Chongzhen Fengshen

114 explore the world again, know the sea and change again

Each of these hundreds of dragons is similar to the cultivation of the demon ape Ba. They are all the peak of the golden fairy industry, and the terrible thing about these hundreds of dragons is not their cultivation, but each of them has the possession of chaotic fire, the will of the Holy Emperor, and has the power to destroy everything, purify everything, and regenerate everything! Moreover, Zhu Youjian has no doubt that these hundreds of Tianlongs may be able to resist the cultivation of the holy level, because these hundreds of Tianlongs obviously hide a formation with hidden killing machines! This array is absolutely strange, even just a little faint, but only a trace of danger, just a trace of danger, on the two-meter dust array in Shushan, the nine-qu Yellow River array in Kunlun, and even the ten thousand demon slaughter array comparable to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and the Pangu opening array of the twelve ancestor witches!

Zhu Youjian couldn't help but be shocked at first sight: Is this the omen of the end of the Dharma era after the disaster of immortals? Does it have to be a big success before the catastrophe? That's why these hundreds of chaotic fires possessed, and the heavenly dragon possessed by the will of the Holy Emperor was born? Huh? No! These hundreds of dragons seem to be guarding something. Let me see what it is. Zhu Youjian looked up, but there was a giant red sickle and a giant red axe! Hundreds of Tianlong guarded this huge sickle axe, and Zhu Youjian couldn't help but be frightened when he saw the huge red axe!

It turned out that the huge red axe was actually a Pangu relic with pioneering power, and no one could master the Pangu giant axe! However, this time, the Pangu giant axe not only did not cut it like an unruly horse when it saw Zhu Youjian, but also made Zhu Youjian feel a strong feeling of flesh and blood connection! Unexpectedly, Zhu Youjian thought that the Pangu giant axe was like his arms and thighs, and was part of his body!

Zhu Youjian hurriedly suppressed this dangerous feeling. What a joke? Pangu's giant axe was stained with the murderous atmosphere of Panku Kaitian, and even the saints could not use it! Will you be in harmony with your own spirit? Even if the Pangu giant axe allows itself to use it, it can't withstand the killer reaction of the Pangu giant axe, even if the power of the Pangu giant axe is negligible! No, why doesn't this Pangu giant axe have a reaction?

Take a closer look at the sickle that originally cooperated with the Pangu giant axe, but it did not start! And Zhu Youjian also sensed that the reaction of Pangu's giant axe seemed to be absorbed by it! Zhu Youjian's heart moved: Is this sickle with Pangu's giant axe actually not a sickle, but a wrist guard? So this can only be combined with the sickle of Pangu's giant axe to absorb the reaction force of Pangu's giant axe? Zhu Youjian, who was puzzled in his heart, explored with his mind, but he was shocked!

It turns out that this sickle with the Pangu giant axe has appeared images of the people of the Central Plains. They either worked hard in the fields, spinning and weaving cloth, or paving roads and bridges. In short, they sweated like rain and built a home where they could live and work in peace and contentment, but only affected a turn, or the rich people were plundered, or officials Italy's blackmail, or barbarians kill and set fire, and even collude with each other. The people of the Central Plains have rebelled and have failed countless times. They have flowed into a river. By chance, they succeeded once, but they are the hereditary defeat of the leading heroes. The descendants of three generations of heroes have also become rich people or become officials who wantonly blackmailed. The blood of the people of the Central Plains. Tired, tears also shed tears, and finally numb. In the end, the people of the Central Plains made a heartbreaking cry: "The world is public, Kyushu and the common land!"

Zhu Youjian finally understood that this sickle with the Pangu giant axe contains the love of countless Central Plains people for the ancient holy emperor, which is more than 100 times stronger than the wish power of Buddhism! No wonder it can absorb the reaction of the Pangu giant axe! If you get this treasure, you can cooperate with the Pangu giant axe. At that time, when Manchuria and Japan, the Pangu giant axe will be clean after a few times! I can achieve the great cause of Hanwu and soar to the fairyland. I believe that even when I come to the fairyland holding the Pangu giant axe, I am second only to several great saints, and may also have the opportunity to become sanctified!

Zhu Youjian's chance to be sanctified**, and encouraged by the strong feeling of flesh-and-blood connection given to himself by Pangu's giant axe, he hid hundreds of Tianlongs, secretly sacrificed the yuan god, prepared for the unity of his own yuan god and Pangu's giant axe, and closed the Pangu giant axe! Who knew that he secretly sacrificed hundreds of dragons of the yuan god and did not respond, but the Pangu giant axe absorbed the power of faith with the sickle of the Pangu giant axe and issued an idea that was secretly sacrificed by Zhu Youjian!

The power of this belief contains the great will of the people of the Central Plains to be the public and the common land of Kyushu. How can Zhu Youjian catch it? Zhu Youjian is in a dilemma. The original people of all dynasties are the public, and the great will of the Kyushu Communist Land can't resist it, but if they don't resist, their ideas are all the world's public. The will of the Kyushu Communist Party is diluted and will to be assimilated! Zhu Youjian had no choice but to support it. While absorbing the will of the world as a public and Kyushu, he resisted the assimilation of this will. His brain was like being scalded by a branded iron, with pain! Make a wail! Zhu Youjian regretted it, but was also helpless. This will was pressed like Mount Tai, and his stamina was continuous. Compared with it, his poor will was the boat swaying against the sea, which could not be supported at any time and may be completely assimilated.

At this time, there was another great change. There were countless forces of faith outside Kyushu, including the milky white holy light of the Holy See, the blue light of the Puritans, and the power of faith in Japan! From all directions like waves of the sea! This foreign force has a total of eight strands. Although the nature is different, it is combined into one. In a blink of an eye, it invaded the Central Plains Kyushu along the sea, and even smashed the red faith power issued by the Pangu axe! These fierce forces of different beliefs unexpectedly suppressed the red faith power of the Pangu axe in Kyushu, and these alien beliefs themselves were scattered to the coastal border of the Central Plains Kyushu, and each side squeezed against the Central Plains.

The Pangu Giant Axe commanded hundreds of dragons together with the sickle that cooperated with it, and fought everywhere to resist the power of these different beliefs. Unfortunately, it was outnumbered. There were more and more places occupied by the forces of these different beliefs. Hundreds of dragons were also injured and could only go to the Central Plains of Kyushu to gasp to heal their wounds. Fortunately, these After the power of alien faith suppressed the Central Plains Kyushu, they were also devouring and fighting with each other, and the speed of occupation finally slowed down!

Suddenly, a dragon sound full of pain came, and hundreds of heavenly dragons spit out flames in the interior of the Central Plains Kyushu. The earth finally cracked a crack, and a huge dragon with a huge body close to the length of the Yellow River appeared. If Guo Kan was here, he would recognize that the dragon was the ancient one and eliminate the rage. The chaotic power prevents everything from returning to the chaotic dragon!