happy concubine

Chapter 258

After listening to Fu Duoduo, he was silent for a while.

Yufu is full of wind and clouds, and everyone has their own small calculations. Yu Shiyi's power is weak and I don't know if he can cope with it.

She wanted to go back and help him, but she looked at the guard who wanted to speak and let her take good care of her words. Her mind immediately stopped.

She is well aware of her strength and her situation.

Since she came to this world, she has never overestimated herself or underestimated the people here.

Because of her IQ and intelligence, she can't compare with the people here with the memory of the 21st century. Sometimes even the tricks of a teenage yellow-haired girl can trip her down. How can she help Yu Shiyi like this? It's good not to cause him trouble. Therefore, Fuduoduo was very self-evident and suppressed the words in her heart and asked guard Bao to tell Yu Shiyi that she was fine and didn't have to worry about it.

After Yu Shiyi got the news, he was secretly relieved.

He was really afraid that Fuduoduo would come back, so that he would be distracted by her safety.

After several days of investigation, the matter of the fifth aunt has become clear.

She went out in the middle of the night to meet a little maid named Pearl who had just entered the house.

Pearl is about eight or nine years old. She looks quite dull. She is also very timid to answer a question.

Yu Shiyi looked at him and frowned. He didn't understand why his fifth aunt ran out without sleeping in the middle of the night to see such a stupid person.

However, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

He asked Wenzhu to interrogate him well and asked him to write down Pearl's confession and match her fifth aunt who was imprisoned in the yard.

In just half a day, Wenzhu replied.

"The words of the fifth aunt and Pearl are right. They meet in the middle of the night to hand something to the fifth aunt."

"Delivering things? What is it? Yu Shiyi sat up straight and asked puzzledly.

Wenzhu's face turned a little red, licked his dry lips and said, "It's a drug that can make people horny, so the old man often stayed in his fifth aunt's room at that time." With that, he also took out a paper bag folded into a small square of rough paper from his arms and handed it to Yu Shiyi, and said, "These were dug out from under the osmanthus tree in the fifth aunt's yard. When it was dug out, the fifth aunt's face turned pale and she almost fainted first."

Yu Shiyi nodded, took the paper bag from Wenzhu's hand, and carefully opened it.

The paper bag is wrapped in a white and slightly red powder, which is finely ground, like flour.

Yu Shiyi gently picked up the paper and put it under his nose to smell it.

The taste is fresh and elegant, not very uncomfortable. It smells a little sweet. The sweetness is a little greasy and straight to the bottom of the heart. And it didn't take much time, he feel dizzy and soft all over. If Wenzhu hadn't helped him quickly, he would have almost removed the paper bag in his hand first. It's on the ground.

"I didn't expect this medicine to be so strong." Yu Shiyi drank a mouthful of water under the service of Wenzhu and said with lingering heart.

Seeing this, Wenzhu felt very guilty. He didn't expect that this medicine would be so strong. He thought it was just an ordinary spring medicine

Yu Shiyi waved his hand, looked at the powder on the Xiaozi by the bed, and stared at the light red in the powder. He seemed to remember something and asked Wen Zhu, "Have you ever let the doctor check this medicine? Is there anything else mixed in it?

Wenzhu replied, "Dr. Li went out to buy medicinal materials. The little one was seen by the doctor in the city and said that it was just ordinary spring medicine."

Yu Shiyi lowered his eyelids, thought carefully, and ordered, "You show this bag of powder to Dr. Li and ask if this medicine encounters something that will turn into a poison that can kill people." He vaguely felt that this bag of powder was definitely not as simple as ordinary spring medicine.

Sure enough, after Dr. Li saw it, he said that this kind of spring medicine would cause chronic poisoning if he took a seng tea.

Yu Shiyi recalled carefully. When the old man and his fifth aunt were sticky, it seemed that he had received a few good 30 years of ginseng from the warehouse at that time, saying that he would mend his body for the old man, which made the second aunt's eyes turn red and found a man to cheat the fifth aunt fiercely.

The fifth aunt sued the old man and said that she became more and more pitiful.

The old man pitied Xiang Xiyu, scolded his second aunt, and gave his fifth aunt a privilege to receive everything in the warehouse at will.

Since then, the fifth aunt has received ginseng more and more fiercely, but in half a month, all the ginseng in the warehouse have been taken away, and the old man fell ill three days after the ginseng was lighted. Since then, he has been lying on ** and has no strength at all.

The spearhead of the matter is directly directed at the fifth aunt.

Strangely, the fifth aunt stared at this and seemed to be a little unbelievable.

