Chongzhen Fengshen

65 Manchurian forces, complex and changeable

"Three shameless traitors still want to survive? Give me the ashes and smoke now!" It was Zhu Youjian's murderous attack. The three shaman disciples were just a trick. As a result, before they could react, one was beaten by Zhu Youjian's body collapsed, and the three souls were also captured by Zhu Youjian. Zhu Youjian hates these shameless traitors who are cruel and cruel! When refining the two souls, and then refining the last short and fat disciple, Nianbing hurriedly reminded: "My husband, you haven't extracted their memories yet!" Don't kill yet!"

Zhu Youjian was possessed by tens of thousands of ghosts of the Liaodong people. The Liaodong people who became tens of thousands of unjust souls hate the shaman disciples who refine their souls the most. Naturally, they just want to kill them. Zhu Youjian is because of these shameless traitors! As a Han people, the wronged soul of the Han people is refined and refined, which is extremely vicious! For those Baylor, he gave all the property of the family and asked his sister to be a child for Baylor and raised the flag as a slave! As a result, he was also hot-blooded and forgot to extract their memories!

When the short and fat disciple saw that Zhu Youjian gave him a chance to speak, Yuanying suddenly shed blood and tears: "This senior immortal! I'm also a poor person! I know I have done a lot of wrong things, but there is nothing I can do! As a rich businessman's child, if we were not a shaman disciple, we would not have been a slave of the Han people. We would have been killed by the flag owners of Baylor! We shaman disciples have to open their bodies and minds to get started, and let the leader plant a mark in the sea of consciousness. If things are not good, they will not die. In the end, they can only be refined and destroyed. I still have kind families and beautiful sisters. I can't die for them! Place them well and raise the flag! Can you give me two days?"

Zhu Youjian smiled ferociously, but his face was full of fierceness: "You shameless traitor, why don't the Liaodong people who have refined their souls into tens of thousands of unjust souls think about their families! Don't try to fool me! I'm not a bad person!" By the way, the essence of the short and fat disciple's Yuanying was extracted together with his memory. Yuanying, like a discouraged ball, slowly became a thin man. However, although the essence of the short and fat disciple was extracted with his memory, although he was extremely painful, he still did not forget to ask Zhu Youjian for mercy: "Xinwang Hall Next, my family is really kind and innocent. As a businessman, I have never been short of weight, let alone hoarding. They are also the people of Liaodong. I am extremely guilty and die, but please save them! Even if the ashes are extinguished, thank you..." What's more, the essence of Yuanying and his memory have been smoked, and his soul has been extinguished.

Zhu Youjian sneered: "Good and innocent people? Without you Han businessmen, how can Jin merchants hook up with Jianzhou? They are also kind and innocent, and the traitors are kind and hypocritical! Killing by the master is also self-contained! Huh? Unexpectedly, the current leader of this shamanism is also a Han man, and it turned out to be a traitor. I will collect blood debts for tens of thousands of dead Han people in Liaodong and kill the current leader of this shamanism, Nurhachi! Only then did I get a clean Guanwai Jiangshan!"

After Zhu Youjian finished speaking, he was hot-blooded and went to assassinate the current head of the shaman religion. Nian Bing wanted to remind him not to be reckless, but he was afraid that Zhu Youjian would be angry, so he couldn't help but hesitate. As a result, he found that Zhu Youjian's soul and tens of thousands of unjust souls of the people in Liaodong were combined. The speed of the wind and thunder wings was not only a hundred times faster than a flash! I wanted to calculate, but found that due to the combination of Zhu Youjian's soul and the tens of thousands of grievances of the Liaodong people, the tens of thousands of grievances of the Liaodong people were full of resentment. As soon as I calculated, I was affected by this fierce resentment and almost went crazy! I couldn't help but look around for the reckless Zhu Youjian.

In Liaoyang City, in the secret room of shamanism, the current head of shamanism and Li Yongfang, Liu Aita are secretly discussing, and Liu Aita is complaining about the current head of shamanism: "Brother Leng, I told you should do the old slave and make his son as a puppet! Now his cultivation has suddenly been promoted to the same as you! How can I do it again? Now, I'm afraid that the old slave has been alert to our power and is eliminating our power. What should we do? Brother Leng, you have to make an idea!"

The current head of shamanism is frowned: "At that time, I didn't even suppress the interior of shamanism. How can I easily launch it? Besides, the entry of Manchuria is the meaning of the Great Sun Tathagata. The three worlds of the Great Sun Buddha are well known. How can it be violated? And now the attitude of King Kong not bad Buddha taking advantage of the Wenqu Star descent is unclear. King Kong not bad Buddha is the ancient Buddha of Western Mahayana Buddhism, with a high status. Who knows what will happen? It's better not to move!"

Li Yongfang's tone was cold: "The old slave is a grasshopper after autumn and is afraid of what he will do. How about a generation of heavenly pride? He is not a chess piece of Buddhism. He was destroyed by Xuanyuan Sword, but Buddhism took the opportunity to seal Xuanyuan Sword! A Buddhist chess piece really thinks that he is the master! Aita, it's a good thing that you suddenly promoted to a fairy when you are an old slave! In order to get rid of the fate of the Buddha's chess pieces, he hurriedly jumped over the wall and practiced the method left by the ancient emperor to cultivate the power of faith! It is still incomplete to think about it. Sooner or later, you will go crazy, but you will not go crazy. This method left by the ancient emperor to cultivate the power of faith is the biggest taboo of Buddhism! Whether it is a genuine or a variant, I'm afraid it will also be the end of being destroyed by the Buddha. According to me, King Kong is not bad Buddha as the ancient Buddha of Western Mahayana Buddhism. This time, I'm afraid that he personally dealt with the old slave, the grasshopper after autumn! Why don't this King Kong not destroy the Buddha and the old slave's son Dai Shan, Azig, Dornon and Dodo secretly discuss what frequent exchanges? Unfortunately, the Huang Taiji we support is too brainless. He only cares about the family affection between father and son, and refuses to contact King Kong to be a bad Buddha. I'm afraid that the old slave will die and I can't take over the position!"

The current head of Shamanism shakes his head: "It is precisely because the Vajra is not bad Buddha of Western Mahayana Buddhism and has a high status, so he can't stay on earth for a long time! In my opinion, who this Manchurian throne will belong to in the future depends on the soldiers! That is, what Elder Guo Kan thinks. You might as well tell them that Elder Guo Kan and I have a tacit understanding and want to support the emperor Taiji!" Think about the tantra because of Kublai's Northern Expedition to Mongolia, one supports Ali Buge and the other supports Kublai Khan, fighting to the death and killing blood! How to reconcile?

Although the Vajra is not bad Buddha is the ancient Buddha of Western Mahayana Buddhism, not a person from the Mahayana sect, but they are all Buddhas. The people of the Mahayana Buddha must support the candidates of the Vajra not bad Buddha, but when the Vajra is not bad Buddha is gone, it is not what Guo Kan's soldiers think! So who has won the support of the King Kong Buddha now, but will not sit on the throne of Manchuria in the future, do the two brothers understand? Huang Taiji is really smart!