happy concubine

Chapter 243 Disfigurement

Dr. Li pondered for a while and said, "Yes, I'm afraid it will involve a lot of people in this way. In the future..."

Yu Shiyi snorted coldly, interrupted Dr. Li's unfinished words, and said disdainfully, "If you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. Even if you get involved, they asked for it!" His expression was very cold, and his voice was as cold as the cold wind in winter, which made people tremble.

After thinking about it carefully, Dr. Li felt the same, so he nodded and said that he would refine the medicine for him in a few days.

After discussing the countermeasures, when I was about to leave, suddenly there was a sharp and miserable shout from not far away, which made people stunned.

Yu Shiyi and Dr. Li couldn't help looking at each other with puzzled expressions.

Yufu is also a large family with many rules. This kind of loud noise is the most important, especially the shouting is so tragic that it continues to echo in the air, but no one stops it. On the contrary, it is even more noisy, and something should have happened.

Yu Shiyi hurriedly called Wen Zhu to see what was going on.

After a while, Wenzhu came back with a obscure look and said, "Young master, Miss Zhu San...she is disfigured!"


Yu Shiyi frowned and looked full of disgust.

Dr. Li sighed and said leisurely, "The fight between this woman is really more tragic than a man going to the battlefield. He was born with the same origin, so why do they hurt each other so much? It seems that it's really influenced by interests that I can't even take care of blood relatives. While saying this, he remembered Liang Fangfei and Liang Qunfei, and couldn't help adding a little sadness in his heart and looked very lonely.

"Duoduo is a good child, Shiyi, don't ruin her beauty!" Seeing such a cruel struggle in front of him, he thought of Fu Duoduo, blew his beard, and stared at Yu Shiyi, "Otherwise, I, an old man, will do everything and take her away!"

Let Fuduoduo leave himself, which is something Yu Shiyi will never do.

He promised, "No! She is the person at the tip of my heart. How can I bear to make her sad and put her in danger? I will never give you this opportunity!" The volume is increased, and the power of speech is powerful, so that I can express my thoughts and determination in my heart.

No matter what happens in the future, Yu Shiyi's current performance still satisfies Dr. Li.

So, he brushed his beard and smiled with satisfaction.

Fushouyuan is full of harmonious scenes, and Meiyuan is full of misery and chaos.

Miss Zhu San's face and neck are covered with large and small blisters, which are full of red blood, which looks shocking.

She rolled on the bed in pain and shouted to vent the physical pain.

The second aunt stood in front of the bed and looked at Miss Zhu San's miserable appearance. Her eyebrows were almost locked into a Sichuan character. The big apricot eyes swept at Mrs. Zhu fiercely, revealing strong disdain without concealment, and asked coldly, "Sister, I'm afraid the face of the third niece is going to be destroyed. What do you think this should be done?"

As soon as she heard the word "destroy", Miss Zhu San's body suddenly stiffened, regardless of the hot pain on her face, as if she was about to be cooked. She bounced up from **, and tears fell down. She grabbed the second aunt's hand tightly with both hands, knelt down and begged: "Auntie, you want to save me, please Please help me! I don't want to disfigure! I don't want to disfigure! I still want to be a young grandma and marry Yu Shiyi!"

As soon as the second aunt saw Miss Zhu San's penetrating face, she was so disgusted that she wanted to pull back her hand. She had no choice but to be held by Miss Zhu San and comfort her, "Don't worry, I've asked someone to invite the best doctor in town. I'll be there in a moment. Yours or yours. Don't worry! "

Miss Zhu San's heart calmed down slightly.

As long as there is this sentence of the second aunt, her young grandmother's position will not be ruined.

Thinking of this, she thought of the culprit of the whole thing - Mrs. Zhu, her mother.

I never thought that her most intimate mother would be so cruel to her that she splashed a bowl of hot soup on her face.

It is said that tigers don't eat children. Does she still regard herself as her biological daughter?

The more you think about it, the more angry you are. The more you think about it, the more you want to tear her face and let her try her pain at this time!

Mrs. Zhu couldn't help taking a step back when she looked at Miss Zhu San's eyes showing a strong hatred for herself.

At that time, she didn't want to do anything to her at all.

However, this little bastard didn't know anything about it. He was so intimate with Yang Yanyan, just like a biological mother and daughter. He didn't pay attention to her, the direct mother who gave birth to her and raised her. In addition, she couldn't help talking back to her, and she didn't know where the evil fire came from. Looking at the willow leaves holding a large bowl of heat. The soup came over without thinking, so she took the bowl in Liu Ye's hand and poured it on her third daughter without hesitation.

At that time, she really just wanted to splash her body, but she didn't expect to splash her whole face.