Yu Shiyi fell into meditation and felt that maybe there should be something behind the matter.

Just as I was about to investigate again, I didn't know who leaked the secret and told the officials who had been rubbing oil in Yufu every day that the murderer had been found, and he took away his fifth aunt without saying a word, as well as the little maid Pearl.

Yu Shiyi was anxious and asked Yu Zheng to negotiate.

Yu Zheng brought a lot of silver to dredge, but he could only bring a guilty plea of his fifth aunt and Pearl.

Seeing the bloody confession, Yu Shiyi was angry and smashed the tea cup angrily for the first time.

"Young master, what do you think we should do next?" Yu Zheng stood aside and asked.

Yu Shiyi snorted coldly, "What should I do? People have been tortured by them, and the confession has been issued. What else can they do? The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Yu Shiyi couldn't help but hit the kang table next to him with resentment, shaking the jingling of the tea cup and teapot on the kang table.

Yu Zheng did not dare to talk and quietly waited for Yu Shiyi to finish his fire.

At this moment, the second aunt was surrounded by a large group of maids and servants, saying that it was a small matter to discuss.

Yu Shiyi sneered and asked with a confused face, "Xiao Ding? Who is small? If it is a relative of our family, please bother your second aunt to prepare more gifts, so as not to be laughed at by others for having no rules in Yufu.

The second aunt was stunned.

Xiaoding's matter was confirmed before the eldest master passed away. She came here today just to give Yu Shiyi face and pretend to have a scene, so that everyone would not live under the same roof in the future, look up and look down to see each other's embarrasment and live a unhappy life.

Who would have thought that Yu Shiyi was shameless and directly turned his face away.

The second aunt was crushed to death by the eldest wife before and has never had a chance to emerge. Later, there was a fourth aunt. Now she has finally turned over and made the decision. The eldest man has died of illness, and there are no elders above. The second master has been separated, and only one is disliked by the eldest uncle. Now he is still banned in the yard. After all, Yu Shiyi is still young, not to mention that there is no serious woman around her. There is only one aunt in Zhuangzi. It can be said that the second aunt is now dominant. Which of the people in the house does not rely on her breath to live? I'm afraid of making her unhappy.

Yu Shiyi was so disrespectful that her second aunt was so angry that she almost tore the silk handkerchief in her hand.

After a long time, the second aunt suppressed the anger in her heart, pulled her stiff face, and said kindly, "Young master, have you forgotten? Miss Zhu San, the youngest daughter of my mother's sister, had become your fiancee at the consent of the eldest master. She should have been married next month, but the eldest master... So it was delayed. I can only choose a big day after three years of filial piety and do it for you.

"Real?" Yu Shiyi's attitude is not cold or hot.

The second aunt nodded quickly and answered, "Of course, everyone saw this matter, and you didn't object at that time." The last sentence is a bit of Yu Shiyi.

Because of the current situation, she is a little worried that Yu Shiyi will regret it.

Yu Shiyi did not agree or say anything at that time.

However, those people regarded it as his acquiescence.

Looking at the patience and impatience in my second aunt's eyes, Yu Shiyi said, "My father has just passed away, and my bones are not cold. You asked me to marry Miss Zhu at this time. Isn't this to let the big guys poke my backbone and scold me for being unfilial? This matter will be discussed after three years of filial piety, if Miss Zhu San can wait for three years.

Three years?

Three years is not long, not short.

If after waiting for three years, Yu Shiyi married Miss Zhu San as promised, what if he repents?

Women's time is precious. How can three years wait? Even if she can wait, her ambition can't wait.

When she calmed down, the second aunt said to Yu Shiyi, "Young master, the three years of women, especially those like flowers and jade, are very precious, and they can't stand to wait at all. You see, if we don't do much, the two families will sit together and exchange each other's tokens, so that the woman can have a deep understanding. What do you think?

Yu Shiyi stared at his second aunt coldly and suddenly laughed.

He said, "Like a flower like jade? Second aunt, are you joking? Is that pig-like girl also like a flower? The ugly face is like a ghost, and it can scare people to death in broad daylight, let alone stay with her for a lifetime. Auntie, you are deliberately tricking me! Or do you think my body is not weak enough that I have to be scared again?

"You! What are you talking about?" The second aunt stared and asked.

Yu Shiyi replied solemnly, "Of course, it's human words and truth. Is that one who looks very immortal? Second aunt, your bad eyes don't mean that others are also blind. Everyone is looking at you openly. After saying that, he didn't want to talk to his second aunt again. Yu Shiyi directly asked Wenzhu to drive his second aunt away without mercy.