Chongzhen Fengshen

240,000 demons worship together. Original text of Confucius

Kong Wende changed his smiling face, but found that Kong Lingwen was still out of his mind. He couldn't help it, but he still said gently, "Lingwen, don't care. I will raise my vitality and cast spells in three days." Kong Lingwen was still in the same way, but she muttered, "Three days? Three more days?" Kong Wende had no choice but to caress Kong Lingwen's head and turned around and left.

Kong Lingwen still didn't give up, remembering that as the legitimate daughter of Kongmen in the small world, she could ask her ancestors. I think I was also entrusted by Liu Zhiping's father, and I can't disturb my ancestors. The ancestral Confucius has boundless magic power. Since he can communicate with himself in the small world, it is naturally easier to come to this big world. Even if he can't communicate with the saint because he is not the eldest son of Kongmen in the world, it's just a test. There was no loss, so he simply dodged the maid at night and sneaked into the Kongmen compound.

Kong Lingwen meditated in her heart: Kong Lingwen, an unworthy descendant, told her ancestors that her lover's body was shattered, and her soul didn't know where she was, and she was reincarnated as a man or a woman. Please ask our ancestors to continue our marriage for three generations, and it is not in vain for me to reincarve the Confucius family. Finally, I thought of Liu Zhiping's father's request and added that Liu Zhiping's father was also a great Confucian sage. I didn't know the entanglement between you, but I just reported it. Don't be surprised by your ancestors! Kong Lingwen finished his meditation. Tears on his face but surprised to find that he just couldn't kneel down! When you look at the sky, you will find that there is a vision in the sky!

The literary stars of the world shine brilliantly and cover Kong Lingwen. Kong Lingwen only feels comfortable and floating all over her body. The companion stars of Wenqu Star are also competing for the lead, which is as good as the day.

Kong Wende has long been shocked by the vision in the sky, thinking that there are visions in the world that the literary and music stars shine on the top three of high school almost every year! Most of them are plagiarism and fraud, so there are many people who have lost their reputation. Even some great poets' lyrics and humanistic stars will shine once, and the so-called illumination will be used to it.

But only in the Kongmen, it is a great talent to learn, and there is no literary music star falling. Perhaps the only reason is that the only one in the past Confucius dynasties who echoed the night into day, that is, Confucius, the most holy master of Dacheng. Other people in Kongmen, I'm afraid that Wenqu Xingxing has offended their ancestors, so naturally there will be no such grace as Wenqu Xingxing!

In this case, the Wenqu star fell to Kongmen this time, and the people of Kongmen could not be surprised! Some people even shouted that their ancestors had spirits running away, thinking that Confucius had been reincarnated! As the patriarch of Kong Wende, Kong Wende naturally knows countless secrets. After becoming a god, no immortals can be reincarnated in the world. Of course, at the beginning of humanity, the incarnation of the earth can be excluded because of his special status in humanity. Although Confucius's magic power is boundless, it is impossible to be reincarnated in the world. However, this Wenqu star fell to Kongmen, which is indeed an unprecedented thing.

As the contemporary patriarch of Confucius, he naturally had to accept the will of the Confucius saint. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the compound, he saw Kong Lingwen's body covered by the brilliant light of Wenquxing. Just as he was about to ask, he felt a sense of familiar awe. I can't help shouting: "The Kongmen people are quiet. Dacheng's most holy master, Saint Kong, is coming to the world. The Kongmen people bowed three times and knelt down nine times to welcome them! There must be no mistake!" In his eyes, he looked anxiously at Kong Lingwen, who stood without kneeling.

With the birth of the song star and its starlight, the night was turned into day, and bursts of truth came faintly: "Don't you talk about learning from time to time?" A gentleman wants to be naive to speak but sensitive to action. "If you learn but don't think, you will be defeated. If you think but don't learn, you will be dangerous." The Kongmen people suddenly felt comfortable all over, the cultivation of the improvement of the realm was stable, the cultivation of the realm that had not been broken through for a long time was faintly moved, and the heart knot was gone. The second son Kong Lingfeng's young friend, whose soul was seriously injured and crazy, also recovered as before. Unexpectedly, he still entered the country. He couldn't help bursting into tears, but he couldn't say anything under the pressure of the stars.