Recalling the scene at that time, Mrs. Zhu noticed something wrong.

Even if she was very angry at that time, she really didn't want to ruin her third daughter's face and ruin her life. She just wanted to teach her a lesson. The direction of the bowl was only on her clothes, not her face without any cover.

She lowered her eyes and recalled carefully.

In the lightning of the flint, she thought that Liu Ye seemed to have raised her hand and exerted it slightly, causing the hot soup to splash on the third daughter's face, which became an irreparable situation now.

Is it that she did it secretly?

No! No! Not only this dead girl, it must have been dictated by Yang Yanyan. It was she who provoked discord and made a gap between mother and daughter!

Mrs Zhu's heart suddenly became clear. She went to help Miss Zhu San, who was kneeling on the ground, and scolded her, "You idiot! You were fooled by this Yang Yanyan! She has never treated you kindly at all. This time, she also designed it. She ruined your face! Get up and don't kneel to her. She is our enemy!"

Miss Zhu San was confused by Mrs. Zhu for a while.

What design? What enemy? What is she talking about? Obviously, she has done this to herself.

The second aunt shook the silk handkerchief, shrugged her shoulders, and sneered, "Sister, why do you need it? Now that you can do it, don't admit it. Is it fun to deceive children? Do you know her pain now? So a hot bowl of soup was so ruthless that you splashed on your face regardless of the feelings of mother and daughter. Do you know how harmful this is to a woman?

"You! You are bloody!" Mrs. Zhu pointed to her second aunt angrily.

The second aunt waved Mrs. Zhu's angry hand and said lurely, "Am I bloody? Everyone will see with their own eyes that you poured soup. Can this be denied? With that, he pulled up Miss Zhu San with pity and comforted her, "Good boy, with your aunt, your aunt will protect you."

"Aunt..." Miss Zhu San looked at her second aunt with tears in her eyes.

Mrs Zhu hurriedly pulled Miss Zhu San back and said angrily, "You stupid child, what an aunt is not an aunt. This is all her game and hurts your face..." Without saying a word, Miss Zhu San fiercely shook off Mrs. Zhu, burst into strong hatred in her eyes, gritted her teeth and said: "Thank you for your concern. If it weren't for you, my face wouldn't have tasted the soup!" With that, he stared at Miss Zhu and Miss Zhu Er and said, "And you, are you happy now? Are you proud? My face is ruined now. Do you think your chance has come? Speaking of this, Miss Zhu San spat at them fiercely and continued viciously: "Don't even think about it. Liu Banxian has said that Master Yu's mother chose me as my daughter-in-law. It's me, not you two bitches!"

Miss Zhu and Miss Zhu Er lowered their heads and let Miss Zhu San abuse.

They thought, what if they were scolded by her now? In the end, it is the absolute truth to see who laughs to the end and who scolds whom in the end.

Mrs Zhu saw that Miss Zhu San was so confused by lard, and her heart ached. She couldn't wait to come forward and slap her fiercely to wake her up.

The second aunt sat on the teacher's chair and looked at everything in front of her with interest.

Although this stupid face was destroyed unexpectedly, she will control her better after this!

Humph! Sister, just wait for the family to be destroyed!

When the scene was in a mess, Liu Ye finally led an elderly doctor to arrive late.

As soon as she saw the doctor, Miss Zhu San's tears rolled down again uncontrollably and looked at her second aunt helplessly.

Just now, she only focused on quarreling with Mrs. Zhu and her attention was not on her face. Now she saw the doctor. The pain in her face invaded her again, and the boundless panic occupied her whole body. She was really scared that she was so disfigured.

The old doctor looked carefully at Miss Zhu San's face, brushed his beard and said slowly, "Your injury looks very serious. There is oil on it. You have to wash it off before you can take medicine. Otherwise, your face will leave scars in the future.

Miss Zhu San's heart thumped.

Does she really have to leave scars?

The second aunt handed Miss Zhu San a comforting look and asked the doctor, "If her face is cleaned well and she will take medicine on time in the future, how many layers will she recover in the future?"

The doctor thought for a moment, looked carefully at Miss Zhu San's burn and replied, "If this lady recovers well, if you don't look carefully in three months, others will never see any traces. On the contrary, there will be potholes on her face, ruining the lady's good appearance."

The second aunt nodded and said earnestly, "That's a troublesome doctor. As long as her face can be cured, the expensive medicinal materials are not enough. Please just open your mouth. Of course, the medical treatment fund is not a problem.

Hearing this, Miss Zhu San looked at her second aunt with tears in her eyes.

She didn't expect that the only one who could help her was not her blood mother or sister, but her aunt she had been looking down on.