er's behavior is a little low on him. No matter how informal he is, he is also very uncomfortable.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little strange.

Or Hongmei saw the doorway, pulled the corner of Chen Er's clothes without a trace, lowered her voice, and said, "Auntie is sincere, and Dr. Li is not an ordinary person. He is ashamed of his identity. Didn't you hit them in the face with such a naked refusal?"

Chen Er was suddenly shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

He looked up and stared at Hongmei and asked her for authenticity.

Red plum nodded heavily.

Chen Er's face turned pale.

Her mother often said in his ear that those nobles look kind, but they don't know what they think in their hearts. Let him not be too casual in front of Fuduoduo, always be vigilant and think about it. Therefore, he refused truly.

Now, he actually guessed wrong, which made the nobleman unhappy.

Chen 200 was full of mixed feelings and thought about how to remedy it and asked Hongmei for help.

Hongmei reminded Chen Er for a purpose.

Chen's mother's family is a smart person, but smart people have the fatal shortcomings of smart people, that is, they are too smart to control. When they have power in the future, they will be smart and make their own opinions, which will be very detrimental to their aunt. Therefore, she mentioned Chen Er and let him understand that the result of being smart was mistaken, and let him know that his aunt is not difficult to get along with. As long as he treats him sincerely, he will not suffer much loss.

Therefore, Hongmei said that she could not help, but she also vaguely pointed to Fu Duoduo and let him say it by himself.

Chen Er is a little worried.

He doesn't know much about Fuduo, let alone her temperament. Even his mother is not very clear. He only knows that she doesn't want to get into anything.

Now, what should he do?

It was clearly rejected just now. Now no one will be comfortable.

When he had mixed feelings, Fuduoduo said again, "Don't be too arrogant. Chunfu is also saved by you. If you hadn't drugged her in time and applied Bai Qucai, I'm afraid your life is on the line now. Let my master take a look for you, which is also a relief to my heart." This statement is very formulaic, as if it is to diagnose Chen Er's pulse, but it means to repay Chen Er's pulse.

Chen Er's heart is cold, but he also sees hope.

PS: Today's update will be very late in the evening. Let's watch it tomorrow

Alas, add another sentence, I'll make me fat again!