Sure enough, on the brilliant literary star, Saint Kong appeared! The Confucius smiled and arched his hand to Kong Lingwen. To the surprise of the Kongmen people, it was actually the etiquette of the ordinary generation! Kong Shengren was about to make a move, but he frowned slightly. The Kongmen people found that the sky was abnormal again. The whole starry light shines at Kong Lingwen! Even the dark star moon emits light and heat that is not inferior to that of the sun, changing the night to day, and even the temperature returns to the high temperature at noon!

At the same time, countless lights appeared outside the Confucius Mansion. If you take a closer look, it turned out to be the ancient trees, animal spirits, stone monsters, these poor monsters, born from the aura gathered by the Confucius Mansion. He should not have been harassed by Taoist doors, and should have turned into a demon long ago. But it was also because of the magnificent righteousness gathered by Confucius, and it could not rise. This time, the Wenqu stars fell, and the stars were all over the sky. The endless aura emanates. Unexpectedly, let the demons turn into a disaster together! What's more, because the aura comes from the starry sky, there is no disaster!

These monsters feel the kindness of Kong Lingwen. Whether they are kind old men, beautiful girls, strong men, and even some strange shapes, all of them have worshipped Kong Lingwen three times and knocked nine times. If they are half-hearted, they don't know that they have to remove Kong Lingwen, the peerless demon king!

Kong Lingwen was shocked. She just asked Sage Kong to help her find out how Liu Zhiping's whereabouts came out of this battle. What kind of scene is this? The countless aura filled his limbs and bones, and he didn't feel the pain. Who knows where it went? And I am also surrounded by countless auras, but it seems to protect myself. I really can't imagine what kind of attack needs the protection of the aura of the stars?

A man in a dragon robe in the middle of the stars also saluted Kong Lingwen. This man dared to appear in the middle of the stars in the sky, and wearing a dragon robe is naturally Haotian God. When Sage Kong saw him above himself, he couldn't help looking at him gently. Haotian God also felt that he was not right, so he came down and stood side by side with Sage Kong.

Holy Kong smiled at Kong Lingwen, waved his left hand, and a page of the book broke through the air and broke through the barrier of the world and the fairyland! The page of the book shines thousands of lights, shining on the world with the orthodox faith of Confucius. The countless original text of Confucius praised resounded in the world and proved that it was the original text of Confucius!

Kong Lingwen hurriedly looked at it and only read the word Zhiping on it. The word Zhiping in the original text of Confucius emitted a red light. Confucius and Haotian God were shocked when they saw the red light. coincidentally, a silver holy light emitted by Saint Kong and a golden divine light emitted by Haotian God came out. Fight with the strange red light of two enemies. The three rays of light collided hundreds of times in a row. A silver holy light emitted by the Kong saint and a golden divine light emitted by Haotian God were defeated. They were beaten everywhere. They had to use the power of the stars to barely dare to resist for a while. The red light was angry and swelled almost twice as much, turning to the stars. Suddenly, the brilliance of the stars in the sky also darkened and almost disappeared.

Kong Wende couldn't help but turn blue and trembled all over. He understood that this was the strange red light that closed the connection between the fairyland and the world. From then on, it was difficult for the fairyland to contact the world, and it was difficult for the fairy to come!

A silver holy light emitted by Saint Kong and a golden divine light emitted by Haotian God were repelled by the strange red light for several rounds because they could not resist the power of the stars. The strange red light covered the original text of Confucius. As a result, the original text of Confucius burned into ashes, and the silver holy light emitted by the saint Kong was absolutely Under the look, he actually blew himself up and finally blew up a little remnant manuscript of Confucius' original text. Escape from the fate of being extinguished by the strange red light and ashes.

The remnant manuscript flew to Kong Lingwen, but the strange red light stopped and stopped caring about it. It also exploded. Everyone in Kongmen tried their best to feel it, but how could they find any clues?